26 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

16M from Reddit

So a few comments recently have been dumb and I'm sorry if I offended you I didn't mean to.

They don't sleep. They were spy drones. They recharge on the wires.


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Sorry I can't hear you. Did you say you'd rather die than have free healthcare? Gatorade, got it.

While Lemmy is significantly less engaging, it is a lot better at that. I'm glad, especially knowing the algorithm isn't run by some money hungry people.

Yet non binary isn't listed, which I'm guessing is significantly more common than the others.

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I will upvote literally anything that has "fuck" and "spez" in the same sentence.

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This has got to be a joke.

No- I'm somehow still surprised.

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The blue line flag used to be to honor the police force. It's being used now to support police's racist decisions. Fucking extreme republicans hijacked the blue line flag, then slapped it on the American flag. This was before they became MAGA republicans somehow hijacked the American flag. No hate on sane republicans, though. You're cool!

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As cool as Lemmy is, is does miss a few communities.

It says "can", not "should"

no way is this real

Upvoted but 🤨📸

Edit: do you have a thing for idiots in power? I have some suggestions for you...

These kinds of articles give me a tiny bit of hope in humanity. Just a tiny bit, but doesn't really address any of the kind of underlying issues that cause this to happen.

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It loops too! You are the cause of many hard times! How about that?

uwu daddy, pass the fucking beans, please

This is the u/remindmebot we all need.

It is what I said it is, @Potato_in_my_anus. Nothing to do with pedos.

The same thing happened to me. Over and over. Turns out I actually remembered my password and didn't have to reset it.

"I'm killing my roommate, brb"

Is this just not on jerboa, or not on Lemmy? There is a section for messages to you.

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Target redditors

Friendships fading away are very painful.

Ooh so dark. Don't tell mom pls.

Missing communities is my biggest complaint. There was r/teenagersbuthot which was actually an awesome welcoming community.

Oops, I accidentally came in with a closed mindset. Sorry about that.

Honestly, I'm not good that I noticed. And clearly, so did others. It is kinda funny. I just see the need to reply to every comment in my inbox, and my brain goes into "CAR PEOPLE BAD" mode, when really, I'm mad at the way cities and neighborhoods are built. Sending good vibes with my messages, sorry if I came across as one-sided, my ego is at steak.

Don't. Tell. A soul. I can't deposit the money for obvious reasons, so there isn't much I can do. I could try money laundering.

Assuming it goes straight to a bank, and my security isn't an issue, I'm giving away 300m away to charity, environmental research, and family. I'll get someone to help me invest my money, because I know nothing, and use it to kick start a business or YouTube channel.

Sorry, can't really tell you 5 specific purchases I'd make with it.

I asked one person, they just said that she didn't care. It's annoying because I don't know how to address him.

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I've looked at the image for a few minutes, and it doesn't look like it.

That's fair. Cars are unfortunately the only solution in some cases. Thanks for the insight.

You can just say he's sleeping...

But also wow

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My general rule of thumb for hypotheticals is no. With that said, blueberry.

The date is normally just an incentive for you to eat things when they want you too. If it's after the date, they don't want you associating the taste with their product. Also, your supposed to toss it and give them more money.

In general, it's better to use your eyes and nose as the date instead of a label. Especially super processed foods like oat cereal, it's probably just going to be a little bit stale.

Aww... The kids thought he was, omg how heartwHAT THE FU-

Cheer up, I didn't know you could place blocks on the side of other blocks, in my first world.

I love Jeroba too but it just crashes after loading so I have to use the web or Connect.

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I would probably die

Well that's enough r- wait I managed to get off Reddit, I guess that's enough Internet then for today.

Thank you for this. Even through my pessimistic writing, I'm still an optimistic person. I'm still going to pursue my dreams, and I'm not too sure if ai is going to replace all jobs yet, anyways.

My response is to use "they" if I'm not sure.

The more you toot the better you feel

The more you toot the better you feel