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Joined 1 years ago

I think whoever thought of this concept should die

Wrong. Molotov cocktail.

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AI generated memes are truly the nadir of comedy

So many damn Linux memes and supremacy posting.

On a more real note though, a bunch of the smaller communities I was part of on reddit, and nearly every specific gaming sub I was in aren't here, or at least aren't anywhere near as active.

Congrats you described the paradox of tolerance.

Yeah if someone thinks I and people I'm friends with shouldn't exist than I'm not gonna want to work with them. American Republicans are actively trying to remove any legal protections or rights trans (and LGBT in general) people have, and anybody who shares their views is helping them along. Why on god's green earth would I see that as anything less than an existential threat?

I mean, cyberpunk had issues at launch but at its core it was an excellently written game in a vibrant world with phenomenal NPC performances and fun combat. It was worth spending the time and effort to fix up.

Redfall has none of that, from everything I've seen. Sometimes you need to release and move on.

Planetside 2 - someone else already mentioned it here, but it's the only game in it's genre and nothing else really comes close to what it offers (persistent 1v1v1 +300 player battles across infantry, land, air, and sea). It's been kicking for over a decade now and I'm not sure what could replace it if or when it finally kicks it. It's truly singular, and responsible for some of my fondest memories in gaming. It's also free!

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No I think I'll complain all I want when the service was great in the past but got enshittified into oblivion. Good thing revanced is free lol.

This guy looks like a cartoon network character

It means they're a nationalist twat. Simple question, not worth this much thought.

Fwiw the term is 'runs the gamut'

Gamut - the complete range or scope of something. "the whole gamut of human emotion"

I much prefer analogue. Angle of the needle is a quick read + I don't like relying on a digital display for my essential information. Also aesthetics

Staring at the clock waiting for Baldur's Gate to release lol

For a real answer, some Arma III with the boys, some Sea of Thieves with the boys, some Across the Obelisk with the boys...

I only really play co-op anymore it would seem lol.

Life in prison for the entire board of directors for the top 100 largest polluting corporations would do a lot more I bet.

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Hey, it could be worse, you could be a kid whose whole world is in the midst of melting down before they've even had a chance to realize what life could've been like if not for the shitty decisions of the preceeding generations.

This was the most "design by trends the CEO's son saw five years ago" game I've ever seen. From day one you could tell it'd be DOA since it would be arriving years late and millions of dollars short, with absolutely zero soul or intent. You could smell the cash shop and sandpaper one-liners from a mile away. I feel for the devs at CA that have been pushed into making this game, and are now facing layoffs for it's inevitable failure. It's really time the C-suite started getting consequences for their poor decisions. Let CA make Aliens Isolation already dammit.

I feel like lemmings is the obvious choice

Honestly the N Vision 74 is one of my favorite looking cars of the last decade. Bring on the 80s retrofuturism please!

Good? We just had the 14 hottest recorded days on the planet all in a row (or nearly enough)

Fuck lithium I want my kids to have a planet to live on.

The final season™ is in production now after a couple year hiatus.

Main storyline ended back in like 2014 iirc, then they had an anthology non-Canon season of a bunch of different animation styles which was really neat, and then like 3 seasons of weird virtual production unreal engine stuff that I don't think is Canon?

Either way it's still being made, but it's the end. Allegedly.

I think foxes are cool :)

well, Amazon is going to get flooded with garbage and scams sooner rather than later.

Where have you been the last decade?

'Content' has replaced information

Give him a little hat :)

Ain't never met a Jake that didn't rub me the wrong way

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I think it really worked to pull the player in and immerse them into conversations and show off the insane facial animation tech that is JALI, but yeah an option would be nice.

Thankfully it's been many years since a Jake rubbed me any which way

Not sure why the author makes a big deal about the game being single player.

Because the majority of capital in the games industry is currently being thrown behind MP-primary/only Games As A Service experiences, and aside from a select few Sony studios, most AAA development is moving away from Single-player

Enjoying liftoff so far, only issue is you can't get back to your comments from your profile

Like if you look at your comments on your profile and wish to see them in context of the post they were made on, tapping on the comment will just collapse the 'thread' in your profile page lol. Kinda weird but using the menu to open it in browser gets around it for now. Aside from that, super smooth UI and performance aside from the occasional 502/3 hiccup.

Give him a little hat :)

I'm shocked!

Feels like an odd choice for a game that's balanced for PvPvE imo.

Harry Potter and Starfield ain't worth your time mate

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Am I allowed to play it as a member of the LGBTQ community? Or will David Cage come to my house and personally beat me to death?

Fuck David Cage and fuck QD

I agree with your point but imo Johnny Silverhand is Keanu's best work.

We should simply speak of nothing, ever then.

You can probably count the avid Facebook users who also use Lemmy on one hand.

Her music is like, mathematically inoffensive but my god radio stations need to stop playing it +40 times a day. Even the most generic pop song can make you grind your teeth to bloody nubs if it's repeated twice an hour.

Fwiw it's 'milquetoast'

It's expensive and probably not available in a majority of the country, but Michael's of Brooklyn is a straight banger. I found it while I was living in Brooklyn and when I moved away I was sad I wouldn't be able to buy it anymore, but a few months back my local store started stocking it lol.

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I wanted to play FTD but my brain is nowhere near as big as it needs to be to play that game lol. So much potential though!