46 Post – 296 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Mountain Dew float with chocolate chocolate chip ice cream vs covfefe and hamberders, battle of the century

It is apparently not very good, according to the angry video game nerd, and it was published by LJN so I am inclined to believe its trash.

But a [quirky Earthbound inspired] indie JRPG thats woke about going back in time sounds like fun


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What a terrible day to be able to read.

Tried cleaning it up a bit and inverting

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This could be us but you playing

Literally just writing stories so men can dress like fairies and kiss each other in front of others

It's from Indiana, so honestly 50/50 either way.

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I wanted to spoiler it but I didn't see how, sorry :\

just think of shitting toothpaste

Others have mentioned it, but to elaborate, Alcoholics Anonymous is not merely sitting in a circle and sharing your problems, but a belief system which requires you to submit to a higher power to move forward.

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precedent of being able to abolish the competing party

Nobody said that, quit arguing with things in your head honey

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Hive mind is when people disagree with me

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I mean, where tf is he supposed to get an Y chromosome if Mary is a virgin?

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The OKC bomber said nobody cared about the innocent people on the Death Star when Luke Skywalker blew it up, ergo, bombing a federal building is okay.

Like the other amigo said, it's detected emissions from a pulsar. For some more explanation, pulsars spin really fast and emit radio waves, think of it sorta like a lighthouse. So what the image is measuring is the intensity of the radio waves from this pulsar as it spins, with each period stacked in front of the last.

Visual aid from Wikipedia:

As you can see, this one has been simplified to demonstrate the concept, and the actual data is much more varied and interesting to look at; I do not know what causes the peak offsets and would also like an explanation

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Didn't Tuvalu massively benefit from being assigned a TLD that is popular? I read they were able to build an airport with .tv money

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There are millions of poor people that don't commit hate crimes or terrorism.

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the toothpaste had to shit

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I think this is particularly a good use of advertisement since conservatives would be more likely to spread the advertisements message via bitching about Biden being openly Satanic or w/e

I drawed xim :3

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Yeah, this is an interesting case, the public has a legitimate interest to know the previous identity of a candidate, and the candidate has a legitimate interest in disassociating with their previous identity.

Thankfully Americans are known to approach such cases with compassion and nuance, surely.

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On presumably

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Idk Romney was joining BLM marches in 2020, hate to say it but he might not be a complete piece of shit.

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Because they will think of someone else who "doesn't deserve it" getting it and mald.

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It's a DVD rip of an old instructional video lesson

Cisgender is straight up just not a slur though, it literally just means the opposite of transgender, which is also not a slur, despite the fact that it can be used with derogatory language or sentiments.

Every accusation is a confession.

See also: the people desperately calling wokeism the religion of the left, because if both sides have religious fanatics then Republicans look less bad for having Evangelicals.

Nuclear waste? You mean tritium?

should probably tag this as NSFW

Lots of highly addicting stuff is legal, I don't care if people do cocaine. Make it legal and safely accessible so drug addicts can participate in society and not have to fund cartels

Why tf should they be in a museum, it's ahistorical. It's not erasing history to remove monuments; never in my life have I ever seen a monument to Hitler, but most people can still give a broad strokes review on why he's infamous. You don't need to memorialize something to teach it.

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honey you are seriously reaching if you choose to interpret "should not be allowed into office" as "we must abolish them"

should not vs shall not, ironic telling someone else to practice reading comprehension

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Lmao some people sure got really upset at the idea that maybe others have different values

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Or is it just virtue-signaling


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literally nobody was preaching, people came into the thread with already hurt feelings because they expected preaching

just folks getting spooked by phantom vegan boogeypeople

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  • Leaning too heavily into Israel and siding with genocide.

  • Leaning too heavily against, and being accused of being pro-Hamas.

So the choices are siding with genocide, and merely being accused of being pro-Hamas?

Seems like a clear choice, since accusations of being pro-Hamas get flung around for merely wanting to genocide Palestinians just more slowly.

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USAA announced it would introduce a new campaign ahead of this year’s Veterans Day that encourages Americans to “Go Beyond Thanks” to honor military members.

Oh thats hilarious, ' vets feel uncomfortable when thanked? Well you better learn to suck them off better! '