Sen. Mitt Romney Says He Would Vote For 'Virtually' Anybody Other Than Trump or Ramaswamy to politics – 844 points –
Sen. Mitt Romney Says He Would Vote For 'Virtually' Anybody Other Than Trump or Ramaswamy

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Idk Romney was joining BLM marches in 2020, hate to say it but he might not be a complete piece of shit.

His goons killed Toys R US.

I don't care about toy stores.

Not about toys. Its about how private equity firms are fucking us.

People worked there.

Toys-R-Us was a terribly managed brand for a couple decades by the point when it was liquidated. It was great in the late 80s and early 2000s, but it was run into the ground. While people worked there and we can be sorry they had to find other jobs, the company itself is not worth mourning.

The terrible managers were the ones Romney put in! That's the whole way private equity works - they bought the company when the share price was depressed, then loaded the company with debt, paid themselves the proceeds of the loan, then liquidated the company in bankruptcy so they didn't have to pay it back. The whole private equity scheme is to operate a fraud against lenders.

Yeah and who ran it into the ground? Mitt Romney goons. Stop defending corporate raiding