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Joined 10 months ago

Because the DNC would be literally saying neither are competent to do the job.

There’s no time. Democrats, I swear, just can’t see past one election at a time. They’re literally not prepping someone else. What they think will happen is KH will be the next person and they’re flat wrong. She can’t win. But they’ll dig their heads in the sand and put her up anyway.

So, now, because they put an old guy up last time they’re stuck. They have zero choice but to run what the brung.

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Hey ChatGPT , download “The Boys” for me.

What’s webp and why should I care?

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It’s too late. They should have listened when we all said that before. But MMW, if they switch now they’ll not win in November. Stay the course and there’s a squeak of a chance.

Here’s the thing, if they push Biden out and pick Harris, she can’t beat Trump.

If they push Biden out and DONT pick Harris they’re literally telling the public that this presidency is not legitimate.

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I don’t want to help Google control yet another aspect of the internet.

I like pop_os, I run it on my laptop and will definitely be using Cosmic, but I think people are putting too much hope in it.

Why should I help Google saturate the internet with yet some else they control?

Longer than that. Democrats are pretty centrist these days, so some of this will linger on for long long time.

Or die trying. Be careful you dont get the road rage ranger.

I mean, can we get this in the US also?? Nobody wants this shit.

I would think that would make her uniquely qualified to teach it.

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It isn’t “Androids “ anything. It’s a third party app. Way to stir things up.

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And yet people who want raises are the drag on the fucking economy.

I forget the name of it, but a number of years ago, there was a startup that wanted to make communication devices for hikers. They could transmit short messages to each other. Anyway VCs came in and asked, where’s the MRR? We’re not investing unless there’s monthly revenue.

It’s all just greed. You can’t just have a device and be good. Investors are constantly chasing the quarterly growth.

It’s disgusting.

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Great, now we have disposable automobiles.

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Poo management. If work can’t be done in a work day, it’s just poor management.

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So don’t. Give your employees tasks and then leave them the hell alone. If they don’t get things done, find a new employee.

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  1. Well duh. Of course you go through your legal team. That’s what they’re for.
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She slept with him.


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What a piece of shit. How can anyone support this trash?

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Fair market price is when they can gouge you. Concessions is when they actually have to compete.

Didn’t the government fund the development? So.. it’s not like they need so much to recover R&D right?

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He ain’t right. Seriously, There’s something wrong with him.

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More apple gaslighting.

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People who are motivated by money have been saying this for decades. And they’re still wrong because not everyone is motivated by money.

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A president tries to subvert an election has immunity from being prosecuted for trying to subvert an election.

That’s authoritarianism.

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Now as punishment, reset rent prices back a few years.

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Treat him like a terrorist. These people need to be examples.

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If there was ever any remaining doubt that Trump is a Russian operative.

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This man is dangerous. He gets zero points for doing the right thing.

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Reddit's announcement, authored by Reddit's head of privacy, going by "snoo-tuh" on the platform (Reddit has refused to confirm the identity of admins representing Reddit on the site),


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If you want to prove government is ineffective, elect a piece of shit like this scumbag to gum up the works.

He’s going to do both.

I wonder what it’s like to live in a country where a bunch of idiots can’t see what a traitorous bastard their favorite fat ass bumbling bitch of a candidate is.

Someone is taking advantage of the fact nobody wants to be wrong on a child abuse call. You don’t want to be the person who says, let this go, we’ve checked her out twelve times and then something happen.

Not saying it’s right… just saying.

Good. Now stop lying about shit.

Didn’t someone make a holographic cube some ten or so years ago with the same promises.

I never get excited by this stuff. If I see it in Best Buy, then I’ll believe it.

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This is such a stupid non solution to their problem.

That’s all well and good, but did nobody notice the megalodon fin in that picture?