Donald Trump says he never swore oath "to support the Constitution" to – 527 points –
Donald Trump says he never swore oath "to support the Constitution"

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What a piece of shit. How can anyone support this trash?

Because they too are pieces of shit.

Or dumb. Or not paying attention. Or some combination of the above.

Seriously, is there a difference? If someone drives a car into a wall, are they less stupid if they just weren't paying attention?

Yes, possibly. Smart people can do dumb things.

I suppose, in the end, it actually depends on how you define smart and dumb..

Stupid is as stupid does.

This is the simple phrase that separates intelligence and wisdom. Forrest Gump was not a smart man. He was a wise man.

Imagine being brainwashed bombarded on a daily basis with messages of how leftist will take over your country and how Trump will save them