
12 Post – 269 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Eliyahu also voices his objection during the interview to allowing any humanitarian aid into Gaza, saying “we wouldn’t hand the Nazis humanitarian aid,”

you are the Nazis at this point mate.

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falling behind? QUICK, everyone waste two hours of every day commuting to the fucking office so people can endlessly distract you from making it!

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back in the 90s I was in a very famous teeeeveeeee showww

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I'm mad at Nintendo, apparently that's who valve is afraid of getting sued by!

still, I think while a lot of people loved watching this get built I'd be surprised if a lot of people actually played it and he said he was almost relieved - he got an amazing amount accomplished but another 2 years of work is a lot!

I'm super interested to see what he does next. Smart guy and his videos are really interesting, and a lot of people know who he is now.

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the reaction stops and there's no fissile material anywhere.

this is the whole point of fusion. they didn't have fusion at Chernobyl.

we don't think you're some sage for knowing AI can hallucinate, and this isn't a large language model so hallucinations aren't even remotely relevant. much like Chernobyl.

yeah I've really noticed it's hard to find info and therefore use any project that does this.

and it must suck because anyone new, instead of finding the answer to their question in a forum archive from when it was first asked, has to log in and ask it again.

whenever I have dumb noob questions on setup and I see a discord link I give up a little.

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While it's odd to have your recent ex-husband come to your defense for getting handsy in public, Jayson Boebert is something of an expert in this realm, having once been arrested for exposing himself to a teenager at a bowling alley.

The Aristocats Conservatives!

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they did good

edit: tbh honest i think it was around 5 years ago i started being able to identify things with google lens on my phone. they worked fast!

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vanilla javascript? what are you, fucking Amish?

2050 isn't really that far away. if you remember the year 2000, that's about how long.

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how do I set my version to European

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everything I don't like is woke, a guide for basic dickheads

Here we go again

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wait, really? other people have confirmed this might be real? I'm not sure i'm ready for that.. i don't dare hope, you know?

but also, if another unrelated team has demonstrated room-temp Meissner effect, that means this might be true, right?

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capitalism preys on insecurity 🤷‍♂️


need to disprove the accusation of racism?

just tell everyone it's a Jew conspiracy.

to be fair that happened a lot before AI existed

let that sink in.

right? "sync users never shut up"

meanwhile my feed:

edit: and three posts down:

we get it you don't like sync, I'm just trying to find content in an app i enjoy 🤷‍♂️

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but you need to hit it with a hockey stick otherwise the science doesn't happen

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lol I didn't realise it had been released

According to the simulation apparently it only works if the copper atoms end up in an unlikely place in the crystal, so fabrication might be unreliable. I recall someone in another thread saying the authors themselves had around a 10% success rate. So other efforts to replicate are likely to see more failures until the fabrication is better understood. Makes sense I guess.

The fact that another team saw something I think is really hopeful, even if it's hard to produce and poorly understood, if there is a room-temp effect then it's only a matter of time before it's studied properly and understood. From there hopefully a reliable method of fabrication can be published.

If there is no effect replicated anywhere then the paper is fraud, but if there's any effect replicated then it's just a matter of study and engineering to figure out what it is. It would be interesting even if it isn't exactly room temp superconductivity.

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I think attention modulation disorder.. I have the longest AND the shortest attention span ever. I might not finish typing this but also I'll research black holes unblinkingly for 16 hours.

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Israel is killing everyone who lives in Gaza so they can take their land

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that's awesome, didn't know that

plus just means more I think, they're adding to their service so it's "plus"

just because that's usually a hook to get you to pay more doesn't mean that's now the definition of the word

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because the thing on the screen doesn't really exist, so when it appears to really exist it feels like magic

holy shit it's a newspaper cartoon from 1993

I'm not very outraged. It's a chatbot, not an employee who should "know better"

also Hitler was an effective leader, which we should all remember as a cautionary tale about how effective horrible people can be

pretending he was bad at everything because we hate him is a great way to not learn from history

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the users do get paid though, although i'm sure it's a fraction of what youtube makes.

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that's too much, man

this is so American even the bullet was wearing a star spangled bandana and riding an eagle 🦅

thank you, honestly nearly deleted it because I felt like it wasn't exactly impartial but it's been so upsetting watching it happen. they're acting like absolute demons, any pretence that Hamas's actions justify any of this went out the window months ago.

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honestly though batteries have improved a lot

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I think it's just a Hollywood cliche with enough truth it plays out in the real world here and there. a lot of the show was a commentary on LA culture and how it'll swallow people.

there are a lot of parallels here but I'm sure it's a coincidence, but it shows how right the series got it.

that show really hit me. I feel really bad for Matthew Perry, I didn't know anything about his struggles until now and it's really sad. the world really eats some people alive.

cheap for what you get

I guess missing social cues works out when they're being manufactured to manipulate you

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I don't think the metaverse was the part they were warning about.. I think it was the hypercapitalism and corporations taking over control from the government's

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Nazi and Zionist are sounding awfully similar these days

I find it so perplexing they released a "premium" version with barely improved resolution.

My app now just has a popup telling me to go to Lemmy 😀 Seriously happy sync is going to be released for Lemmy, I'm already pretty happy with my feed.