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Joined 1 years ago

They're trying to be. Looks like it might work at this rate.

Yes, that is correct. We either purchased the land or found ourselves the owners in mysterious ways after special military operations. /s

Oh man, a lid? I don't think I can afford this place.

Almost certainly, but enough about his political affiliation, which guy is he?

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You're so wrong. She's obviously going to be considered one of the good ones and left alone.... /s

Because they too are pieces of shit.

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What? You didn't like buying SUPER Street Fighter II TURBO Championship Edition?

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But how would a capitalist benefit from that?

If this gets reposted enough times, eventually, the picture quality will be so bad that the joke will be lost.

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Sorry, that isn't a pay to win feature. You'll have to wait the 16 years 11 months and 25 days for him to realize it.

I absolutely believe he intentionally tanked it. Getting funded by the Saudis, though, means that he doesn't have to be smart to do it. He's just a puppet. Easy to manipulate, because though he doesn't need money, he does need attention. Perhaps the easiest kind of manipulation.

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Damn, I had to drop my phone so I didn't feel that burn myself.

$30k/year is what I saw...

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But dragging their feet is the only thing our government is good at now. What would they have left?

The first picture you find ≠ most American jails.

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Maybe if it causes them to mobilize, that's an issue. More likely, though, they'll just write in his name for every election they vote in till they die.

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That's the problem with holy wars, the perpetrators think they're doing God's work.

I presume all suicides?

The first half reads like they're planning to move everything to the fediverse.

Perhaps we can pay large sums to the companies to fix the infrastructure, if they feel like it.

It doesn't work like that at all. They get a paid vacation, maybe have to change precincts, and the taxpayers get a bigger bill.

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If it were up to him, it would be both.

Actually, the goal seems to be committing the most war crimes that you're somehow absolved of, it appears.

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Hardware store by Wierd Al.

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I think their trying to get a pro China movement in the west. I also think it's working.

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I'm sure there's another meat packing facility they can start working at by 3.

While you're absolutely right to point out they have already been bought by Microsoft. I think we can all admit MS has had an unbelievably better track record with acquiring studios than EA.

Pop a couple of specific balloons and put yours in the middle.

We got a lot of work to do. Better just set it up on a dock...

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I always expect it's I❤️ANAL and the heart didn't render.

Don't bother filling it. Close it at the end, and pop open the lid for each day. I keep my pills in the bottle.

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Any % just means that you wouldn't have to collect all collectibles or complete all side quests.

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Come on now, it was sick children. Who even cares about kids?

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So, not surprisingly, a Russian ship.

Stupid AI, it's whypipo.

Reasons aside, they were killing this man. Sounds pretty cruel when you add that little caveat.

Yeah, I'm all about making prison about actually reforming people instead of just to hurt them, but I totally agree. You can murder someone and be more redeemable than if you tortured someone over several days. Many chances to realize what you're doing is awful, and you should stop.

Of course. There were women jedi, that's not right.

Game design 101 since the first smart phone.

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