
1 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Any proof you can offer on this, except for your hunch?

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Oh no

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Anyone burning down schools to "protect the children" should take a very hard look at themselves. I hope they catch the people responsible quickly.

I do fear that this will cause some more islamophobia here (and we already have plenty). The problem isn't religion per se, it's misinformation. People believe that this program would cause teachers to teach kids how to masturbate, which is obviously ridiculous.

Unfortunately, fake news is more common in certain groups. One of those groups is muslims. It's the same reason why vaccination rates are much lower among them.

It's a problem that runs very deeply and is a consequence of a failed integration approach.

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Would this not be considered as "providing comfort to insurrectionists", as described in the 14th amendment. Even just promising pardoning them.

So even if they argue he supposedly wasn't involved in it, it would still disqualify him from office.

Exactly. Some of the best subreddits were so great because they had heavy moderation.

Probably the best example of this is askhistorians. Made a comment that was on topic but had no sources? Removed! With a clear (and public) comment of why it was removed. It was clearly stated in their rules that this was required, so it was absolutely justified.

We have no idea what these comments were and whether they were in violation of the sub's rules.

Let's shit on reddit for the actual things that are going wrong. This seems more like getting outraged over a picture of your ex with another guy/girl/whatever gender their interested in in the background.

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This is not the right community for this post.

See this for clarification.

Better suited for e.g., reddit@lemmy.ml (but I think it's already posted there).

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You just want to absolve yourself of that moral responsibility.

That's exactly what you are doing. You're focusing on this one issue, retreating yourself from the binary decision because neither options stands for what you (or I, or morality) would prefer. Completely ignoring that withdrawing from the choice plays into the hand of the infinitely worse candidate. So by not choosing, you do nothing to stop the situation in Gaza, but might actually make things a lot worse for people all over.

You can virtue signal that you did not compromise on your believes, while actually helping your country make a worse place.

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I just googled "trans protection laws by biden" and got quite some hits explaining what he did so far, including revoking some of Trump's anti-trans laws.

Not sure what you're referring to with the 33 states, but it seems to imply an issue where the federal government has no say in.

Could he be doing more for trans rights, and LGBTQ rights in general? For sure. But perfect is the enemy of the good. Especially considering what another Trump presidency would mean.

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Most likely, this would make the Republicans vote for whoever their candidate is, rather than a minority Democrat winner.

Not saying I disagree with you per se. I had the same thought when reading this news.

The current system was probably designed to promote compromise, even across party lines. But we all know how well that's working out these days.

Someone called me out on this yesterday. On a thread about rblind, so deservedly so. I had no idea this is how it works though. Thanks!

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Reddit is among the most popular social media worldwide, with an estimated 55.79 million daily active users and 1.660 billion monthly active users in 2023.

Yeah, a drop in the bucket. Even considering lurkers and bots.

But that's okay. The goal is to have a nice, active enough community outside of reddit. Reddit can keep on existing. I would argue not having everyone move here, or somewhere else, is good to keep the interaction healthy. Let alone the software and servers that couldn't handle it.

It's definitely not artificial general intelligence, but it's for sure AI.

None of the criteria you mentioned are needed for it be labeled as AI. Definition from Oxford Libraries:

the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

It definitely fits in this category. It is being used in ways that previously, customer support or a domain expert was needed to talk to. Yes, it makes mistakes, but so do humans. And even if talking to a human would still be better, it's still a useful AI tool, even if it's not flawless yet.

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Downvotes weren't a thing in Reddit is Fun? I definitely remember downvoting things using RIF right until the end.

To me, I will downvote things that do not deserve any visibility. Such as things that are factually wrong, things that don't contribute, overplayed jokes, hateful posts,...

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It's not 3% of users, it's 3% of traffic. This could be caused by 0.1% of power users leaving.

Probably because of @margotrobbie@lemmy.world

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Read this as "a large group of uninformed officers" and that also made sense.

Djokovic has definitely made statements that makes people's dislike for him justified.

Amazing at his sport, crap human being.

If Prigozhin has to spent the rest of his life in hiding as the rat that he always was, I'm okay with that

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Imagine being brainwashed bombarded on a daily basis with messages of how leftist will take over your country and how Trump will save them

I should probably be excited about talking to "Margot Robbie", but I'm just happy I managed to tag someone correctly on the first try!

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Also, does this mean we have to destroy Putin's horcruxes before we can stop him?

"If I don't go to their funeral, they won't come to mine"

This is essentially a pro freedom of speech legislation.

It's not though. It doesn't just protect employers to call anyone whatever pronoun they want, it mandates that the preferred pronoun for trans people (and others) are not used.

It doesn't just protect bigotry, it requires it.

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You don't think this happens in e.g., European countries?

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It's much more likely to be a play on the much better known "Ace of Spades"?

I'm not completely ignorant on Nazi dog whistles, but this is not one I know.

Still, that's a few steps further than just "exposing animal cruelty".

Not saying what they did was wrong at all, but the headline is definitely clickbait.

(Note: I haven't read past the headline or some of the comments, so I might be way off)

It's most noticeable when the topic being discussed is your area of expertise. Then you clearly see what kind of grossly oversimplified or even blatantly false comments get made with so much confidence and upvoted.

I tried to keep this in mind while reading stuff that I'm not an expert in, but that's hard.

Not exactly related to the question, but as a non-native English speaker, whenever I read something related to weights in imperial, e.g., 150 lbs, my mind reads it as 150 lubes.

I know it's pounds, if I would read it out loud, I would say pounds cause I'm not a weirdo (well...). But still, my internal monologue has lbs = lubes

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I would call myself an expert in a the field of astrophysics. Not a world leading expert at all, and imposter syndrome comes with the part, but I did study it extensively and have a phd on galaxy formation.

The amount of complete non-sense comments on this topic with lots of upvotes I've seen, made me realise how much highly upvoted misinformation there must be on other topics that I'm not an expert on.

It made me realise you shouldn't take anything at face value, no matter with how much confidence it's said. Easier said than done, and I most likely still fell into the same trap. But still a valuable lesson.

No worries! I never really considered blind people browsing apps, I only became aware of the technical details since the API changes at reddit, so it's still far from a reflex to think about.

Thanks for pointing it out though.

An extra reason (or even the main one) is that we have a bad history when it comes to racial registration. The countries that suffered the worst during the Holocaust were the ones that had a registry of the Jewish population that the Nazis could just look into when they took over.

The downside is that it's much harder to identify racial profiling at work for example. It's also basically impossible to see if violence on POC is more prevelant.

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By not voting, you are still, implicitly, voting for the candidate who you wouldn't have voted for. Do you think he's not supporting Israel?

Do you think he even has any moral standing?

That's who you're voting for by not voting.

Yeah, the cover-up is the bad part.

Might as well be considered a hit-and-run.

Good guess.

Hure [ˈhuːrə] = whore Sohn [ˈzøːnə] = son

I'm from neither country. I am however from one of the 100+ countries that has banned the use of cluster bombs for over a decade.

In my country, there's still people dying from unexploded bombs leftovet from world war 1.

From an article on why cluster bombs are so controversial

Sixty percent of cluster bomb casualties are people injured while undertaking everyday activities, according to Reuters. One third of all recorded cluster munitions casualties are children.

So yes, while I keep being staunchly on the side of Ukraine and NATO helping them, this is not something I like to see.

They are looking at short term benefits, understandably. I may be naive, but still believe they can drive the Russians out with more conventional weapons. The fact that they seemingly don't think so is actually worrying.

They aren't trying to get the community removed, they just don't want to host their content.

So bringing attention to it is not at odds with their goals.

Or people that drink much more often, see this post, and find it too confronting for themselves.

It's okay for private/semi-public group based chats. It's not made for public threaded discussions.

It's a horrible alternative for reddit.

Should doctors be forced to offer the method for which the scientific consensus is that it's the best treatment for that issue?


The high rates of suicide are because of lack of treatment or starting too late. Not because of gender affirming treatment.