Rule to – 396 points –

Nietze is a douche. Enjoy it nerd lmfao

He's not actually, and if you read it, he warns that assigning meaning to meaninglessness is a fallacy. People feel bad because there's no meaning but then that's applying meaning to it. Transcendence of meaning frees you from it entirely and leads to Buddhism, which also embraced "emptiness" at the core of reality

Ubermensch schit

I think the problem is people mistake what Neitzsche's ubermensch is. Happy Sisyphus is ubermensch Sisyphus.

GluWu doesn’t care about anything. He’s a Nihilist.

I'd say it was a relief to discover the authorities who expected so much of me failed to live up to their own standards.I suspect this figures into the drive behind Camus' rebellion.

I'd say it was a relief to discover the authorities who expected so much of me failed to live up to their own standards.

This was absolutely my wakeup call too.

Teachers. Police. Politicians. Even Jan 6.

I remember when the CEO of the job I was working pushed a change that was pretty borderline illegal. And the result was a $1mil fine, which was like 0.1% of our gross revenue.

I felt like the first image when I got back from the gym not sure why