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Joined 1 years ago

Expert developer, Buddhist

I'm kinda annoyed that this whole thing was pretty much a pitch for Tauri, and that's a pretty lame looking webapp thing with typescript and whatever browser engine you happen to have lying around

Tauri is tryna be all like "hey look at our install size, it's smaller than electron!!" ... like anyone cares about install size much. The problem is the memory/cpu use of web apps, which tends to 5x a decent native app. Maybe one day, with webassembly...

I don't think tablets are fully supported but I see gnome devs continuing to make steady progress there. Stoked for a future where (real) open source catches up to phones and tablets, we are close...

Lig deez nux

This is actually wrong. There's a near 100% chance that the decision was made by the board, and also the decision to remove the CEO. So we're talking about the fall guy, but being an insider, the fall guy will get a tidy sum for the dive

Then the CEO can be recycled to some other project, and a new CEO instated at Unity, so they can pivot or double down with no moral dilemma. In reality, the board was there all along and it's all a big PR game

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Idk if that's the right takeaway, more like 'oh shit there's probably many of these long con contributors out there, and we just happened to catch this one because it was a little sloppy due to the 0.5s thing'

This shit got merged. Binary blobs and hex digit replacements. Into low level code that many things use. Just imagine how often there's no oversight at all

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Personally I love Lemmy as is, and as long as it doesn't die out, I don't care if it goes mainstream. The mainstream has a lot of apathetic trolls and idiots - Lemmy feels like early reddit did, when it was just nerds, techies, pirates, and the servers were down every day - but Lemmy is better because we rallied around open source this time

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Tldr pandemic and not AI

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Yeah man I agree ketamine makes for boring orgies. Idk why these people insist on it. I'll be like "okay let's start washing off all the layers of sunscreen and dust" and the middle aged tech HR with two kids will be like "hold on I have to load my special ketamine bullet (that I purchased in Goa) with my veterinary K that I got from mexico" before doing half a line of coke to balance it out. Calvin Klein they call it

"No worries if I k-hole" she said with a wink before passing the fuck out. Then the main orgy coordinator couldn't get hard so he makes his wife wear a strap on. Eventually 18 different cops show up because one guy was smoking pot in the back of the circus tent

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Steal an unloved kitten and give her a good home

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I mean that argument is ridiculous, saying that things are "documented" when the thing is literally called tmpfiles.d and the man page starts with the following explanation:

It is mostly commonly used for volatile and temporary files and directories (such as those located under /run/, /tmp/, /var/tmp/, the API file systems such as /sys/ or /proc/, as well as some other directories below /var/).

So basically some genius decided that its a good idea to reuse this system for creating non-tmp directories. Overall my opinion of systemd is reluctant acceptance though I always wondered why the old way was a problem. Need a service started on boot? Well, we had crontab and sysvinit with some plain files. Need a service shut down? Well that's the kill command. I guess I don't really know why systemd was made

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New business srategy: gaslight the Internet into believing your union is just a joke

He's not actually, and if you read it, he warns that assigning meaning to meaninglessness is a fallacy. People feel bad because there's no meaning but then that's applying meaning to it. Transcendence of meaning frees you from it entirely and leads to Buddhism, which also embraced "emptiness" at the core of reality

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writes poetry to a rhythm


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I'm honestly so trolled, I hate change & hate the idea that something might be better than my existing Arch install. I hate that security, reliability, and flexibility are improved. I cope by reminding myself that I'm very low on disk space right now, for the needed extra partitions

Old meme, but (1) you don't go to prison for making a mistake on your taxes in America — you have to do a big fraud (2) no, the government doesn't always know how much you owe, they only know stuff like domestic W2s and what banks file. There is a huge amount of ways to make income outside of that

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Facepalm again and again every time my non technical boss asks me if Ive been using genai to speed up my work. No boss, I haven't, that actually slows me down

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I'm pretty sure that government software always blows because they think software can be written according to a fixed schedule and budget

It's tempting to think it's like building a house, and if you have the blueprints & wood, it'll just be fast and easy. Everything will go on schedule

But no, in software, the "wood" is always shape shifting, the land you're building on is shape shifting, some dude in Romania is tryna break in, and the blueprints forgot that you also need plumbing and electric lines

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Iirc it becomes progressively more obvious to her. Character development and audience relatability

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ifn't(!valid) halp?

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Conventional wisdom is to keep a balanced circadian rhythm. Sleep at regularish times. Your body clock is set by when you first see blue light from above, so going outside first thing and looking up. Meal times too. Consider your diet and pre sleep habits - sugar, tv, caffeine tend to mess with sleep. Alcohol disables your adrenaline and helps fall asleep but then lowers the quality. Weed largely removes dreams and helps feel rested, but then there's a slight hangover that encourages you to keep smoking

In short, it's a holistic lifestyle thing. Everyone is different, so keeping a journal and experimenting helps. And of course your daily level of stress is a factor

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Yeah sure, you can mount an (unencrypted) windows drive in Linux, view the files etc. Linux can support the NTFS filesystem it uses. You can generally even do so from a USB flashdrive install of Linux

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I'm a digital ~anarchist. All this regulation doesn't help, it just makes the Internet more ridiculous, and raises the barriers to entry - fuck em. Rather than regulating some sane browser features, we left it to every site to implement a cookies popup, and they are unique enough that they aren't easily filtered. So now every site has cringe popups that nobody reads or understands, thanks regulators!! Really solved that shit. I don't trust these assholes, it's all gonna get lobbied weird and big money pretty much always wins

Real open source is the answer. Common goods for common people, not led by capitalism, but led by shared infrastructure needs that benefit all. Protect the rights to anonymity/privacy online, instead of helping big tech deanonymize everyone. Uphold the values of the constitution of the USA, but in the digital space. And otherwise fuck off, govt

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Looks like artists renderings of Palo Alto lmao

Oh wow, I really didn't expect this, and aside from all the problems with sex trafficking, this is a huge win for privacy... for now

Uh obviously still git, which is used as a centralized repo 99% of the time. Why does this post read like it's AI generated?

Nah you're all good homie, and clearly an A+ student. Let the good debs roll!

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Yeah just keep laying off staff until they are, amirite?

Statements like this are always saved for when a corp justifies layoffs. The reality is that the American tax code is made to encourage corps to spend all the money you make (in which case corps don't pay tax at all). VCs and big tech leverage their positions to massively increase power whether the individual company has savings or not

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Super apparent performance on my ancient Chromebook with barely any resources. Beautiful animations that make it look like a modern laptop, well, until ram runs out. It can run about 3x as much stuff compared to stock ChromeOS. Love this with Pipewire, Linux a/v is honestly better than both osx and windows now and I'm so impressed. Can even do pro audio type stuff where you route the a/v from one app to another. It's worth losing all the network ability that X11 has

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Well configuring NeoVim is basically game development / modding. But yeah it's built as an embedded mostly single thread thing so. I also used it for AwesomeWM many years ago, whole thing was lua. I do think it's one of the most elegant languages ever designed, with it's very simple table/metatable mechanics

Shout-out to the Flutter-Dart stack that Google made. Neither are outstanding, but Flutter compiles to native code for every platform including mobile and web. This is way more convenient than React Native (which funny enough doesn't really work on web). Dart is a much saner lang than JS and the UI framework is much saner than React. Dependency management is fast and easy without NPM and webpack trash. So for my recent project I embedded a flutter app inside a static website, and can also have it run native on desktop or wherever. The only real downsides are an extra 1.5mb load for the dart runtime stuff, and some need to fiddle with platform specific issues and configs. Upside is I need neither xcode nor node

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Very generous to imagine that maintainers have so much time on their hands

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Man must be sweet for Trump's pr team who can just take the day off and go suck each other off instead. Another media cycle secured

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I manage like 200 servers in Google cloud k8s but I don't think I'd do that for home use. The core purpose is to manage multiple servers and assign processes between them, auto scaling, cluster internal network - running docker containers for single instance apps for personal use doesn't require this kind of complexity

My NAS software has a docker thing just built into it. I can upload or specify a package and it just runs it on the local hardware. If you have a Linux shell, I guess all you really have to do is run dockerd to start the daemon, make sure your network config allows connections, and upload your docker containers to it for running

Cute that they are still doing it. I used Enlightenment for a while in college.

Honestly, it's not particularly good, and you still have to run the GTK or KDE stacks to get decent software, but hell, it's ground-up different, and very stable. Shocking that Samsung paid for it to be developed; not sure what dope they were smoking, but cool

Probably still makes more sense to pick XFCE, which has most of the same UX, but is GTK. Not that any of it matters anymore because I live my entire computer life either in a terminal or web browser

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Brilliant, who needs new fancy apps when you have email clients

Tell Google to give us back our RSS feeds too, they stole em

Then there's the irc client bridge to think about, posts could be channels and you reply in em

And ofc the extra spicy sms bridge where an AI gives you an executive summary of your memes for the day

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Nice ramble, seems about right, though there's always a new investing trend & VCs only slowed down a little, which happens in cycles

We have yet to see AI really transform too much of the economy, largely because of factors like price & being too primitive. I am expecting we will get the price down and various models like video and audio perfected, hospital tools, various analysis devices based on pattern recognition. So we can expect steady gdp gains as people become more efficient at their jobs using faster tools. However this doesn't necessarily mean jobs lost, as productive efficiency is gained every year regardless. Companies can sell more product for lower prices, to new customers enabled by that price point, for example

I found it hard to understand what this is. Overall summary, it's using new Linux kernel features to make Docker style containers way more efficient

It allows you to compose a bunch of filesystems into one layered stack of read only, at a mount point. It also shares memory between such filesystems and allows layers to be mounted in multiple places

For those familiar with how container images are built, this should make things a faster compared to the overlayfs techniques before. It also enables some kind of new hyper containerized software packages, but I'm not sure if that's a big deal. Something like how osx mounts a risk image for install or use

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Idk man, I've used a lot of UI toolkits, and I don't really see anything wrong with GTK (though they do basically rewrite it from scratch every few years it seems...)

The only thing that comes to mind is the React-ish world of UI systems, where model-view-controller patterns are more obvious to use. I.e. a concept of state where the UI automatically re-renders based on the data backing it

But generally, GTK is a joy, and imo the world of HTML has long been trying to catch up to it. It's only kinda recently that we got flexbox, and that was always how GTK layouts were. The tooling, design guidelines, and visual editors have been great for a long time

Oh cool! De-googling never seemed easier ... I think we are finally ready for open source phones

I don't agree, in the experience of my friend circle, if you don't release for a while:

  • you start having wet dreams
  • prostate harm - increased rates of prostate cancer in multiple studies - and my friend developed pelvic floor issues
  • the "mental harm" is having to walk around horny all the time, constantly thinking of sex, and affecting your interactions
  • even celibate people mostly masturbate, that's not what it means. Including many confessions from priests
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