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Joined 1 years ago

Those are target break room chairs, it's destroying your soul too!

HAHAHA holy fucking shit the level of comeuppance is beautiful. Good riddance. His blatant misogyny and narcissism is disgusting, I hope he finds a cozy stone to crawl under.

I got my shots in secret due to needing them, didn't tell my family (they went full Q) until a recent health crisis had me hopeful admitting to it would get a member to get their shots (they're hilariously high risk).

It did not work, but they shut up about all of the BS and basically exclude me from it now. So I will say it's a win; they also shifted goal posts so I'm no longer going to die, be sterile, or autistic from getting shots.

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no no, I'm not the child of immigrants! I'm iTaLiAn AmeRiCan, gosh.


Sounds like they fucked around and found out what happens when you completely gut your system to cut corners and make data look pretty.

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Or a temporary chainsaw from hell. That one clip of the one absolutely shitting the bed will haunt me.

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I think no gerrymandering would absolutely nuke the red presence. Honestly looking at how bad the district maps are it's insane it's even gotten that far.

It honestly feels nice because the activity feels human and not just spammy low-effort comments 0:

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This is very apt.

Seeing this episode when it came out vs in 2023 really hit different. It never dawned on me how finely honed their comedy was that season.

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A new hand touches the beacon!

We'll go full circle back to the days of yore when home improvement HGTV wasn't also bundled with an irl soap opera.

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It's sad and all he has to go through that, because you know, strokes are bad and all, but why the fuck do we have these ancient people on a platform and in charge of anything. It's insane.

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I honestly don't understand why it hasn't died out faster, it's such a huge waste all around and so much stress for like... some pictures commentating the time you herded cats into the same room and maybe managed to keep them from fighting?

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Back in the early 00s there was this wave of "phones give you cancer" panic and my friends father made them put on this stupid sticker on the back of their phone to "stop the radiation". Anyways it was stupid and your comment reminded me of it xD

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I'm just tired of it being "nudity" but it's just really gratuitous amounts of boobs and a .00005 second snippet of blurred and backlit man ass. Boobs are good and all, but like I'm tired of it just being an excuse to have naked women thrown into scenes that just.... probably don't need to be there? Shout-out to GOT for giving full frontal male nudity before the show went to shit.

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It seems nice and scratches the itch to be approximately social, but suffering through seeing the same 5 articles posted nearly back to back by bots is deeply annoying. And the lack of content when sorting by 6hrs means I inevitably have to spam block the weird porn/fetish stuff that decides to crop up in-between lol.

What was your experience switching over to Linux and getting it set up for gaming?

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Is having.... no gender an option? Boobs are a hassle, I can't fathom dealing with having to wrangle a dick into pants, I just kind of want to be a human without having to deal with either.

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The American schooling system is basically formulated to prep you for a 9-5 job by simulating miserable working conditions, general misery, and the ever present threat of violence in some form or fashion.

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This is totally normal for Walmart to look like. It's basically a warehouse with extra steps.

LL bean used to be the shit in the early 00s, now it's basically overpriced Walmart garbage

Didn't she just sick her legal team on the random kid who was tracking her public flight record habits? I was under the impression it stemmed from that (highlighting her frivolous plane usage).

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I forgot and somehow managed to convince myself I was a year older + told people that age all least year until my SO made me do the math LOL. tbh unless you're talking to the doctor or your date I don't think it really matters after a certain point.

background: Texas mad because, to quote south park, the immigrants "took muh jobs". This is nothing new, and they regularly invent immigrants whenever they need to rouse the racist rabble. Texas also very much likes to be flaunt they can "technically secede" from the US because some old dead white dude wrote something down that can technically be interpreted as such for their states rights or whatever.

They're just more emboldened now because Trump gave all the racists/fascists the green light to crawl out of the woodwork.

Also there has been a lot of far right leaning people moving to Texas since before covid (just around the start it became "popular") to escape the "commie/fascist" states who were forcing them to wear masks.... so there is that. There are whole Facebook groups dedicated to helping people to "escape" 🤠

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And then asked "AITA?"

Already permanently lived in 😎 that's the fun part.

You could probs google it and find it pretty readily, something like 'escalator failure reddit' or that. It's like mall footage of an escalator that has motor failure or something and because it's... well really heavy it basically it snaps at some point and just rips down with people just falling into the pit where the inner parts stay underneath.

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So a reverse old yeller?

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Well no, chainsaw is an exaggeration, I think it's more of an extruder or meat grinder when one gets caught in it. Thaaaaat one is nsfl and will forever remain a blue link 😬

closed. Don't want to see no ghosts up for a midnight stroll through my halls.

noooooo lol that's adults handwriting. Kids handwriting looks like drunken chicken scratch until they're past 4-5th grade if they're regularly encouraged to practice. The "neat" student handwriting I have seen is still marginally worse than this. The start/stop of the penmarks and overall uniformity is pretty telling imo.

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Humidity fucking sucks. Inescapable heat, feels like you're wrapped in a soggy blanket, bleh. No thanks.

Imagine not having screens on the windows and letting every single bug in the nearby area take up residence inside and being okay with it cuz "it's only a few months out of the year".

🤢 it's the fucking worst.

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Never wanting to be in pictures or being outside/active for long periods of time. I will eternally look like a goblin and I don't have the social battery to deal with long excursions of "doing stuff". It tops out at maybe 2-4 hours depending and after that my brain basically turns to goo.

Oh and also: wearing all black. It just makes dressing myself not a hassle.

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It's so frustrating people don't seem to understand that pit bulls are just terriers. If you've ever seen videos of small terriers working in fields and doing what they're bred to do, you absolutely see the same behaviours in bully breeds, just magnified ten-fold.

The problem is now you've bred a 30lb+ dog that is pure muscle, has been specially bred from breeds with already high prey drive to be more aggressive/protective and are trying to treat it like a family dog.

I love pitties, I think they're cute and sweet (I've also never met a "mean" one), but they have long passed being an "average" household breed at this rate. Years of bad/selective breeding need to be undone before they should be reevaluated and gl with that.

I think Arizona isn't the worst in terms of weather, but a lot of people are getting fucked by the cost of living in Cali. Arizona makes sense for the sound of mind.

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He's basically our "generations" Nixon at this point it seems.

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Maybe because half of Arizona got turned into fucking cow "pastures" and alfalfa farms for some stupid reason.

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