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Joined 1 years ago

Counter with archers behind anti large units. Or other cav. Get something to bog em down in range of your ranged units

My favorite anti large unit in warhammer :

Man's got that gas

Dishwasher was a legit creep. Proved management inaction took almost a year to get rid of them.

Jacked 5 ft 5 black guy.

Would talk extremely close to female servers. One time parked someone in and kept asking them questions like where you live etc. Talked about his jail time openly. Would get angry and just yell in the dish pit. One time said "hey what's that other car in your driveway" to a woman.

The ex gang member who taught me to cook said he was the kind of guy who enjoyed the gay in jail. Institutionalized to a degree. Was a dish washing machine.

Hit on my boyfriend and would look down his shirt, be like look good in them jeans etc. In same month would emotionally abuse him to tears.

One time recall going up to him and saying someone was obviously not interested because she was new, visibly scared with him next to her when she was just trying to prep. People could hear him yell at me from the dining area, but after that he was different in a good way with me. Typical abuser workplace shit that thrived on inaction. Could have killed me if he wanted of course.

Bizarre man. Forget why he was finally let go but everyone breathed a little easier...

Until the woman with BPD started lol

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JPEGMAFIA - it's dark and hell is hot

What a bizarre mind that must be. Fucking creep.

Ooo shit.

We fortunately new had anyone overtly violent.

Meth in the bathroom after we started using an agency to fill shifts shifts.

Those ghouls are at it again. Though that implies it is anything other than business as usual.

They sure do. What a bizarre sub reddit that was.

Sarah Palin was somehow less obnoxious to see in the news.

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Use to work with a woman who was this way. Masculine lesbian proud southerner. Verbally harassed young servers.

Puerto Rican sous chef called her go- rilla because she had massive forearms.

Oh Mr Eggman!

If you're an undecided you've always been a bit of a cunt but now especially.

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I walked by a tv at work today on CNN.

They were literally discussing the profession and reading habits of a juror.

Big ass question mark greyed out female, and a host making the biggest deal over the fact a juror reads NYT.

It's fucking scary I'd drop the fuck out too. These piranhas are gonna oust any information about you for views. The news is beyond a joke, completely agree with you, how this is public domain and tolerated is more telling to our status as a nation.

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World reacts to France being France.

Glad they're saying fuckoff to backlash

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Girl did dabs on break with her gf came back zonked out since she'd never smoked weed before.

Ended up slapping manager and getting taken away by ems

Cook got arrested at work one time when cops came to pick her up at her job. She was 4 feet tall so we joked they picked her up and carried her away. She had to use a step stool to make the soup and someone would hide the stool from her so she'd be pissed the next morning.

Same place had a cook drinking lean and offering it to people.

Retirement home btw

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From a distance. - Asexuals

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Went full deep dive when epstein was going on. Agreed.

Ghislanes dad getting a funeral with mossad present hmmmm

Very interested to see what comes of this.

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Hp and Microsoft are two sides of the same shit coin.

Do a lot of tech support for older retired professionals. I believe 90% of hps business are these people. They used their products when they were working and believe they are still a reliable product.

Between the ink subscriptions and the absolute nightmare of that fucking app have had 7 hp printers stop working since January exclusively because of software.

There was an article on here a while ago showing the sticker that hp put over the usb port in an effort to get you to register the product and use their app. It's literally a sticker covering the port direct from the manufacturer. Saw one in real life last month and was still dumbfounded.

Everyone wants you on the subscription tit it seems.

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Devouring my orb

... and only one was fatal

... and they didn't think about anything of the consequences afterwards

... and they didn't even kill Marc Antony

... and infinity

Video Downloader.

Strips all junk off any video url so you have the mp4 or mkv.

Use this to add youtube videos/playlists to jellyfin. Doesn't have to be youtube. Downloads any videos from a link.

Can also save audio only from video links if you want to.

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It's harder to see the cum stain

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If you're obese you should not be allowed to work in a health care related field.

I never can say this out loud, but it legitimately rubs me the wrong way.

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Reading!?!?!?!?!?!? 🤮🤮🤮

Have been using the flip 3 for a couple years.

I love the small design. Is it a Gimmick? Yeah probably. Do I like that Gimmick? Absolutely. It would he difficult to go back to a big ass phone. Routinely carry it at work by the ring on the case. Removes my need for a watch since I can easily reply or answer when it's closed, control media, etc.

Love to see more unique smart phone options. The phones were too samey for too long. This budget option could help that innovation even more.

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Then estrogen.

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I've blocked so many communities when I get an anime tiddy it's almost always of the fetish variety.

Depending on your opinion, this is better and or worse.

4 Chan jokes personified.

Bro I'm so straight I won't even touch a door nob that a woman touched. Because a man has had his dick on her hand duh. Ain't no queer

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Anger is like a cheat code of emotion. Like vomiting then immediately feeling better.

Thanks testosterone, you cunt.

They want to be as sleek as apple but it comes off as an old man trying to be hip

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Burnout 3 : Takedown

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That changing your mind is so key. Often times people attach personal value to opinions as though they're related.

The ego gets involved when it should fuck right off.

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Add to him smoking out of a filthy one hitter with enough tar in it to barely even breath through.

"I'm so fucked up bat bro"


Refusing to listen to "killer queen" because it was too gay.

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God forbid a joke be made on the fucking shitpost sub.

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I work at a retirement place doing tech. Have had 3 hp printers shit the bed exclusively because of software in the 6 months I've been there. Hp smart is so bad.

Such a shitty company. As most of these people are former professionals they get an hp because they used it at work then get talked into the subscription ink because they aren't 21st century tech savvy.

One printer stopped printing because they did not have the subscription ink. They placed a normal ink cartridge in with a subscription one and the software would not allow printing because it recognized non subscription ink. Disgusting.

So many companies want to enter this subscription hellscape.

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Don't be afraid of healthy change and always admit fault.

While some of the shit coming out in our current generation can be stupid or superfluous always take it in context and see how it could be used to better your life.

Ex. Increase in mental health awareness recontexualizes your childhood.

Also listening. Even if the shit coming out of your child's/younger coworker mouth is some bonkers shit at least listen to them without judgement. Will make any criticism that much better received

Yeah. These articles are getting tiresome. If it's not right from Obamas mouth as he is endorsing the next person then get fucked inflammatory media