Rule to – 166 points –

I've seen a house flying both the Pride and Confederate flags. They're not mutually exclusive, just strange to see next to eachother

unironically lemmy

I think we might have to contend with the fact that a lot of bigots got rightfully booted from centralised platforms and have found their way here, and now a lot of really rabid ones are here hijacking comment sections and turning them extremely toxic.

i contend with this fact daily 💃😜

I just block em. It works great.

Same. I didn't deal with bigots, extremists, racists, or trolls. I'm too old and tired for that shit.

If they lose their voice they'll create a new account. If they lose it often enough they'll go elsewhere.

Neverblocker here. I gotchu, whether it be by report, polite disagreement, sarcastic meme, whatever.

One day I’ll have to pass the torch. Hope the kids are ready when that day comes. ;)