1 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And that's why he's so rich.

The whiner line is pretty good. Whenever Dark Brandon takes over, Joe doesn't look so bad.

A lot of people are saying that. My staff told me that just before I came out here as a matter of fact. History's worst debate in the history of the world. A lot of people are saying that.

Because we don't like free markets. We like the illusion of choice, but the security of monopoly.

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The next quarter is the only thing that matters.

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I think it's as true for government as it is for corporations. Nobody is the adult in the room.

OP was walking on sunshine.

Surprise money shift

Micca PB42X I have some of these and I like them.

Tektite, comment, Lemmy, phone, glasses.

TIL I'm a stable genius

I think that this might enable them to do some meaningful research into gun violence. Meaningful research that does not exist in the US in 2024 because the NRA lobbies against anyone that attempts to publish data on the subject.

There's a long list of public entities that are prohibited from publishing this research. Really strange in a country where guns are so available.

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I mean, I'd probably want a door.

I mean, it's proven financial strategy. Money is just a number to rich people and if you need more the government will just give it to you.

deally they would charge less, but people are willing to pay the higher prices, so they charge the higher prices. We live in a capitalist society, and they'll increase the prices as high as the market can bear.

It's dumb, but it is what it is.

They already have on mobile.

Domino's is pretty high for what it is. Not that it's bad pizza, but...

This does seem to be his only real goal.

Rip that person's ear holes you mean.

You voting for beach days?

Not in salt water.

I saw Kurt Cobain on an advertisement for classic rock.

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Maybe they're just hot and grouchy.

Whatever the cause, I support the orca's attacking yachts behavior.

This headline happens so frequently that I was confused at first and thought it was from a couple of years ago.

Why would you call the cops on someone you care about? How often would a armed person that can kill with impunity help a situation?

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We need to separate the bathrooms by function!

Number ones on the left number twos on the right!

They were amazing once, but that was sort of a long time ago now.

They had super high quality with an unbelievably good warranty. Basically, most of the store was buy it for life. They dropped quality and then the warranty followed. Now it's mostly just a familiar name.

Makes sense they're trumptards

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Even if you disregard the Hitler aspect of the quote (which is a big if), there's no way to view that with any magnanimity.

Then I thought she was arrested because of the volume of cups she owned and no other reason.

"Idk what's going on here, but you're clearly out of control"

Has this wise friend of yours been talking to my ex? Did they mention me?

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Maybe things won't be so bad after all.

Time for a rebrand!

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Has all teeth ✔️

This made me realize, as an android user, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do if someone steals my phone.

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I can't help but feel like the pandemic had an impact too.

You don't need to last through nuclear war, but having a weeks worth of groceries when it randomly snows a foot, or some candles and flashlights for when the power goes out is prepped too.

We live in crumbling infrastructure with an inept government in a politically divided culture that's starting to see climate change impact. Being a little prepared is not as strange of an idea as it used to be lol.

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Guns are plot devices in most media. People are always waving them around and pointing them at each other. Hell even cocking and shooting at each other to make a point.

Without going out of the way to get training, or growing up hunting, our default understanding of guns are symbols of personal power. In our hyper capitalist modern day America that makes guns have real appeal, even though it's a total distortion of what guns actually do.

It's sad and dumb, but this exact thing has happened quite a lot. Once or twice, you got a fluke, but once you have a pattern? That represents a problem.

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That conditioning cost a lot of money

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In my home state they also use this bill to quell protests. That was the main drive here, to ensure politically active (for the wrong side) could have a felony and lose their right to vote.

What you really mean is that this is the consequences of the Fed's pulling back on the corporate welfare program of qualitative easing.

We've been printing free money for the wealth holding class since they fucked up our economy gambling on poor people not being able to afford housing.

They got used to the welfare and instead of getting their houses in order, they started gambling with our future tax dollars like they were guaranteed forever. That's why Trump was such a bitch about politicizing the fed and blaming interest rates. He, and everyone else, knew our economy was getting artificially propped up and wanted to kick the can down the road four more years.

Now the wealth class is going to take out all their angst out at the American people to see if they can cause the government to flinch first.

The real problem is that the wealth class doesn't give a shit if they're making money of Americans or not. They'd happily follow the economies around the world. The government doesn't have that option.

Everyday Americans, and to a lesser extent, the world, suffer while Mommy government tries to get corporate daddy's wild free money addiction under control.

Dad is going to either go for a pack of smokes and some milk in China, or maybe Russia a few years ago, or beat the kids until mommy lets him drink again.

Blaming interest rates plays a lot better than telling the kids that daddy doesn't have a job and needs to go to rehab because he doesn't know how to make money and just gets it from Mom and the kids college fund/next months rent.

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Is it weird that this somehow makes sense with all the banking?

Why is it that the finance industry and cocaine seem to go together so often?

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I watched that thinking it was just sci-fi while high as a kite in my teens.

I'm still not over it.
