
3 Post – 199 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think this one gets paid to be argumentative or something. Just block em.

It even says so in the dissent.

“When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune,” Sotomayor wrote.

“When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune,” Sotomayor wrote.

“When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune,” Sotomayor wrote.

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Well it’s wayyyy earlier in the year than we would normally see one this strong. I think that’s what’s different.

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There is - a cat 2 is good drinking weather. :-P

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Did he actually help start any of those companies? I thought he basically bought his way into all but one of them, and the one he was part of he got kicked out of. But I may be remembering that wrong.

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I didn't read this.

Then why are you commenting on it?

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Her lawsuit, filed in 2021, alleged that she met a man in his thirties on Omegle who forced her to take naked photos and videos over a three-year period. She was just 11 when it began in 2014.

Not all methods of force are physical. This was an adult talking to an 11 year old. 11 year olds have in many cases not had enough life experience to understand that there are adults that will manipulate them in this way. It’s possible he got her to do things and then blackmailed her for more. Regardless of how he did it, he was an adult and she was an 11 year old child. Not acceptable no matter the circumstance.

Fun fact, Southern Baptists are a thing because they split off from the Baptists so they could support slavery.

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No, it doesn’t.

Republicans are releasing it so they can cherry pick specific clips from it and lie to their gullible constituents about what is happening to try to spin a new false narrative about it, which is exactly what they’ve done here.

It’s shameful that people elect these charlatans.

Yeah, the $2 for X deal is a gimmic to increase sales. It’s the company saying “I am willing to sell these cheaper if it gives me an extra sale.” But by applying that sale price to customers it didn’t apply to, essentially you just stole a dollar from your employer every time you sold an energy drink.

I’m personally pretty forgiving of something this petty when done by someone making an unlivable wage, but it’s still theft.

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I believe she lost her scholarship due to this and I’ve seen no claims yet that it was restored. Her mom was saying he waited until after the deadline to restore the scholarship recommendation.

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I’m not sure which streaming services you mean but cable back when I had it YEARS ago was over $120 a month. That was just the tv part, not including internet.

I can’t think of 3 streaming services that come near that price.

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Fuck Kansas.

This is the actual list:

Neglecting Personal Development

According to Buffett, the best investment one can make is in oneself. Enhancing skills and education can boost earning potential significantly. Knowledge and abilities are assets that no one can take away from you.

Relying On Credit Cards

Credit cards can be convenient, but high interest rates can quickly overshadow any benefits if you don’t pay the full balance monthly. Buffett advises against needless spending that could lead to credit card debt.

Frequenting Bars and Pubs

Spending on social activities like drinking at bars can add up. Opting for more affordable social gatherings, like home get-togethers, can help save significantly.

Chasing the Latest Technology

New gadgets may be tempting, but often, last year’s model serves just as well. Buffett himself has a history of sticking to functional rather than flashy tech. It’s important to assess if the latest upgrades genuinely provide added value for the price.

Overspending on Clothes

Buffett, along with other billionaires, leans towards simplicity in his wardrobe. Choosing classic, durable clothes over flashy, expensive brands can result in significant savings.

Buying New Cars

Cars are notorious for their rapid depreciation. Buffett recommends buying pre-owned cars and holding onto them for as long as they’re reliable, instead of falling for the allure of the new models.

Unused Gym Memberships

Buffett promotes an active lifestyle but cautions against unused gym memberships. Free or low-cost fitness routines can be just as effective if regularly practiced.

Unnecessary Subscription Services

Subscription services, if not carefully monitored, can become a financial drain. Review these regularly and cancel those that don’t provide value.

Over-Reliance on Skincare Products

Buffett advises against overusing or needlessly combining skincare products. Finding a simple and effective routine can save both money and your skin.

Regular Nights Out

While socializing is essential, frequent nights out can be a significant expense. Opting for budget-friendly alternatives like home-cooked meals and movie nights can cut costs considerably.


While gambling might seem like a shortcut to wealth, Buffett emphasizes the importance of understanding the odds. He urges people to make financial decisions that favor their long-term wealth accumulation, not momentary thrills.


Smoking, beyond its health implications, is a costly habit. Quitting can lead to a significant boost in your personal budget.

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And both were not allowed to disclose it.

They JUST told you, no one is advocating for surgeries in children. What they are advocating for is what has been done for ages - puberty blockers and therapy until they are of the age to make the decision for themselves.

You keep referring to “surgery” and now “chemical therapy” (I assume you mean hormones), but that’s not at all what is supposed to happen with children, it’s a straw man made up by by the right wing.

You say “it’s our job to give them time to grow into a decision or an identity before making a lasting choice” and that’s EXACTLY what's been happening and is still under assault by these anti-trans laws that keep getting passed in the confederate states.

They don’t want them to exist so they are trying to legislate them away.

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Naturally. The Southern Baptists only exist because they wanted slaves and the regular Baptist churches were against it.

“People”. Sure.

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If he's hired as a "diversity hire" (AKA unqualified) then it has absolutely everything to do with it and I'm baffled that you can't see that.

There’s no way a real person is this stupid right? This must be a bot.

But just in case - he was voted into office, not a “diversity hire” as you so racistly suggest.

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Swing and a miss.

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What larger than average maintenance costs are you referring to?

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I am asking this in all earnest, even though some may interpret it as trolling.

Your comment history says otherwise. I’m gonna just go ahead and block you.

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Unless that’s exactly what they wanted. Keep in mind that people have used twitter to mobilize against oppression all over the world. The people in power could definitely be seen to benefit from its destruction. But it won’t matter, people will find other platforms to mobilize on if twitter doesn’t work for them.

That’s not normal.

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Thank you for sharing how thus affects you. It’s important for people to see that this is affecting actual people and not some strawman concept they don’t understand.

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Absolutely fucking wrong. Trump is going to most likely be the republican candidate and that shit stain cannot be allowed anywhere near our government again.

I'm not trying to be an asshole.

Maybe you'll believe from a sistah

This is manufactured outrage

Mhmm. Not trying to be an asshole indeed.

To the commenter below - No, you didn’t have to explain to this asshole anything. They know what they are doing and saying. Considering how easy it is to block people in lemmy, I’m taking advantage of that right now by blocking them.

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Every plant is weeds

Yeah, the problem I saw with most of it was that it seemed like it was mostly people just repeating catchphrases without the proper nuance to address actual issues. Kinda like an expanded “hit the gym, delete Facebook, call a lawyer” kind of advice.

Repairs are not the same as maintenance though, and Rivians are extraordinarily expensive just in general.

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I have this and it is exactly how mine looks too. It also clears up generally within a couple of days after I shave. I also get it on my scalp and on my sternum, which I think is common with it.

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It’s still theft, even if you dislike the victim.

Right and additionally I wonder how this person knew that the lady he mentioned had the “latest” iPhone and that her “Gucci” bag wasn’t a knock off. And perhaps she was able to afford these things because she doesn’t have a car note - does that revoke her right to complain about wasted money?

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Is Riolu not a sesame?

Edit: here’s mine, Nibbler (black and tan) and Yoshi

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Yeah, until it happens out in public and suddenly there are huge piles of cash surrounding you.

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“Just about every American has shocked themselves with it once”

Um, no.

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It’s not his job to fix the idiots in this state.