Gamer priorities to – 162 points –

Gotta have more respect for the living than the dead. They are the ones its still anything worth to.

What's the game?

ATOM RPG like other users said. A very faithful (sometimes too faithful tbh imo) spiritual successor to Fallout 1/2 except set in the USSR. I highly recommend it if you are into Fallout style CRPGs. As in, you can recruit followers but you don't directly control them in combat, charisma/speech can have a huge impact on how some conflicts are solved, you get Action Points to use every turn, overworld traveling with random encounters, cultural references and silly bits even to a detriment (just like Fallout!), etc.

It's the closest thing to a Fallout remake but in 3d and some (only some) modernizations.

You could have said the Sims and I would have believed you.

Atom RPG, it's very falloutesque (Fallout 1 and 2 more than the others), but set in Russia

Pretty good game, but very weird and the translation was wonky as hell when I played several years ago

Robbing several graves is way easier than romancing someone though, you can have it done within an hour while romancing someone takes time and effort. This applies both to real life and games.