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Joined 6 months ago

thank mr skeltal

Star Citizen has raised more money than the budgets of GTAV, Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2 COMBINED.

The only people defending it now are those so deep in the sunk cost fallacy they can't get out.

Edit: the total budget for StarCitizen so far is equivalent to the nominal GDP in 2023 of Sao Tome & Principe

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Method Person

Church or satanic ritual?

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The sperm cell of the drysophila fruit fly is 6 times longer than its own body

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I wonder if the poster they have to put up will show a picture of Jesus. Evangelicals sure do love those graven images.

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Would be kinda cheap otherwise.

Isn't that the definition of 90 Day Fiance?

My other half gets identical packages arrive all the time, looks about right for chrysanthemum seeds

Silly thought experiment, the result of which, in gullible people could make them potential victims of psychosomatic symptoms like headaches and insomnia.

No dogs orgasm in the classroom

Another Brick in the Wall (part 2)

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At least in my part of Europe, tips are not required and often not expected (because minimum wage doesn't have the strange exception tipped employees do in the US), but if you actually appreciate the service given then it's the norm to give a small amount as a tip.

For deliveries I normally give cash straight to the driver if it comes in a reasonable time frame, I certainly would never preload a tip using the payment portal

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The steam deck can handle every game on every system from the PS2 and back, most games on the switch and PS3, smattering of Xbox and 360 and everything on PC barring the most graphically intensive AAA titles. Recommendations on that potential scope can go on forever.

If you like Zelda there are a few titles regarded as "must play" in the series, including Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, Twilight Princess and many more in the "A" tier of Zelda titles. You've got probably years of play time just in those.

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And that's why I now go to the turks

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Most annoying is cars. We buy fuel in litres but measure our cars efficiency in miles per gallon, meaning I either have to calculate how many gallons I put in my car or how many kilometres I've driven to work out if I'm being more or less economical.

You can express any sound as a combination of frequencies and amplitude (tones and volumes) you can define those as long chains of 1s and 0s which you can write software to convert back into frequencies and amplitudes to make speakers go brr.


But they left in grindr and the Wu Tang Clan

RIP in peace whale bro

You've just discovered Dada


Just kidding, someone please help me

Er, you lost your daughters essay because you assumed that autosave was enabled.

You've kind of hit the nail on the head, art is by definition anything the observer and/or the creator calls art and it creates some sort of emotional response in the observer.

By all means do a shit, film it and book somewhere to show it to an audience and you have indeed created art.

I agree that without any context, most of these clips look like ridiculous bullshit, but without understanding what the intention of the creator is and what the audience are getting from something you might as well just post clips of Star Wars without context and say "look how stupid this is LOL"

She's not wrong

That's entirely valid, everything is subjective after all. I just don't see how you can put 100 hrs into F3 but can't get through 1 hr of FNV.


But why do you want a WiFi enabled light switch?

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One extra awful thing about Ian Watkins (from South Wales) is that the singer "H" from Steps is also called Ian Watkins and is also from South Wales and because the tabloids at the time didn't do and due diligence and the published his photo along with the story resulting in significant repercussions H, I think someone even graffitid his front door and received death threats.

There's a difference between "haha silly LLM" and an operating system used by potentially billions of people, including businesses, governments, military, scanning and deleting your potentially sensitive information.

A trick is something a whore does for money

People are too quick to shit on everything in GGaS because racists have completely misrepresented the central thesis. Namely there are quirks of geography, flora and fauna that facilitate rapid development of societies, not that there's anything inherent to the people in those societies that make them superior to any other.

Some say that the drop bears are the true descendants of the first British convicts sent to Australia

Blast Corps remade by any one who wants to remake Blast Corps.




It's morally right to pirate Nintendo games

Because how dare those black people

For 10 minutes before it needs charging again

Are you thinking of the Infocom library of games? Most famous of which would be Zork or Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Which you can download the complete collection freely here:

You'd need to work how to actually run them.

Some people from Liberia are quite nice in fact

If you're testing stability, just use the console to warp there

That's a journey to the PNW, not in the PNW

You keep using clever sounding words but something tells me you think they mean something different from what they actually do mean and you're using them to try and seem smarter than you actually are.

Stop it