Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard'

Carighan to – 196 points –
Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard'

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I'm no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


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Star Citizen has raised more money than the budgets of GTAV, Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2 COMBINED.

The only people defending it now are those so deep in the sunk cost fallacy they can't get out.

Edit: the total budget for StarCitizen so far is equivalent to the nominal GDP in 2023 of Sao Tome & Principe

I've spent $49.99 on it. As a space sim fan, it's one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in a game. Blows Elite Dangerous out of the water in terms of seamlessness. If it was better optimized it'd be one of the only things I'd play.

I'm not trying to you're wrong about anything. But for a certain customer, it's already a pretty great experience.

And it's much better than any space sim game developed by Sao Tome & Principe in 2023.
Checkmate, atheists.