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Joined 6 months ago

It isn't easy for many though, either or both because of mental or physical reasons. Your comment is a very classic case of "this thing is easy for me and works for me therefore it must be the same for everyone else".

My anxiety, which has kept me on long-term sick leave for 10+ years, basically shuts down my body and ability to act. The vast majority of the time I'm completely unable to leave my apartment and often even leave the exact spot I'm in. "Just do it" just isn't possible most of the time, and that isn't an excuse, laziness or unwillingness. And this is just my specific case, there are as many different and just as real cases as there are people that also find it hard to do whatever thing is hard for them. There is never a "just X" that's valid for everyone, and it's idiotic and offensive to think and say so.

Man, even knowing how fucked 'murica is it still keeps surprising you with more fucked stuff. It just never crossed my mind that getting a diagnosis could cost money for someone.

I've managed to de-google completely and mostly de-microsoft, but I use cloud streaming (shadow) for gaming and anything else that's more than my shitty laptop can't handle and there's no way to use Linux on the cloud part. Only thing I can't do anything about yet, and doubt that'll change anytime soon or at all.

"Additional date"

Many are, yes. But for some like me who play via cloud streaming where at least Nvidia stops that function, it's a great thing. It's also nice to have it all in one place, most people already use Steams screenshot function so having this too is just nice. This has been a commonly requested feature for a long time, it's only weird that it has taken so long for it to exist.


That isn't at the same time though... You kinda missed the whole thing with that.

As a Swede I often find myself thankful we don't have the military brainwashing the US has, even though we have a strong military for such a small country. The army stuff is there if you look but if you don't care you don't notice it much, if at all. I'm not invested enough to have a really informed opinion about us joining NATO. But from what I know it'll be a good thing, just being able to help countries more that need it is enough of a reason IMO.

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He doesn't like negative attention and is too dumb to realise that was the only thing that would happen by buying such an obvious "I'm dumb and a dickhead" statement piece.

53k monthly active users is way less than I expected. But makes sense with how slow things are here.

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If the people that become US cops aren't already like that they break them to become like that during "training". I highly recommend looking up the shit they say and show during police training in the US, it's absolutely bonkers. They make them so scared of everything and fuck them up so badly that stuff like this is fully expected. So fucked up.

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I seriously don't understand how people have problems with these, they're absolutely fine. Not hard to use, doesn't get in the way and you'll never lose them. And if all else fails you can just pull them off, not hard either. You gotta be dumb as fuck to have problems with them.

As with anything else, I'm absolutely certain this is the classic "something changed so I'm going to be mad about it and make up a bunch of reasons why it's bad" thing that happens to every little change anywhere. And what is some tiny inconvenience compared to lessening plastic waste, helping the environment and hurting less living beings? Stop being such spoiled little shits and pull your heads out of your asses.

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OP is showing they're either very young or somehow missed this when it was viral back in the day by not knowing it's fake.

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Larger engagement requires people to make and join communities/subs and we all need to help that happen. It took years for reddit to have what you're talking about and it'll take time here too. Sadly we're at a point in internet history now where many people have tried their hand at being mods and admits and most of those discovered how much it can suck. We're past the point of it being some exciting new thing so I think a push for better tools and options for those that might consider it is needed. People also have less time and mental energy to take on such roles now than 10-15 years ago.

You realize things aren't viewed the same all over the world right? Here in Sweden it's nothing bad or wrong, we generally have good sex education and parents that are fine with it as long as we keep it private and clean. And as adults it's completely normal, not that uncommon to talk about either. There was a monthly magazine for teens when I grew up that talked a lot about sex, sexual identity and stuff like that and the readers could send it questions to get answered by professionals or other readers. Very open and helped so many with things they didn't dare ask parents or others about and it was always a better source than the Internet when that came around. Pretty sure it's still a thing too.

So it's just seen as a thing everyone does and enjoys.

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The idea of it is, but DDG isn't. I used it for a couple of years but rarely felt it was good enough, I kept having to go back to Google or even Bing or Yandex to get the results I needed. One of my major gripes was it not showing the dates on results, so I never knew if the information was up to date without clicking through to every result and checking it there. Then I kept seeing pretty bad news about it, the company doing stuff people, including me, didn't appreciate.

I know some will hate on me for this, but I've now used Kagi for about a year and it's by far the best I've ever used. If or when that goes bad I'll find something else, but right now nothing comes close to giving me both the right results and also giving me control over everything. Of course, there are negatives but that's the case with everything else too. None of the "bad" news about it has turned out to be even close to as bad as first reported, and the rest is just people hating on it because others say they like it.

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It's as if every time there was a same-sex bar fight the fighters went home together afterwards and fucked.

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Still the best IMO, and how is it not for the average person? It's just as fully featured and easy to use as anything else.

I get this almost daily, my whole family and several friends know I'm good at recommending things to them so they always go to me to ask what to watch. I've had to start looking up and writing down where each movie and show is available "normally". I have no issue saying I get everything via other means but whem it became a thing where people started asking "can you also look up where it's available" just because it's not always easy to figure that out and they knew I didn't know and generally find it quicker than them.

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I wonder what kind of deep self-hate and hate for others lives inside this man, but don't dare to even try to imagine it.

I really doubt the numbers. It's so common to see people complain about ads online, even in places like here where you'd expect most people to use adblockers.

Use a NES Zapper converted to an actual gun, seems fitting.

Both the original and this sequel are absolutely superb games. The first one has been in my top 5 games ever since it came out, and this sequel managed to go above and beyond my expectations! I did nothing but play it till I had completed everything and tried my hardest to find as many secrets etc. as I could with no looking up anything. Gonna do another run but let myself look up hints for secret things I couldn't fully figure out the first time.

This sequel did the same that Portal 2 did, absolutely deliver well beyond any reasonable expectation.

A thing that always felt so weird to me is that there are so many other websites and services that work basically the same yet the people that run them don't have such a shitty attitude about it. I've been in that position myself and you need to just ignore the idiots, they'll always be there no matter what. I've always felt that the people behind gog-games need to get their heads out of their asses, if you look anywhere they communicate with people (which is VERY little) it's just complaints, defensive and offensive statements.

Please note that this in no way means I don't appreciate the heck out of their work, I do and I have donated to them.

But I really think they're just doing themselves a disservice by treating basically everyone like shit. I've seen this exact behaviour in other places and it never ends good, and it was always their own damn fault by being unable to ignore and filter out the crap. Everyone else handles it and doesn't act like dicks about it.

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Her meowth

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"I'd like the whole pornhub library in DVD format please"

"Alright, that'll be five billion dollars with the 3 for $19 deal, the receipt will be delivered to your home address, will take years to print and cost another couple of hundreds of million just for the paper, we'll set up infrastructure to transport it free or charge. Do you want to take it all with you now or place an order for 5 truckfuls of DVDs a day for the rest of your life?"

It's not weirder than many other things that are from centuries or millennia ago. It's always fun to see the weird theories people come up with, everything from aliens to masturbatory use.

Man, imagine this shit stain of a person becoming homeless. Just picture him not having anything, having to dig through trash for something edible, getting sores and infections because he can't shower and has to sleep on a piece of cardboard, people knowing who he is and literally spitting on him as he's trying to beg for money or anything else.

We should use AI to make videos of this, make dreams come true.


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OP, how the fuck did you fail with the title?


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It just instantly crashes for me after clicking "play" on the launcher. Fresh install, no mods or anything else, updated drivers etc.

El Gato Nacho

Not a movie but The X-Files series.
When my little sister and me were at our dads for the week we used to take our covers and pillows and lay down between the TV and the sofa, which our dad slept on. He had the TV on basically 24/7 so we'd watch something together and he'd fall asleep and then me and my sister would move to our beds after a while but often falling asleep ourselves right there on the floor. We had been doing this for years and then they started airing The X-Files late at night on the channel we mostly had on. I almost always fell asleep last, so I ended up being awake for a couple of episodes and they really traumatised me. I remember being the only one awake and being so scared I didn't dare to even move my head or even breathe fully. I did tell my dad about it but he'd always fall asleep pretty early and I'd forget to change the channel.

Years later both my sister and me had gotten too tall to fit laying down between the sofa and the TV so we had stopped that tradition but my dad still always fell asleep with the TV on. They started doing reruns of the series and that damn intro music was so scary for me that I would have a battle with myself of just riding it out or getting up and walking down the dark hallway to change the channel. Both options were bad in their own ways. I still get shivers down my spine from the theme music.

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For many, like me, coding just isn't how our brain works. Even if we are interested in it it's basically impossible to get a grip on it. I can figure out code that's already written and do basic editing of it but anything more than that just doesn't click no matter how much time I spend trying to learn.

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Ooh, the irony!

Pretty sure you failed to understand what happened. You didn't recognise the name, but you pretty damn surely know of her.

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I'm pretty sure the vast majority of everyone loves boobs, not just babies and us that are attracted to females specifically.

IMO the important detail is about the control the country's government is able to have and use over the company. What things are they sharing with the state? We know the big American social media companies are either forced or choose to comply with sharing data, or the data is used without asking. I don't trust Meta, Google, and Microsoft any more than I trust ByteDance (the makers of tik tok), and I don't want my data to be used by the US, China or anyone else.