
4 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

The fact that this guy is going to jail by January but Trump isn't even close, means something is very wrong with our justice system.

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Price of WD red HDD's about to go up too

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They do like money, but Valve also loves providing a service to people.

Nobody uses Epic Games, Origin, Ubisoft Connect, or Battle.net because they want to, they use it because they have to.

Steam Awards is a bit janky sure, but to say that their inability to run pointless awards properly ruins the convenience and value that Steam brings to its users would be a gross overstatement.

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I hope this isn't a "Net Neutrality, oh and we'll also spy on you for the good of humanity" bill

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Honestly, I see it as a win.

The people that did this didn't really act out in a coordinated attack. They were just kind of playing around, redirecting to lemonparty, changing page elements.

It could have been a lot worse. The site could have been redirecting to malicious websites, downloading trojans, doing a lot of bad things. Instead, we got direct attention to the security vulnerabilities in question, and they're being worked on and patched out relatively quickly. Helps that a lot of those on these communities are focused in programming and cybersecurity.

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NewPipe, and YouTube Revanced are great apps you can use on mobile. They aren't attached to any Google account so you can just use them and skip adds all day without getting any account theoretically banned.

For those who continue to use YouTube and adblockers on PC, simply just make a new throwaway Google account. In the case that they aren't actually bluffing (they are) then at least your temp account will be banned.

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This digital privacy.

Threads for iOS

Liftoff for Lemmy

People don't understand what they're doing literally signing away their data and accepting these Terms of Service.

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I'd bet there's a CSAM test image dataset with innocuous images that get picked up by the script. Not sure how the system works, but if it's through hashes then it would be pretty simple to add that to the script.

I don't really understand it. People left Facebook because the way they shifted the platform became less relevant to the younger audiences on it. And then it effectively died.

Now Meta (literally Facebook rebranded because of how much they fucked up) is creating threads and people just forgot what Facebook did?

Are people even thinking in the long term what's going to happen, like what's happened to reddit, Twitter and Facebook? Does nobody take a step back and take a minute to figure out what's inevitably going to happen again? It's bonkers to me.

It starts with the user base complaining about a platform going to shit, doing nothing about it in the meantime, and when a "viable" replacement pops up it's another privatized company that wholly plans to do the same exact thing that just happened to the one that's dying.

People's attention spans are 24 hours long.

The reason they're moving forward with this is because if Apple tries to sue, it could make a case for Google that Apple is trying to take control of messaging in the United States. If they don't sue, should Google come after them down the line Apple can say "we're aware of 3rd party iMessage and decided to not take action to increase interoperability" yadda yadda.

That's my guess anyway.


Who thinks he's being the CEO out of the good in his heart?

I'm hoping this is the direction we go, and I think it will be, though if the Fediverse ever overtook private social media, I'm pretty certain the tech companies would lobby to regulate social media, try to regulate who's allowed to host web servers, or lobby ISP's to raise bandwidth costs for people who do host web servers.

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That's what the 'Lockdown' feature on Pixel phones does.


Impossible to force a fingerprint or face scan because it asks the phone to only accept passcodes.

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It's possible competition will just recognize their advantage and pay workers more to get that step ahead.

Lenovo is shit. They really aren't worth a damn anymore.

I've had fingerprint driver issues with my expensive Lenovo Yoga, and AHCI driver issues with an expensive Lenovo ThinkPad. Support is non existent, and if you do manage to find any help through their channels, they don't help and don't care.

My next laptop will be with Framework or some other company that doesn't try to screw me.

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Already does?


Windows on ARM is a thing, and it does x64 and x86 translation.

The chips likely also have hardware to accelerate translation as well, to compete with M1 and M2 chips.

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You could even say, they cancelled Bud Light.

Oh wait no, they don't do that! /s

It is, but if you control the endpoints then there is no traffic to be had if you block it.

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I read somewhere that they will still be green. It's confirmed by Apple as well.

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Seems like the timing is a little off on the third criminal investigation.

Developers, developers?

Does anyone know yet if long COVID is an auto-immune disease? I only assume it is but otherwise don't know.

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I think the implication is zero-click exploit.

But if that's the case it should be fairly simple to reverse engineer whichever exploit they're using.

I thought about that already. It's absolutely intentional, because you already know that they'll keep using those apps, and even if they were illegal, they would keep using them and just get another fine, which is obviously not something that bothers them. It's to prevent normal people from having any privacy.

Why is it that when companies start making good money, increasing that cash flow becomes the sole focus of all daily operations and and values fall to the wayside?

Ironically, their sponsors will now probably pull out and cause the company to collapse.

I do see it as a potential problem with moderation on Lemmy's end. You have all of the users from Threads interacting with Lemmy and Kbin users. It's possible there's an influx of accounts on here that are trolling, and it becomes unmanageable to moderate everything on Lemmy's side.

But Threads will have no problems with content moderation.

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Her fiance dodged a bullet

There's nothing more spiteful than not buying either of them

Almost seems like the scratching of the phone is intentional. It would bring down the resale costs of the device and make them harder to trade in, and prompts consumers to think their phone is older than it really is in order to get them to buy a new one.

Not to mention that the heating issues on iPhone 15 are going to kill the battery faster than previous phones that do not overheat.

Not sure why people are downvoting you. I've been in about 2 Valorant games where I've seen people straight up get banned mid-match. It terminated the match immediately.

On top of that, I've never seen obvious cheaters in Valorant. Go play Counter-Strike for long enough and you'll find spin bots.

Is rootkit anti-cheat sketchy? Absolutely. Does it work really fucking well? Absolutely.

I'd never correct you but fuck I hate it

That's when you just see through their bullshit and don't apply.

When you have other companies that aren't bullshitting, and they're also paying a higher minimum wage, the other companies pulling that shit don't stand a chance.

They're probably creating artificial scarcity to increase the prices elsewhere on account of "supply and demand". There's a special place in hell for them.


I can't imagine Europe wouldn't lose their shit if Apple removed it entirely. And if Android manufacturers did that consumers would also promptly lose their shit.

Beyond the consumer, having a physical port is beneficial to Apple. Businesses use attached devices (e.g. barcode scanners, DSLR camera attachments, charging stations) all the time. It's more common on Android phones, but I do see iPhones using these sorts of things. My local movie theater uses iPhones to scan tickets with an attached Lightning scanner, for example.

I don't disagree that wireless charging is more convenient, but from the standpoint of being in emergency situations where a cable is needed to charge your phone, it wouldn't be easily possible if the port is removed. People might carry around charging bricks, and while wireless charging bricks do exist they're not commonplace and they're certainly slower than charging by wire. I can tell you nobody will want to carry around a portable wireless charger, although MagSafe is almost already just that.

Playing devil's advocate, it's possible Apple does want things like portable wireless chargers to proliferate, like the one you can buy that slap onto the back of your phone. It means you're buying more of their shit, which is something they seem to love so much. It would mean you're buying MagSafe chargers or whatever proprietary crap they manufacture. I still do see it becoming an issue in emergency situations though, e.g. teens (a large user base of iPhones) use their phones a lot and borrow chargers from each other all the time.

Impossible? No. Unlikely? Yes, for now.

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  • The old Thief games (succeeded by Dishonored)
  • Condemned: Criminal Origins

Those are the two I got for now.

You can also use Fennec (Firefox) or Kiwi Browser (Chrome) forks for Android. Both support uBlock Origin.

The Samsung SCH-U740

It was a good one! It literally flipped 2 ways.