Reddit users who switched to Lemmy, what is the most annoying thing you have seen about Lemmy users?

Prethoryn to Ask – 300 points –

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So I couldn’t help myself, and looked at a bit of your posting history.

Gotta say, you seem a bit angsty. If you have opinions different from what’s mainstream here (though I’m not sure arguments about Linux are really mainstream, even here), that’s all well and good, and a decent enough reason to not enjoy your time here.

But your engagement seems somewhat anger driven, and that seems to colour your challenges here, where feeling like you’re the lone voice of wisdom seems to fuel your angst.

You got to it before I did. This whole thread is your typical asking a question as way to sound off about something else in the comments. Dude is grumpy and needs people to see.

OP has a hidden agenda and he’s trying to stoke flames with his question and comments

Snooping post history is a red flag, mam. Pretty low, and not a Reddit feature I'm particularly keen on retaining.

So what if I spend all my time posting pornographic images of King Richard the third? Not really relevant to the argument at hand, is it?

In this case it was relevant. And I wasn’t looking to nor did I cast any aspersions or generalisations based on any quirky or strange post behaviour. I only sought to understand what kind of negative experiences OP had with lemmy.

It's creepy. Comment history should only be searchable by Admin for the purpose of evaluating a ban IMO.

I hear you and sympathise. Here on the fediverse, privacy isn't really a thing and you're best off thinking of this is a big connected public blog, as problematic or undesirable as that may be.