3 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To me it’s not a matter of whether live exists anymore, but where it exists

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Thanks spez.

Damn what is happening in France

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It’s actually so cringe how he looks up to Elon and blatantly copies him as if he’s a role model businessman. Just pathetic.

Even on lemmy people still aren’t bothering to fact check things. Disappointing.

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I believe her notes are still radioactive to this day and one must wear protection to handle them

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How do you get through med school and get to this point

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For those who saw the movie: do you think this test is valid?

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Amazing. Really does sound like they’re trying to sabotage the site now.

I was thinking about it; Lemmy could technically implement a system of gold on its own e.g can give one award a month after hitting a certain karma level or something to siphon more Reddit users.

But a lot of people on this site seem to not want normie Reddit users flocking here and my personal expectation is that people here would not care for awards. So whether they flock here or not will likely depend on how fed up they get.

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The ai thing was so stupid. I cringe every time i see it

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It’s too hard can you pwease make it easier for us corporations 🥺 👉👈

I think little piggy spez is an Elon fanboy so it makes sense

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I would bet all the money in my savings that life exists somewhere in our galaxy, but I’m not sure I’d do it for every moon with water

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250$ a month for their service seems like cloudflare was straight up losing money on the deal. Although cloudflare seemed to have given them extra time than they said before terminating service, which they didn’t have to do. That being said, I think both sides suck here.

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100% yes but also you can walk into a locker room and see old man balls everywhere yet that isn’t harassment because of intent

A lot of people would just upvote the first bozo to reply with a confident answer and never bother to check for the full story. Scrolling 3 comments down you’d find someone who actually knows their stuff. I learned to at least read most of the comments before committing any Reddit info to memory as fact.

Absolutely not. Looking at the content there, it’s quite literally general content.

Much of it isn’t what I’d consider casual conversation material so this sub still fulfills a distinct purpose. It’s more personal here imo.

While there may be overlap now, I think if that sub lemmy grows a lot in the future it will become much less focused.

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The answer is simple. They’re using blockchain NFTs to reach new market growth using AI to provide flavor solutions to consumers

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Ah I misread I thought it was specifically a programming course. I can expect this from a math prof.

You can’t leave. This is your new home. Understand?

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Wow what a complete loser. Reddit mod behavior

Think about filling in a form, though. Filling in a form—“to fill” is unambiguous. In/out isn’t even necessary when you think about it. “I’m going to fill a form” means the same thing too.

In most cases only the first one applies. Rarely ever see monitors that aren’t powered independently. Also sounds like chatgpt wrote this.

Edit: apparently everyone skipped over the part where I said I rarely see them

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There’s no way you teach a uni course and do this kind of thing unless to demonstrate poor practice/run time difference. Are you sure you were paying attention?

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Berserk: Berserk

The amount of people missing the joke here is amazing and I don’t even browse this sub

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Polar opposite of baldurs gate 3 release

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This guy has definitely ordered 55 gallons of sex lube before.

liquid ass

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Makes me want to burn one too. Fun for the whole family.

I was expecting hate speech or something… but this sounds almost like friendly banter

Only two VAs making the claim. It’s bizarre but a little strange don’t you think? Is it only these two or is something else going on

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That is going to absolutely ruin the site even more lmao

You thought karma farming bots were bad? Wait until users start posting like them too

If I could get rid of one of these, it’d be hungry for knowledge but cannot retain info. I hate it.

Soon we’ll be farming volunteer humans for bone marrow stew. Sign up, have several bones removed—femur, tibia, you name it—and cracked open for that sweet juicy marrow. Then a steady supply of bone growing pills to start the process all over again.

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This guy just popped ‘boner’ at the end of his sentence for some reason and it somehow works

Would this make it the oldest living animal on earth then? Fascinating.

Absolutely nothing can top this

Am I the only one who has seen absolutely no porn on lemmy ever? I haven’t had to block any but I would if I saw it. Where are you guys seeing this?

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Did people do this?