maegul (he/they)

@maegul (he/they)
69 Post – 1605 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A little bit of neuroscience and a little bit of computing

It’s not too hard. There are a bunch of different platforms one might experiment with as well as instances. Some will use multiple accounts for different needs or interests. On lemmy, multi accounts are useful for have different feeds, for example. I probably have 7-10. I’ve probably forgotten about a few of them. If you’re curious, it happens.

By the same token Evan seems a bit self centred and egotistical about his projects. Of you look at his comments about BlueSky it seems he’s pretty bitter that someone dared to make an alternative protocol that so far has a decent amount of users, when a acceptance of multiple systems experimenting and borrowing from each other for the good of the open web is right there as a natural position.

It’s interesting to see Torvalds emerge as a kind of based tech hero. I’m thinking here also of his rant not long ago on (a kernel devs microblog instance) that was essentially a pretty good anti-anti-leftism tirade in true Torvalds fashion.


Torvalds's anti-anti-left post (I was curious to read it again):

I think you might want to make sure you don’t follow me.

Because your “woke communist propaganda” comment makes me think you’re a moron of the first order.

I strongly suspect I am one of those “woke communists” you worry about. But you probably couldn’t actually explain what either of those words actually mean, could you?

I’m a card-carrying atheist, I think a woman’s right to choose is very important, I think that “well regulated militia” means that guns should be carefully licensed and not just randomly given to any moron with a pulse, and I couldn’t care less if you decided to dress up in the “wrong” clothes or decided you’d rather live your life without feeling tied to whatever plumbing you were born with.

And dammit, if that all makes me “woke”, then I think anybody who uses that word as a pejorative is a f*cking disgrace to the human race. So please just unfollow me right now.

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So ... can we like finally dismiss Google Chrome as the obviously awful idea it is and which should never have made it this far and remind all of the web devs married to it that they're doing bad things and are the reason why we can't have nice things?

Hmmm ... a web browser owned by a monopolistic advertising company ... how could that possibly go wrong??!!

XKCD Comic depicting a conversation between someone who send an essay in dot doc, MS Word format, and another trying to convince them to use open source alternatives.  The first person is abusively unconvinced, doesn't care about ensuring we have good software infrastructure and dismisses the open source advocate as smug and "probably autistic".  In the final pane, the first person runs to the open-source-advocate second person panicking about facebook taking over everyone's social lives and doing evil things with it, in response to which the second person simply plays their "world's tiniest open source violin" as a clear "i told you so gesture"

The moment word was that Reddit (and now Stackoverflow) were tightening APIs to then sell our conversations to AI was when the game was given away. And I'm sure there were moments or clues before that.

This was when the "you're the product if its free" arrangement metastasised into "you're a data farming serf for a feudal digital overlord whether you pay or not".

Google search transitioning from Good search engine for the internet -> Bad search engine serving SEO crap and ads -> Just use our AI and forget about the internet is more of the same. That their search engine is dominated by SEO and Ads is part of it ... the internet, IE other people's content isn't valuable any more, not with any sovereignty or dignity, least of all the kind envisioned in the ideals of the internet.

The goal now is to be the new internet, where you can bet your ass that there will not be any Tim Berners-Lee open sourcing this. Instead, the internet that we all made is now a feudal landscape on which we all technically "live" and in which we all technically produce content, but which is now all owned, governed and consumed by big tech for their own profits.

I recall back around the start of YouTube, which IIRC was the first hype moment for the internet after the dotcom crash, there was talk about what structures would emerge on the internet ... whether new structures would be created or whether older economic structures would impose themselves and colonise the space. I wasn't thinking too hard at the time, but it seemed intuitive to that older structures would at least try very hard to impose themselves.

But I never thought anything like this would happen. That the cloud, search/google, mega platforms and AI would swallow the whole thing up.

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Prepare yourself:

Clinton, Trump and Bush Jr were all born in the “summer” of 1946.

Since 1992, 32 years ago, there has been a presidential candidate from the summer of 1946 for 7 elections (trump 3 times now) or 28 years worth.

Additionally, H Clinton was the “fall” of 1947, Romney the “spring” of 1947, Gore the “spring” of 1948.

Obama, McCain, Kerry and Biden are the only exceptions to the core Boomer generation of a 2 year window dominating presidential elections for ~35yrs.

With Biden and Kerry kinda being older boomers, born in ~1942/3 and Obama a young boomer at ~1960. Harris and Walz (and Vance too) mark a generational step change to X-gen and millennials

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My big take away is that social media as we know it is likely generational. Like real time broadcast TV, it may just not be a thing at all in the future, at least not with the centrality we’ve become accustomed to.

Polls run here and especially on masto bare this out. Mastodon, for instance, leans x-gen/boomer with some millennial in its demographic. It’s hardly a young persons thing. Once you realise so much of the praise and enjoyment of the Fedi is that it reminds people of the older days of the internet, the generational picture becomes pretty clear. 15 year olds today were born after Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Forums, Usenet, old Twitter are probably like black and white tv to them.

At the moment, I think it’s a major flaw of the Fedi, that it’s fundamentally backwards looking, trying to preserve older big-social designs rather than doing something more diverse or at least different.

An obvious example being private or closed spaces like group chats and the like including public versions if desired. This seems to be a growing form of online interaction, that is in a way more humane or eusocial. But apart from matrix, which sits separately, the Fedi is still stuck redoing Twitter and Reddit.

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An insightful thought from a TV critic I read years ago just as streaming was taking off :

There’s no such thing as the best TV show anymore, because there’s so much that’s generally good enough to be a candidate that no one person has watched it all and spent the time to assess it properly.

More broadly, this had happened to western culture with the internet. Previously, with only three tv channels and two major papers, we were all literally on the same page.

I’d go further and say there’s a vertical dimension too in terms of complexity. Society and its various aspects such as technology are now complex enough in total they I don’t think anyone can ever say they understand what’s going on.

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I don’t think that’s accurate. I something funny is going on with kbin that is causing fedidb to see one instance as two separate instances. So this number is about 50k too high.

Also, if I may be a little realistically pessimistic, for those hoping for continued growth. These things tend to happen in waves with deflations in between. It seems the Reddit wave has come to an end, and some drop in numbers might happen over the next few weeks or months. It’s natural, and I wouldn’t be dismayed by it at all. Events like the migration cause curiosity in some people who don’t settle. It’s fine.

Who knows what will happen going forward, Reddit it seems is still doing it’s bullshit it seems. But if you like it here, there’s plenty to focus on here to make this place happen. And we don’t need to worry too much about whether Reddit a dying or who’s winning.

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So from the outside, this is looking like an increasingly difficult situation for anyone left of trump still on twitter ... whatever you like about the platform ... it seems you're actively supporting and endorsing some pretty sketchy behaviour.

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Ok ... so I think false preconceptions are polluting this topic. Apart from the passwords, nothing serious has happened here for your data. As for the DMs ... yea there aren't DMs with any real privacy on the fediverse, they don't exist ... you should presume DMs are public.

Because the fediverse is not in any way private. See for a good treatment of this:

The basic story is that the fediverse is all about duplicating what we post all over the place ... essentially to anyone who decides to run a server on the fediverse. The FBI could (and probably do?) have a server scooping up all sorts of stuff onto their server and you wouldn't know about and probably couldn't do much about it. Google is scraping mastodon (and probably lemmy?) ... try a google search for mastoodn content.

This is all public internet stuff, you're basically running a public blog that happens to be well connected to lots of other public blogs.

As nice as the fediverse is as a nice anti-capitalist-big-corp monopolisation of our social online lives ... it is very much born out of the web2.0 era and doesn't have any of the privacy concerns many of us would now hope for from technologies.

I've argued this elsewhere ... I like the fediverse and am here out of principle ... but in many ways it highlights some of the failings of our world at this time ... because it's about 10 years too late and the future is coming in hot and fast ... in retrospect I wouldn't be surprised if it will make a lot of sense to look back on the fediverse and think that it was effectively redundant at just about the time it gained popularity. An AI dominated internet with massive privacy concerns is here very soon, and the fediverse isn't ready IMO, it's still trying to catch up to web2.0 big social circa 2010.

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So, not that parallel communities are at all bad, I feel like it's warranted to ask why this community when we've already got the dedicated startrek instance and its communities:, such as ! and !

At this point in the growth of lemmy, I feel like unneeded duplication without any reason doesn't really help things. Should a community die we can always start new ones where ever we want. But splitting things and making it harder for users to navigate the space probably isn't a good idea unless there's something you want to achieve with this community?

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The answer to such questions is almost always "Because someone hasn't done it yet".

As others have mentioned, this platform has grown drastically over the past month and so the devs are somewhat preoccupied with what they've prioritised for the platform as a whole. This feature though is on the radar, as others have said.

A quick fix that I actually think would help be just in the UI, where the user can group the communities they're subscribed to into what ever groups they like, so that it becomes easier to browse through communities individually by topic.

Stewart offered what seemed to me a thoughtful path forward: Be the party of democracy and transparency, listen to voters, and run a convention to pick the candidate ...

... and, you know, maybe don't be strangely authoritarian about who gets to be the candidate while claiming you're also the only part that can "save democracy".

Hope multiples are ok ...

  1. As platform developers, do you have any thoughts about ActivityPub? Positive/negative critiques, needed developments (in your opinions), usage gripes or tips for other platform devs, future predictions?
  2. As devs of (now) the second largest platform next to mastodon (by some metrics), which are probably as distinct platforms can be in terms of format, do you have any views on interoperability between platfroms over ActivityPub, where a common critique (AFAIK), from *diaspora devs for example, is that sharing posts/information of different formats just doesn't work well over AtivityPub and so is one of its major flaws?
  3. Arguably the fediverse has so far sought to replicate the corporate big-social platforms ... should new design evolution occur now and if so how?
  4. Much has been made by some of how the lack of user-friendliness of the fediverse really isn't anything to celebrate and should be taken more seriously by users and devs alike (see, eg, Erin Kissane who focuses on mastodon). However much this applies to lemmy (where issues of user mobility probably do apply), do you think the fediverse needs a better story around catering to user needs?
  5. Do you have any thoughts on the server-based architecture of the fediverse (where all user accounts are bound to a particular user) and whether alternative architectures have a future or could be better (p2p, more single-user based for instance)?
  6. Should lemmy and the fediverse seek to grow with any and all users or seek to stay relatively small and limited to ensure a healthy cutlure?
  7. Journalism and journalists ... should they be on the fediverse (like the BBC recently with their own mastodon instance) ... and if so, how?
  8. What are the biggest or proudest moments you've had with Lemmy so far, and the worst or most embarrassing?
  9. How does it feel to have so many users using and developing against your software?!
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ActivityPub (the protocol used by the fediverse) has recently had a proposal to expand it incorporate marketplace exchanges of information. See the proposal, and a discussion thread

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  1. This is about replacing humans with machines and making more profit. The framing around difficult to work with models is a distraction. The AI problem was always a capitalism problem. And here it is in full swing. Buckle up and brush up on your Ludditism people!
  2. As with AI and shopped imagery and porn, the unrealistic beauty standards problem is about to get ridiculous. There may be a moment coming not too far off where beauty is just not a human thing anymore. Which may be catastrophic (like people can’t have sex with each other anymore) or oddly liberating.
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  1. I’ve written a post or more

Someone put it well, if insensitively, about Sam Bankman Fried (FTX etc):

Not actually smart but just LARP-ing the “Aspy genius” persona.

However accurate that take is or offensive, I think it captures something about how nerd culture has gone mainstream and how it’s perceived.

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So I think people here need to be mindful of how much they don’t know about animal testing, how easy it is for the topic of animal testing to become inflammatory and how much musk-hate makes that even more likely.

Animal testing and experimentation is happening all over the place. And in such work accidents to happen, as with any surgery. And a common measure to prevent suffering is to euthanise. In fact I think euthanasia is prescribed so often that it’s controversial, but you should keep in mind that any animal experimentation setup is likely to have an intentionally antagonistic relationship between experimenters and animal carers and ethicists.

There are groups deeply and actively opposed to animal experimentation of any sort and will infiltrate and target labs and try to expose them any way they can. There’s a real chance that something like that is behind these revelations. Point is that it’s often not objective and misleads you into thinking the targeted lab is particularly bad when it’s actually just a selected target for political reasons.

All of which is NOT to condone animal experimentation (I’m a vegan for example). But you really should be mindful of how dumb media hype around this issue can be.

If you’re outraged for instance, when was the last time you ate meat and how well do you think that animal was treated both before it’s killing and even during? Better than the monkey in this story? Hell, when was the last time you ran over an animal in your car and did you really need to be driving at all? Did that animal die peacefully? Did you even realise?

How many benefits come to both humanity and animals too from progress from animal experimentation and is that worth some of the mistakes and suffering caused?

These are some of the better thoughts IMO, where musk hate is really not relevant here. From what I could tell from the article, it did not seem odd at all. If you care about animals, take the issue seriously and don’t make it about one very famous person who’s cool to hate right now. Animals, and humanity, frankly deserve better.

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Non profit foundation is awesome to see. It will probably the general structure of all significant long lasting institutions on the Fedi.

Yea it feels like something has been rotten with the ads industry for a long while. I’ve read a few pieces here and there about how it could collapse and that it’s built almost entirely on dumb lies. But it’s still here.

I’m no economist, but my best guess is that it’s a little like war and the effort we put into it. Complete trashy waste almost all the time, except for when one person or country decides to put effort into it, because then you have to as well or run huge risks. We’d all be better off without ads, including brands/companies, but when one is doing it every company has to too.

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This seems somewhat important. Things, even major institutions in the internet, can be very generational. Never thought about that in terms of Wikipedia before.

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For all the annoyance, a silver lining is that is testing lemmy at a relatively high scale lemmy doesn’t see anywhere else and so aiding in the development of the software and architectural guidelines for instance management.

The potential.

Free open source software running on a decentralising protocol. We can own or join our own little corner. We can make our own platforms. We can be free of ads and profit margins.

Yea I tried signing up to Netflix again since they had added the new plans and ads. Didn't last more than the first/initial month/payment. What hot garbage that experience was. The 90s experience of having a cable person come over and install something would have been more user friendly. They lost a lot of good will from me as a customer that day, I'm not sure I'll ever go back.

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I hear you and essentially don't disagree. But I feel like this might lean a tad toward gaslighting.

  • Plenty of people are fine communicators when it comes to genuine collaborative work but still find the "game" of job applications very difficult or impossible.
  • Being left alone with a customer is not a thing at all for many roles.
  • Embracing diversity in abilities and doing so transparently is a thing that can be valuable for both companies and humanity. Presuming everyone can do all the things is, IMO/IME, damaging. It leads to cutting out people who have something valuable to offer. But also leads to not recognising when people are properly bad at something despite the fact that they really shouldn't be given their seniority and role.

In the end, a job application/interview is not like the job at all (whether necessarily or not). That there are people in the world who would be disproportionately good at the job but bad the application seems to me an empirical fact given the diversity of humanity. And recognising this seems important and valuable in general but especially for those trying to understand their relationship to the system.

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It controls a military drone.

It controls surgical equipment.

It’s filtering your CV before any human sees it.

It controls a robot taking care of your children.

It’s involved in law enforcement or legal judgments.

It’s involved in government policy setting.

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Yea. Along with web rings, human-focused search and just harbouring communities better ... we gotta start building people-focused online gardens and ditch this capitalistic hustle shit.

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So I saw this on mastodon ... and it's a little weird, perhaps not unlike the cultures that migrants develop in their new homes.

There's a tendency, I think, to overestimate how bad the "old" platform has become since "we" left. In reality, it's not nearly that bad, if any different at all, and those of us not inclined toward this overestimation go and check the old platform from time to time and get confused as to where all of this "hellscape deadness" is.

I think we can all imagine to some extent why this might happen. But I'm writing this just in case it's healthy to point out that it need not happen, and that the thing that's actually changed, though you might not know if you've arrived here recently, is this place, which is a whole new thing!

A story I think of along these lines is what Steve Jobs did when he went back to Apple in the late 90s. Back then Apple thought they had to beat Microsoft to win. Thing is the company was close to dying with huge debts etc and were never going to do that (still haven't come close today). But they were so enamoured with their past to the point of having a museum of all of their old products. Jobs had the museum removed, told everyone that for Apple to win it has to stop thinking about Microsoft because they'll never be destroyed, instead Apple had to win by doing its own thing, and then, super contraversially for the time, had Bill Gates invest a bunch of money into Apple and appear on the big screen during a keynote to rather audible "boos".

It doesn't matter what Reddit's doing or whether they're doing well. It matters if we're doing well ... as cheesy as that might sound.

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Meat eating is a possibility. I don’t see it being universal, but veganism is on the ride and it makes sense to a lot of people.

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Yea. It's almost like caring about your craft and being motivated chiefly to just make good things and fix things ... aren't terrible character traits?!?

So, in short, the whole “just someone else’s computer” thing will always come back to bite you. And of course, we’re still struggling with this. Here on the Fedi, everything is tied up on servers run by admins we know little about without much recourse to download archives or migrate, unless you’re up for full self hosting.

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Kinda funny, not too long ago it was a fun mental exercise if you were paying attention to the tech industry to try to think of the ways in which Google or MS could fall.

Now, AFAICT, neither are falling any time soon, but there certainly seems to be a shift in how they're perceived and how their brand sits in the market (where even so I'm still probably in a bubble on this).

But I'm not sure how predictable it would have been that both would look silly stumbling for AI dominance.

And, yea, I'm chalking recall up to the AI race as it seems like a grab for training data to me, and IIRC there were some clues around that this could be true.

The core devs have always been pretty open about how they don't want to be "the flagship instance". To them, it's just the instance that they run, and so happens to have the history of being the biggest instance back when lemmy was growing its user base.

They actively encouraged new/other instances be created and pushed new users during the reddit migration to other instances, rarely listing their own instance in the list of recommended instances on join-lemmy.

So it's not the flagship, and intentionally so. And while is the biggest by far, it is also arguably not the flagship either due to the lack of having the core devs or contributors as admins of that instance. All of which means lemmy has done something most other platforms have struggled with (I'm looking at you!), which is flattening the power structure amongst the devs and admins such that there is no real flagship, an all around good thing IMO.

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It’s not just true, there’s a history of this mentioned in the replies to the original masto comment. Pixelfed is a direct competitor/alternative to instagram and meta’s has a pretty clear policy of not giving it any airtime on their platforms.

Why, well they dominate the instagram style platform space (and I’d guess it’s their biggest platform ATM and most prospective going forward). Twitter-style platforms are new for them and introduce monopoly issues … so they toy with the fediverse to allay potential issues.

I think all of the schmoozing the likes of Evan, Gargron etc are doing with meta (they have active accounts on Threads AFAIU, for instance) will reveal their true colours (techbro growth mindset just the hipster way) and leave them with egg on their face.

IMO, plenty of nuance lacking in the discussion here.

  1. Being able to defederate whenever you want is the point of all this. Freedom of association. It’s not a big deal.
    • EDIT/ADDITION: someone defederating from something you enjoy doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to enjoy it or that they have defederated from you personally. Each of us managing our own situation here is the whole point. It’s not personal. It’s not about you.
  2. This especially goes for instances that are trying to create safe spaces for vulnerable people, as is. To all the critics here, the job of such moderation is probably harder than you realise. There appears to be little empathy for what such an effort is trying to achieve. Moreover, it almost certainly will involve decisions that will not make sense to you if you don’t belong to the instance’s demographic. It’s also ok, given their circumstances, that they make decisions that seem excessive … because they have a bigger job to do than ensuring that they’re not too Puritan etc
  3. This is even more especially so when it comes to something as intrinsically controversial, problematic and illicit as CSAM.
    • Just today a report came out stating that fediverse has a CSAM problem, where such content being masked by appearing alongside otherwise acceptable material is part of the problem. So maybe not fucking around with this shit as an admin makes a lot of sense, and maybe being less cavalier as a community about this issue might actually be necessary if we are all to enjoy our free social media ecosystem. We’ve lost one instance to being carefree about this stuff (vlemmy). And is “adorable porn” so important that it needs defending?
    • See Verge Article and Mastodon thread by author of report
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Yea this. It’s the cigarettes of our generation. “I don’t know, everyone was doing it back then”, we’ll all say.

And our blind acceptance of it all, to the point of allowing it to replace journalism and politics, will be seen as dumb in the same way we now breath in some cigarette smoke and see it as obviously unhealthy.

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Multi communities. They would be a big deal IMO. If you could have multiple saved into a list so that you could check different feeds depending on what you’re interested in, it would be much better. Combine that with the scaled sort (as well as the others), and you’re managing your feed very well IMO.

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How fitting and wonderful that we manifest something truly like a fantasy world.

Oh, I’ve read of such problems, they’re ancient but still haunt some even now after the downfall of stackoverflow.

Are there known solutions or packages I can install?

Not amongst us or on these platforms. Nay perhaps not even on this protocol. Grey beards and 90s hackers you must seek, those whose craft comes from before the .com bubble and even Keanu Reeves. Many secrets they know that have since been lost and much of our ways do they shun.

Where can I find these hackers?

If they still wield their keyboards, you may find them in Newsgroups.

What URL will guide me the way?

Oh My child, URLs will not help you. You must learn to navigate the Usenet and its Newsgroups. Come, Drægōnëḏgelôṟḏ will show you the way.