Chechnya's Bizzare Ban on Musical Tempo : A good vid on it from Adam Neely

maegul (he/they) to – 27 points –
Chechnya's Bizzare Ban on Musical Tempo

We really have a lot of dumb people who seem to be good at getting into government. Their skills are social and manipulation and not logic and reason.

Well the toxic but intrinsic aspect of democracy is that you have come up with some salesman pitch and hype to get elected, and then once elected, you've gotta do something for the people that elected you, not to mention that you're likely inexperienced in running complex institutions like governments, so you don't know what you can really do and probably have imposter syndrome or plain incompetence, so you come up with some rubbish you understand that is the easiest way to look like you've done something before the next election.

It goes well beyond that as if it is not democracy these people can hook into for their power, it will be whatever other political system that is in place, some with no checks and balances.