X suspends ‘White Dudes for Harris’ account after massive fundraiser

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 407 points –

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So from the outside, this is looking like an increasingly difficult situation for anyone left of trump still on twitter ... whatever you like about the platform ... it seems you're actively supporting and endorsing some pretty sketchy behaviour.

It isn’t, “facts” or “reality” have never really bothered those people before.

He's referring to Twitter users in general. There are people who I genuinely think care about facts and reality still left on Twitter.

Well, they don't fuckin care too much do they

Yeah, it's pretty disappointing.

I like the take that if you're still on Twitter it doesn't mean you're a fascist; it just means fascism isn't a deal breaker for you.

If you're helping the nazi bar pay rent with your time and money, you're still a nazi, you just don't get as many perks.

I finally deactivated my account after I heard they were turning on Grok by default.

But, I hadn't tweeted (switched to Mastodon) since Elmu mass-banned journalists for retweeting public information (jet location when near an airport).

I know some non-fascists are still getting good use out of it, but I can't participate anymore. I keep hearing that Mastodon is letting too much abuse through to marginalized people -- even more than Twitter -- though. So, I don't know what to recommend for microblogging.

Mastodon is letting too much abuse through to marginalized people – even more than Twitter – though. So, I don’t know what to recommend for microblogging.

Yea it’s a bit tough ATM. Straddling between masto and BlueSky might make sense (many are doing it it seems).

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