34 Post – 420 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Exposing children to social media.

Putting your kids on social media publicly.

The kids that grew up with it will probably see the harm caused and not want to pass that on.

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For my job and work. I use Kagi. Its not free, but the search returns are very good, you can filter domains out from your returns, it supports custom "bangs" ala duck duck go and theres no tracking of queries. There are also specific filters for things like programming, or recipes for cooking etc. Theres also no ads, you are paying and are the customer. They are trying to establish a sustainable model to run on that allows for privacy.

I find it quite refreshing. It isnt free and I generally hate subscription stuff, but this is easily one I dont mind as it pays dividends often when searching for work.

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Tthe problem is now if you have the store disabled basic shit, like the ability to open .heic files is broken or use stuff people want like sticky notes is broken.

We turn off most of what we can’t but having the store enabled causes all sorts of stuff.

Also windows 11 has ads baked in even with the store disabled. Plug in a Logitech mouse, get a pop up for their software. Open the picture viewer and get an ad to install some video editor that isn’t clear whether it’s a Ms product or not.

No to mention basic things like copy paste and edit are now weird icons because I guess they think most users are illiterate.

Most of the 11 UI changes are not for the better. Having to beta test it for work is frustrating and I run an IT shop.

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Snaps are technically foss but the server thst hosts them are proprietary to Ubuntu, when flatpak is perfectly reasonable. It’s a bit of a pattern of things they do, finding solutions to things they weren’t really problems (cough netplan cough)

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The expanse.

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I mean. My account has been a daily driver for the better part of 17 years. The name is original enough that if I went a week or so on an alt I would get requests for takeover from others.

I haven’t been on since it all started. And I won’t close the account. Just let it sit.

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They have repeatedly restored comments for me recently.

Maybe it’s not malicious but it sure as fuck is annoying.

This didn’t use to happen but started fairly recently (ie: the last 2-3 months). It seems to have stopped the last time I ran my scripts. Maybe legal lit them up?

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I have traditionally been a good tipper. Often others will mention it.

But the recent changes have me turned into a mister pink in a lot of cases.

Anything take out or not full service I just hit no now. Also the round up for some random cause, I found companies only have to donate like 10% of those to stay in the clear.

Also in the few instances I’m getting take out type shit like pizza and hit “no” and they made a comment. I no longer go there.

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I was just thinking about how theres almost no gradient between what makes you a "quirky and fun small business" which they want to act like and "oh shit better put on our IBM corporate hats and make another video"

Based on the bottom of the receipt i would have said to the server something like "great, it says right here no need to tip"

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As it’s currently implemented, the Fediverse allows for multiple identically named communities to exist. I believe this is a mistake. The fediverse should have one uniquely named community instance, and part of the atomic data exchanged through the federation should include the instance that “owns” the community and a list of moderators. Each member server of the Fediverse should maintain an identical list of communities, based on server federation. Just like USENET of yore.

Hard disagree. This allows abuse by moderator abuse similar to how reddit does it. Ideally the UI would allow you to create collections of communities based on your own groupings. And search could be expanded to find more similar communities (ie: based on keywords).

The way loading/finding and joining a totally new community into a new external instance is kinda buggy.

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I mean many games usually have an easy mode.

I frequently play on it.

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Im betting they are counting on most users just not being involved or caring.

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Best part voted comment...crickets..

Great acknowledgement reddit.

VP of community right there. Has leadership written all over them.

I mean. Hes (and his lawyer today) are trying to conflate actually tampering with attempting to tamper.

He definately tried to tamper and destroy evidence. And now is proclaiming innocence by saying it didnt happen.

Thats like responding to a charge of attempting rape by saying "well i didnt rape"

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The problem here is so many people are used to tech running at a loss on the books and/subsiding operating costs by selling customer data and analytics.

The reality is running tech companies is hard and expensive. The money here goes straight back into development. It’s just out of beta since march, and they have increased their quotas since I have been a customer.

But people are spoiled by free where you aren’t a customer. You are the product. If you are cool with that it’s fine. This isn’t the product for you.

For me, I like the idea and the searches are better than DDG/bing and startpage/google. So it’s worth the cost personally. I would rather pay that than say…Amazon prime where I’m both the customer and the product.

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I dont understand how redhat is going to police this policy of "we'll keep source code open to paying customers, but reserve the right to cancel a customer that shares said source".

Toss in GUID's or randomly place identity files to anyone that downloads the RHEL source hoping they get accidentally published as an identifying attribute if someone does decide to publish it elsewhere.

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Gold was always dumb. Why spend money on upvotes.

The fact that people actually ever bought it (and said thank you for it) was super weird to me.

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I have been having to rerun my deletion scripts daily. They are actively restoring comments. Even after writing gibberish and deleting. They are now holding more than 1 backup.

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My wife is a teacher. She had a student that would do no work in class, or even detention after.

Suddenly would have a college level writing skill at home.

Kid could not replicate or even summarize what was in his essays at school.

When the parent was contacted and was asked why the kid performs so poorly at school and suddenly the vocabulary and sentence structure is amazing at home is because my wife sucks and should “do better”

Admin would not confront or address the issue.

It happened 3+ times with the same student last year. This is at one of the better schools in the state.

“No one is going to write you were a good employee on your headstone. “


“Time is the one form of compensation you can never recoup. “

Meaning Time off from work is valuable, more so than the $$ value especially once you get to a certain point.

LED's produce a lot of heat at higher "wattages". IE: the 75w+ equivalents can throw out some heat. And if its recessed in a can or upside down on a chandelier but with a decorative covering, they will often go out due to heat. Hell I have seen some with giant heatsinks on them to try and compensate.

I had a series of 150w LED's i was burning through. Eventually I moved to just replace the bulb and fixture with a ceiling light like this

LED's are also sensitive to dirty power, probably more-so than Incandescents. I have run through some because of surges and brownouts as well.

I generally use Phillips brand LED bulbs if it helps, but do have some others.

Finally, the lower wattage bulbs (ie: 10-15w equivalent) will sometimes have a "pulse" to it. Dimmer LED's also tend to do this, and you often have to tune the dimmer switch to a higher brightness for "low" to compensate.

All that said, they are still leaps and bounds better.

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I went from stumbleupon/fark, slashdot/google reader, digg, reddit, lemmy.

My account on reddit is pretty old. Like in the 17 years old area.

Digg i was on until the first exodus. (It wasnt just one migration, it happened in 2-3 waves). I actually like G4TechTV and diggnations show (amongst a few others like Hak5 etc)

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Would still not expose my kids. Anonymity brings out the worst in folks. And social media gets used for bullying no matter the platform.

As an adult, able to practice some opsec, and kcomfortable with their sense of self. Fine.

As kids, mine won’t have access. I have had family comment because we ask for our kids not be to put on Facebook. They understand a bit more now, 10 years later, but only to a point.

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I bought it for a short time. They have a 30 day policy.

I returned it within the week. Its just way too buggy. I dont even care about the pay to play ships, whatever.

But the bugs with missions was awful. The NPC/AI fighting is nonexistant. The flight characteristics were better with n64's star fox 64. Its just not even close to being there.

Im a sucker for space games. If i want a flight sim ill play elite. If i want a space legs discovery game, ill play starfield. If i want to get stoned and look at weird animals with small heads and cool colors, ill fire up no mans sky.

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Lying to a computer? You aren’t under oath.

“Oh I misread it as tourist”

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It’s fine but a lot of forms and sites won’t work with it. Like legit will say is not a valid address.

So I would suggest a “normal” .com, .net., or ccTLD like .us. Those I haven’t seen that issue for.

Also some gTLDs will get automatic spam scores and stuff. .zip is probably gonna be on a ton of blocklists etc.

Also. Those running an exit node can and do sniff traffic.

It’s bad practice to login to stuff that’s important (like banking) over tor. Or login to anything over for you have logged into over the clear.

Also, nation states can track you using a variety of techniques from fingerprinting to straight up working together to associate connection streams. A large number of tor nodes are run by alphabet agencies. Hell the protocol was developed by the us navy.

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Probably. Jellyfin also has a music version of the app similar to plex amp.

Honestly I have been considering making the switch.

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Any company that I have to give my username and password for a third party service (and especially one as important as icloud/imessage) ill take a hard pass.

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Here’s the thing. There are now tips added to all sorts of checkouts. And it’s muddier than ever.

As an American I don’t tip shit unless it’s a full service restaurant. Aka they are refilling my drinks for me.

If I’m getting a sandwich at a sandwich line where you stand in line and call out what ingrediants you want and take it to go, I don’t tip. If I’m just getting a coffee black, I’m not tipping. Etc etc.

The checkouts now though ask for tips on all sorts of stuff. I increasingly refuse to tip for things like self service places, takeout, etc.

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At $10 it’s 1000 unique searches. I search a ton and have it on my phone etc. haven’t exceeded the limit. I am at 600 searches right now, with a renewal due on the 24th.

They are writing a search engine from scratch. They don’t just randomize bing or google searches. So I think you may be underestimating the operating and especially development costs, probably hosting costs too.

But to each his own. Also those streaming services you mention. They don’t really turn a profit, and definitely don’t on subscriptions.

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The only reason I keep Netflix is kids.

We don’t really watch it otherwise.

Even my in-laws are now pirates using hacked amazon fire sticks that are being hawked around their retirement community.

My mother in law is like “I get every streaming service and channel for 1 dollar a day, isn’t that great”.

I’m all “if it’s simple and works for you yeah, absolutely. “

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Everyone_disliked _that.jpg

As someone that both runs Linux at home as a daily driver and runs an infrastructure and ops team for a company.

The threats against the two are totally different and modern businesses need things like detection and response capabilities. Most of which don’t have Linux desktop counterparts.

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No one is stopping anyone from putting world politics and news in those threads are they?

Like moderators aren’t removing content.

I feel like we could use some more submissions from these other regions.

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What I find interesting is this could be avoided by granting exceptions to the existing app devs and being done with it.

I get the api costs money and theres folks like pushshift aggregating data and using it for their own profit. I’m sure plenty of companies are using data for adverts and more. And there’s an argument there Reddit deserves a cut. Especially if they are using the api to train bots or ai to have conversations for their own inventions.

But just the ass backwards way they handled devs of existing 3p apps that constitute value add to their data sets is just…mesmerizing.

And if these users ARENT a majority of the usage or costs, why bother cutting them off and not just granting exceptions to avoid the PR issues.

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Yeah it mostly seems reactionary nonsense.

Like you ca. swim at the top of a pool in a tractor coolant tank. Water is very cool at diffusing radioactivity (if that’s the right term, it’s probably not).

Heck we have legit crashed nuclear subs at the bottom of the ocean, and places we have just straight dumped waste much more potent than this water.

What kind of screwdriver though? Torx are superior.

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