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I'm genuinely shocked that you're the only one in this thread who picked up on "I'd never heard of narcissism until I recently watched some YouTube videos and concluded that both my parents and several of my relatives are narcissists.".

I'm not going to say it's impossible, but I'm highly skeptical.

Regardless of the reliability of the definitions used, I really do think you have provided the best advice in this thread. OP, if you read this, I agree with them full-heartedly. Seak out whatever counseling you can and look to more than just YouTube / the internet for information.

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How in the world are you able to live off $5k/year? My last months credit card bill was $2.6k and I don't even pay rent or tuition on my card. I'm also single with no dependents, own my own car, and have extremely cheap rent.

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What the fuck does this even mean?

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I haven't seen much far right stuff here, but I see toxic far left rhetoric all the time on Lemmy and it's honestly extremely off-putting even as someone who's solidly left of center.

This is a long story, but one that fits this question perfectly, and one that I've been longing to tell. I really hope you read it.

I went to college without any idea of what career I was building towards. All I knew was that I liked science. While I originally thought I wanted to study chemistry, my chem 101 professor was horrible and I failed the class. Meanwhile I LOVED my bio 101 class, so I changed my major to biology. I still didn't know what to do with the degree, I just took the classes that sounded interesting and honestly really half assed my effort in them.

Every summer I would come home to my parents and work delivering pizzas because it's what would hire me. But after my junior year I decided I didn't want to do that anymore, so I went home for the summer with no job planned, and still no idea what I would do when I graduated the following year. My mom put her foot down and said that no adult son of hers would live under her roof without a job, so she reached out to people she knew and got me one.

I was put on a factory line for a cash register repair company. I was second in line. The first person would get a returned cash register and run some diagnostics to figure out if it had anything wrong electronically. Then he gave it to me. I would take out 8 screws, remove the plastic covering, and blow dust off with an air hose. Then I'd give it to the next person and the first guy would give me another cash register. Rinse and repeat. Eight hours a day, five days a week. That's it. That's the whole job. I've never been more miserable than when I held that job and it made made truly reflect on why I was in college and what I wanted out of life.

After about a month and a half working there, my cat came down with a bout of bloody diarrhea and I told my dad, saying he should take him to the vet. He told me that I was a grown man and needed to handle my own problems, so that Saturday I begrudgingly took my cat to the vet like the responsible adult I should have been. I arrived and was asked to wait as the doctor was behind on appointments, and I immediately noticed that the place seemed to be working on a skeleton crew. In the past I had thought briefly about applying to vet school after undergrad, but had written it off early in my college career because it seemed really hard and, at the time, I was content on coasting through school with minimal effort. But my factory job had put the fear of God into me over what would happen if I just kept coasting.

After a two hour wait I was finally seen by the doctor, and during the appointment I told him that I noticed they seemed under staffed and asked if they were hiring. It turns out they had just had someone quit unexpectedly the day before. I told them that I was most of the way through a biology degree and they asked if I could come in Monday for an interview, so I called out of work that next Monday. Even though I had no experience in veterinary medicine at all, they said they were willing to train me, so long as I was willing to put the effort in to learn. I went back to work at the factory on Tuesday and told them it was my last day, and I started my new job as a vet tech on Wednesday.

Immediately, I fell completely in love with the job. I worked the rest of the summer and they asked me to come back during my winter break. That job gave me a goal to strive for that I'd never had before, and with that motivation I went from a 2.4 cumulative GPA up to a 3.7 for both of my last two semesters. Unfortunately that effort was only enough to bring my overall GPA up to a 3.05, which is too low to really consider applying to vet school, so I went and completed a master's in biology the bridge the gap. I continued to work at that same clinic part time through grad school, where I graduated with a 4.2 GPA, and then full time for a few years more while I applied several cycles in a row. Ultimately, I worked there for 6 years before I finally got accepted, not just to veterinary school, but to my #1 choice at that.

Fast forward four more years to today where I'm now in my final year of veterinary school. I'm on clinical rotations actually getting to work hands on with real patients, applying everything that I've learned over the past three years of education, and I couldn't be happier. I'm only a few months away from internship applications opening up, and I'm already asking around for letters of recommendation so I can keep moving forward towards my even more recently found goal of becoming an orthopedic surgeon. And all this happened to me because one summer I decided I didn't want to deliver pizza.

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You just use toilet paper to dry

Shrugging off extremist views as "just a political opinion" that should be ignored if you don't like it is like the #1 way to normalize and spread extremist views. You do not, and should not, politely ignore extremist. Doing so is explicitly allowing and inviting more into your community. Tankies can fuck off and I will continue to say so.

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Lmao you're out of your mind. There's no big conspiracy of the food industry making cooking look harder than it is. I got really into home cooking from watching all those cooking shows and YouTubers and then trying the recipes out myself. Virtually every cooking content creator out there makes content because they want to share the love of cooking, not scare people away from it. Channels like Binging With Babish, You Suck At Cooking, Alton Brown, J. Kenji Lopez Alt, etc are all fantastic resources for people who want to learn to cook.

I love how that article had plenty of other explanations for why a person might wear out their heel counter, but you jumped straight to him having deformed feet lol.

You sound like you've already closed your mind to the discussion, but in case you're actually still willing to healthily engage in the discussion here is a really good video about why calling people who utilize AI in their work "hacks and grifters" is a very narrow minded (and often factually incorrect) way of looking at AI utilization.

$800/mo is $19,200 over 2 years. So no, you can't survive almost 2 years on $10k.

That might be those people's answer to why they wouldn't adopt, but I'd put a lot of money down that the majority of people who want their own kids feel that way for reasons that are far more nuanced, and far less rooted in hate, than "fuck orphans".

Bruce Campbell is the king of B movies.

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Shit take. None of the Soulsborne games are narrative driven. If you went into them expecting a clear cut story to be told to you, then that's your fault. From soft is widely known for having deep lore that you have to discover and parse on your own.

Look I'm all for taxing the wealthy, but saying we should force billionaires, or really anyone for that matter, to give up everything more than $60k/year is fucking laughably insane.

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Really? You find it accurate that many people who want biological children want them over adopting because they dislike/hate orphans?

I absolutely love Troll 1 for the simple fact that the main character was named Harry Potter and he asks a witch to teach him to be a wizard halfway through the movie. It came out 11 years before the Harry Potter books.

Technically they're just over the 5000 monthly listeners limit (6955), but Xanthochroid is still relatively unknown and my favorite band of all time, so I can't not share them.

I don't have a computer nice enough to play games, so I'm going to have to wait for it to come out on console again anyway.

Wow, that's a really horrible and judgemental take.

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Firefox Nightly

I see this rhetoric a lot and I really dislike it and find it actively harmful to people with ADHD.

ADHD, at least mine, would absolutely still be a mental illness outside of modern society. My doesn't care if I'm remembering where I put down my phone or where I put down my sandwich, I still misplace them either way. At work being without my medication makes it difficult to keep track of my responsibilities. At home it makes it difficult to keep track of doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning the house. You don't suddenly lose all responsibilities and idle tasks without a modern society, your responsibilities and tasks just become different. And my ADHD couldn't give two shits what those responsibilities and idle tasks are, I'm going to struggle with them either way without medication.

Dismissing ADHD as not a mental illness but a symptom of modern society is not only incorrect at it's most basic level, it also implies that people like me could be "normal" IF "x, y, or z" conditions were met. That idea is just blatantly untrue and just perpetuates the dismissive and uncompromising stance that many people take towards individuals with ADHD.

The "extremist views" I'm talking about is the support for authoritarian regimes that use draconian laws and excessive military force to enforce the law. Tankies often do support the subjugation of people they deem "lesser", but unlike extremist on the far right, they often keep that part quiet.

The fact that you're downplaying the extremity of Tankie talking points is a perfect example of how they are able to normalize their opinions by being allowed a voice in groups where their opinions should be shunned and shamed.

This is a great breakdown of the exact thing I'm talking about.. The video focuses on these tactics and how they are used by the alt-right, but this is not something exclusive to the right and is exactly what tankies are doing on lemmy.

That can vary based on what type of engineering, what country you're in, what city you're in, what company you work for, or like any of dozens of other factors.

When I was 15 my grandfather took me out into the woods to teach me to drive stick in a 30,000 lb dump truck. I had never driven anything bigger than a golf cart before. My space to work with was a clearing maybe three times the size of the truck. I did not learn to drive stick that day.

What job do you have that 4x10-3 would be a reasonable option? Coming from someone who works 5x6a-6p (though this week it's been more like 6a-8p) those hours seem like a fairytale.

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Looking back it really does feel like things just happened to fall in place for me. I feel extremely lucky and thankful for it every day.

Definitely not, I played GoW 2018 first. I loved it so much that I went back and played every other previous GoW before GoW Ragnarok came out. The others are very different (but still very fun) games, and it definitely makes you appreciate Kratos' story better, but they are by no means essential.

I'm surprised he hasn't been mentioned so far, but DougDoug is my favorite YouTuber/streamer. He has some of the most creative and entertaining videos of any currently active content creator imho.

They Shall Not Grow Old, and the bonus "making of", is an incredible WW1 documentary and one of my favorite documentaries I've ever seen.

Yeah, part of it is that I'm in a medical field and still in school. Unfortunately my hours are going to get worse with internship/residency before they get better. Even still, 4x10-3 would never (honestly could never) happen in my field.

I've been in vet med for 8 years. The only glucometer that I've ever seen in any hospital (private practice, corporate, and academic) is AlphaTrack. I don't think it's a coincidence that it's been the glucometer of choice across everywhere I've worked and gone to school.

To be clear, I've actually literally never even seen or used another brand of glucometer.

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Believing in God and believing the Earth is 8000 years old are not the same thing btw

I've had my 40 oz Contigo for maybe 6 months. I honestly don't like it that much because it leaks a little, but it was the only design at Walmart that I liked and I don't exactly have the money to buy a different one.

No he wasn't.

As a veterinary student, I'd say you really can't trust anything from pet store employees regardless of species. As part of our nutrition rotation we go to pet stores and pretend to be new first time dog owners and ask for recommendations on food. The "advice" I've heard has been horrifying at times.

The main reason I'm not interested in practicing on exotics, even though I love them, is because they hide their illnesses so well. It feels like by the they're sick enough for an owner to notice and bring them in, 9/10 the prognosis is so grave they're euthanized on presentation or die a few days later.

Did he though? The entire premise of the show is that he really isn't a good person and all his problems are self inflicted due to his arrogance and pride. I really think he deserved exactly what happened to him.

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The thing is, his desperation is entirely of his own making. He was offered enough money and support to get by with no problems in the first episode, but turned it down because he was too proud. He put his family through everything in the show entirely because of his pride, all while saying he was doing it for them. I'd argue he was a bad person from day one.

I haven't worked with an AlphaTrack 3 yet, everywhere I've worked still has AlphaTrack 2s because they still work just fine lol.