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Joined 1 years ago

I'm against Biden but I'll vote for him if I have to. He should absolutely drop out of the race. He's going to RBG us.

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No man it was legitimately bad. Biden did horrible. I'm terrified that we're gonna see a significant slip in the polls after that disaster.

Sure you could cup your hands, but then you're missing out on that delicious boot flavor.

The whole premise of this veto is that the infrastructure isn't set up for mushrooms to be used as a safe medicine. Which completely ignores the fact that most people who use mushrooms do so recreationally; who gives a shit if it can or can't be used by the medical system? That would be great, but it has no bearing on whether mushrooms should be legalized.

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I got a PhD in philosophy. I have exponentially more experience applying for jobs and getting rejected than most people.

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It's pretty easy to come up with some things billionaires have done that are good. Bill Gates funding cures and prevention of diseases in the third world is one that comes to mind.

Now, if we're talking about finding an example of a billionaire whose life is on balance a good thing for humanity...that's pretty much impossible.

Remember those pics of Goebbels, one before learning the photographer was Jewish, and one after?

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Having lived there, Houston to College Station to Waco is 100% ugly. Really all of East Texas. I admit the hill country is pretty decent.

I moved to Seattle, though. Most Texans don't know what they're missing.

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The hatred of Fauci is so bizarre. Even if you thought the public health measures he put in place were misguided, it obviously comes from wanting to protect the public using the best science he had at the time. What possible crime could that entail?

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I'm not CPR certified or anything, but I think if you're just grabbing titties you're probably doing it wrong.

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Having lived in Bedstuy where a loud Muslim prayer happens every Friday morning, it's annoying as fuck and should not be exempted from ordinary noise ordinances.

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Obamacare does suck. It's a shitty half measure that leaves thousands to die from lack of health insurance every year and costs us a ton of money that goes straight to middle men that provide no health care.

It's better than what we had before. But we need universal healthcare.

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What a tragic fall from grace Glenn Greenwald has had.

Clarence Thomas: "lololololololol"

Simple: pirate adobe acrobat and ocr them yourself.

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I work four jobs. I don't have health insurance. If I got sick I'd be fucked. Not surprising that people my age are dying at higher rates than in more civilized countries.

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Yeah definitely. In the span of a month my wife suddenly left me to date women, my job laid me off, and my dog got sick and needed surgery. Everything I'd relied on for ten years just fell apart real fast and without a whole lot of warning. It's been quite the year trying to recover from all that. Dog survived, divorce finalized, still no job.

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I've been working every day since January. Every weekday, every weekend day, every day. But finally on June 15th I'll be down to one remote job and can go sailing for a few weeks straight. I've finally sort of got my finances in reasonable shape, I've paid off my car, and have a little breathing room.

Man I'm so fully employed that I have three part time jobs. All of which I need to pay rent. Pretty sweet!

No I do not have health insurance.

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We should literally be doing everything AMLO is asking for, regardless of this deal. I know the guy is a bit of a blowhard, but it's good that Mexico actually has a leader that has policy goals that benefit Mexico and the rest of Latin America, rather than an American stooge.

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I hate the word "home" in a real estate context. You do not buy a home. You buy a house and make it a home by living there with your family.

Similarly, "houselessness" is a dumb euphemism because what homeless people lack is literally a home, not just a house.

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The American left is furious at Biden for the same reason we're angry at pretty much any President's foreign policy. We've opposed most of the interventions and support for dictators that presidents in the latter half of the twentieth century up to today have engaged in. But we have never been the majority, and haven't had the power to stop them. It's important to remember that about a third of the US is composed or pretty reasonable, pro-peace social democrats. The problem is that another third are "moderates" that are okay with empire as long as we pretend we're being nice, and the last third are maniacal religious fascists.

No, we should have kept Sherman marching and burning for much longer, shot or hanged every confederate officer, dispossessed and redistributed every southern plantation to the slaves, and occupied the South with federal troops for two generations. The problem with the South is that they were not treated harshly enough. Instead, they were left to reassert most of their old privileges and teach their kids how great their "heritage" is.

They've been doing this since the 2000s. I remember having to set up a proxy server at home just so I could connect to it and actually browse the Internet at school without every third site being blocked for no reason.

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How's the weather in Tel Aviv right now?

This take is wildly ahistorical. Confederates were barred from office without being impeached. Impeachment is not mentioned in the 14th amendment at all. In fact, it explicitly mentions a remedy for people who have committed insurrection: the Congress can vote by 2/3 majority to reinstate an insurrectionist's right to hold public office.

My life has been falling apart. Divorce, unemployment, dying pets, friendships falling off, fights with relatives. There are new disasters every year so it never feels stale.

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No average year of IRA return will beat the 6.8% interest or more that a lot of us are paying on student loans debt.

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On overwatch 2?

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Too much repeated content on my feed. I like it, but I need to be able to auto hide previously viewed posts for this platform to be the kind of doomscroller reddit was.

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You individually are a competitor to Spotify?

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Got a divorce and lost my job. Spent six months eating 1500 calories a day, 600 of which were liquor, and walking five to seven miles a day. Hours of walking by the Sound in the rain every day. Felt like the only thing I could control was what I ate and how much I walked. Lost thirty pounds. I got a few compliments on how much thinner I looked. Didn't tell anyone that every pound was burned with hate.

I'm doing better now.

This is a tragedy. The guy is dying and his greatest contribution to mankind is the song "All Star." More than most of us will do, I guess.

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I still haven't caught it. There are dozens of us! Dozens!

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It's not much of a robot if it requires a person pumping air into it to move. That's like saying a bike is a robot, as long as you've got someone pedaling.

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Afaik refraining from abusing them isn't part of the definition. Anybody cozying up to a minor with the ultimate goal of having sex with them is grooming, whether or not they wait until they're of age.

Not worth it. Biden isn't going to win Ohio anyway. No dem will win Ohio for thirty years. That state only rivals Florida in what a disaster it's become in the last ten years.

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As somebody who's been a vegetarian for twenty years but still has 200 LDL at age 37, this would be really great to just have fixed. Dumb genes.

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slaps forehead wait I can just buy a house? What a solution!! So easy!

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Apparently Nex started the fight by pouring water on them. Hard to believe that someone might lash out that way if there wasn't a history of bullying though.

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