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I'm gonna go the other way. The only marketing I acknowledge is factual reporting of design features that make a product suitable for the intended task. Anything else is dishonest and manipulative.

Think of Chris Cooper's character from Interstate 50. Any marketing claim must be specific, measurable, verifiable, and accurate.

I use pocket app to save online recipes I like for later use. It is searchable and a separate list than my bookmarks which I like.

Toss a handful into your next pot of Mac and cheese.

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That is an interesting idea that is not typically considered in the drake equation as far as I know. That could significantly reduce the chance of finding intelligent life elsewhere.

If it shouldn't be charged above 80%, then make 80% the new 100%. "But this one goes to 11"

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Counterpoint, preheating just gives you a consistent starting point to follow their recipe. So you could follow their recipe once to see the intended result, then optimize it for your equipment (find the correct time and temp to get the intended result without preheating).

This all assumes you're cooking a frozen thing. If you're baking, follow the damned instructions. Baking is a science.

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The first steel mill I worked for, the test requirements were more of a suggestion than a rigid specification. I, a trained and skilled engineer with the capacity to make informed decisions, had to run all rejections by my boss who would tell me "it's close enough" even if it wasn't. Sometimes it bit us in the ass with warranty failures, but the warranties were probably cheaper than internal rejections (and what is brand perception worth?).

My second steel mill job, I was the one making the rejection decisions. I did the hard thing and rejected our failures but I also troubleshot them to prevent recurrence, making our product and capability better over time.

It very much matters who you buy your steel from; two mills can have vastly different performance for the same products based on how they handle these situations.

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Ha, the Italian police lights

I personally would rather follow topics than people. I don't know or care what the founder of Adobe had for breakfast. I like the idea of community aggregate voting to drive an interesting feed. Maybe Mastodon can do that better than I know because I only gave it a few days... but I was nowhere near what I wanted after a few days where Lemmy was good from day 0.

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Title. title.

Yeah, buttons can be found without looking.

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The cognitive dissonance of a trans trump supporter blows my mind.

I give candy to parents with costumes. Knock on my door, say trick or treat, and you get candy. Them's the rules.

I also give adults I know beer or seltzer.

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Groundhog Day. It gets better with subsequent watches.

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Didn't this already get knocked down in another state?

Edit: Kim Davis in Kentucky tried this and failed.

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We should have stopped irresponsible use of antibiotics decades ago.

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Soulmate is a fabrication. You find someone you like that likes you. You can tolerate their downsides and they can tolerate yours. GGG in the sack. Willing to work things out. There is no such thing as the perfect match but there are lots of people out there that will sit pretty high on your list. When you find one of them give it a go, hope it will work out, but it won't always go the way you want. Eventually it will stick or it won't, either way you've had a good time of it and start the next part of your adventure.

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Every tax dollar spent on education brings in more than $1 net present value of future income tax.

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All the free audiobooks you want from your library using hoopla and Libby.

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Do you think that's air you're breathing?

IANAL but dictionary.com disagrees with you.


"proven or declared guilty of an offense, especially after a legal trial"

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Good thing Biden's not running against Harris.

Also, you can't really in good faith talk about Biden's"increased questions about his mental acuity to serve for another term" without quoting one of Trump's incoherent ramblings about the difficult tests his doctor gave him.

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Narrator: they can't

I prefer the circular solution. Make a tariff equal to the delta, and use the tariff to subsidize local production and reduce the delta.

I know some of these words

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At least you have a cat to hold it up

Don't use high heat on nonstick pans.

Assuming we want the same internal temperature, high heat will cook the outside more than low heat. For bread you probably want a bit more heat to get a nice crusty outside. For steaks you want less heat to avoid overcooking most of the meat, then just a quick sear on the outside.

Don't overload your pan. If your food is cooking in a bunch of water that came out of the food you are boiling it, not frying it, and it's going to suck. Put in less food so that water can boil off before it starts boiling your food.

Don't overload your cookie sheets either. The center of the pan will not get as hot due to all that cold wet food sucking up all the heat, so the fries on the edge will cook faster than the fries in the middle.

Sear or roast your brassicas. They taste way better with some browning and lots of oil and salt.

Measuring food by weight is much easier and much more accurate than measuring by volume with measuring cups and spoons. This is next level awesome if you're trying to measure something sticky like honey or peanut butter, you can weigh it in the mixing bowl rather than dirtying a measurement device.

Don't overvook your meat. Use a fast read meat thermometer. Beef, pork, chicken, seafood, are all much better when cooked.to the proper internal temperature.

I am not a cooking expert, I am a heat transfer expert with a strong background in chemistry and those skills transfer over to cooking.

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This scenario has a high risk of confirmation bias.

That sounds like $3.5B of equity that could be leveraged to develop new vehicles, build new factories, and pay employees a fair wage.

Cheese toasty.

Just the tip

I'm gonna start my own instance, with hookers and blackjack

Too obvious now.

304N is not marine grade. It is 304 with a little extra nitrogen for hardness.

Marine grade steels have molybdenum for chloride resistance like 316L.

What's the opposite of aphantasia? I have that. I can picture things in my mind so viscerally I have made myself throw up involuntarily on multiple occasions.

But it is also my engineering super power. Double edged sword.

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I'm going to answer the opposite question. My favorite acronym is TLA (three letter acronym)because it mocks the whole system.

I also love OOO specifically because it is ghosty.

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TBF that's the only collared shirt that fits him.

Ha, tell each one that you hate a different one!

There is no other option. Thou shalt drink thy cereal-flavored milk.

Most bowls suck for this though, too flat on top. Disposable bowls are the worst.