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Joined 12 months ago

Seer of the tapes! Knower of the episodes!

I wouldn't willingly live anyplace else.

Just don't buy stuff you don't need. 100% savings every time.

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I have no sympathy. Companies that require class action waivers and mandatory arbitration clauses don't get to complain when thousands of people file arbitration claims simultaneously.

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When my paid Paramount+ subscription included unskippable ads.

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Littlejohn is charged with one count of unauthorized disclosure of tax returns and return information and faces up to five years in prison if convicted.

He should have violently stormed Congress instead. You only get like 3 months for that.

The Verge reported that CEO Sundar Pichai defended the layoffs and claimed that workers sometimes reach out to express gratitude for the cuts. “And I just want to clarify that, through these changes, people feel it on the ground and sometimes people write back and say, ‘Thank you for simplifying.’ Sometimes we have a complicated, duplicative structure,” he said, per the Verge.

Chalmers: People send thank you's for lay offs?

Pichai: Yes.

Chalmers: May I see one?

Pichai: No.

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“Republicans need to look at all of these numbers, and really think about what’s more important. Yes, most people that are Republicans are probably pro-life,” she stated. “And we love our babies. And I love being a mother. But what’s most important? Republicans taking over. And Republicans being able to keep our country!”

Wasn't expecting them to say this part out loud.

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It may be a violation of the Logan Act, which makes it illegal for private citizens to interfere with foreign relations.

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Congress has no oversight of state prosecutors. Jordan is using his position of power and trust to pervert the course of justice. This is blatant obstruction of justice.

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Nations that were the source of slaves remain on the whole impoverished and underdeveloped.

Nations that were slavers still remain on the whole wealthy and highly developed.

This is not a coincidence, and there is a reasonable case to be made for reparations on these grounds.

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Time to violently storm the Supreme Court, then. After all, they approve.

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The lawsuit stems from a 2016 FBI investigation during the Obama administration over Flynn’s suspected ties to Russia. In 2017, Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI regarding his association with Russian contacts. Shortly after the 2020 election, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) received a pardon from Trump.

Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. Case dismissed.

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But Great Barrington Police Chief Paul Storti said in a statement, “Because this complaint was made directly to the police department, we are obligated and have a duty to examine the complaint further."

I call bullshit, and would like to see the law and/or court rulings that support this assertion.

Because if cops have no duty to protect the public, then in what sense do they have a duty to take this complaint seriously?

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"Abortion is a matter of conscience and so it's not just something you change based on political gain. But this is something each individual candidate has to try to figure out for themselves and every part of the country is a little bit different," Cornyn said.

Translation: Abortion was never a matter of conscience for the GOP. It has always been about political gain.

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Regardless of where you stand on the Israel/Hammas situation, the state shouldn't have this kind of power.

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“He would say things similar to that on occasions to blow off steam. But I wouldn’t take them literally every time he did it,” Mr Barr said, adding: “At the end of the day, it wouldn’t be carried out and you could talk sense into him.”

So either we're counting on people to refuse the president's orders, or we're hoping the Trump is more mature than he lets on?

How about not electing people who would even entertain such an idea in the first place?

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This popped up over the weekend on my work PC. It was an emergency and I absolutely needed to get to my desktop ASAP.

Nope. Full screen advertisement for Windows 11 demanding my immediate and undivided attention. Blocking all other functions, commands, and inputs. I must interact with this ad or else I cannot use my computer.

Fuck. That.

I am never installing Windows 11. I am never buying another Microsoft operating system. Specifically because of this sort of heavy-handed dark patterned bullshit. Not to mention the fact that Windows 10 is dog shit.

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It's similar enough to a real bill for the distributors to be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 475 (Imitating US notes for advertising).

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Keep it a secret.

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Every Republican accusation is an admission.

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Part of my job is to review security footage for reported incidents.

If there is a long-lasting visual cue that the event has or has not happened yet (e.g. a window is either broken or not), then a binary search is very useful.

If the event lasts only a moment and leaves no visual cue (e.g. an assault), then binary search is practically useless.

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Why was appointing Eich as CEO so controversial? It's because he donated $1,000 in support of California's Proposition 8 in 2008, which was a proposed amendment to California's state constitution to ban same-sex marriage.

Which is all the reason I need.

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States have always had that power. Whether its age, naturalization, or oath-breaking, it's never been up to the federal government to decide disqualification.

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"Deplorable" would have also been acceptable.

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Tuberville has drawn bipartisan criticism for holding up almost 400 military nominations in an effort to protest Pentagon abortion policy.

Does anyone actually believe that it's about abortion? He's clearly trying to weaken the US military on behalf of foreign adversaries.

I'd call that treason, but then I'm not on Putin's payroll.

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Aileen Cannon is a disgrace, and her continued presence on the bench--not just overseeing this case--is fatally damaging the legitimacy of the federal judiciary.

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Cassidy was arrested and faces vandalism charges, which could carry a one-year prison sentence and a $2,560 fine. He has since been released

Why is he not being charged under Iowa's hate crime laws?

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"Because the framers chose to define the group of people subject to Section Three by an oath to 'support' the Constitution of the United States, and not by an oath to 'preserve, protect and defend' the Constitution, the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment never intended for it to apply to the President," Blue wrote.

By the same token, the Second Amendment doesn't say "guns".

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2008 is not ancient. Nor is same-sex marriage some minor technical legal point.

Nor has he repented.

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Three groups:

  1. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the non-profit in charge of domain names.
  2. Domain sponsors, the organization that agrees to provide the infrastructure for a particular top level domain. For example, .com is sponsored by Verisign.
  3. The registrar you deal with has a license from the sponsor to sell registrations for a top level domain.

You pay the registrar, the registrar pays the sponsor, and the sponsor pays ICANN.

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It was never about the border. It was never about Ukraine aid. It's about hurting Americans in hopes that they'll blame Biden.

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Two days before the January 6 insurrection, the Trump campaign’s plan to use fake electors to block President-elect Joe Biden from taking office faced a potentially crippling hiccup: The fake elector certificates from two critical battleground states were stuck in the mail

Reminder that Trump's Postmaster General sabotaged the post office's handling capacity in order to interfere with absentee voting.

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We’ve been covering many stories about a potential TikTok ban, including how unconstitutional it clearly is, how pointless it clearly is, and how even those who back it don’t seem to have a good explanation of why, beyond some vague handwaving about “China.”

The bill isn't nearly as bad as they want you to think. It bans companies in Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran from operating social media apps in US markets, forcing them to sell if they already do. These four countries are already restricted from accessing sensitive parts of the US economy, with forced sale being a legal option. Really, the only novel part of the bill is applying these kinds of restrictions to software.

And the bill doesn't actually punish or restrain users' speech. It does restrain the social media company's speech, but that may not be enough to overturn the bill on 1st amendment grounds. If you understand that social media exists to collect vast amounts of user data then you must also understand how the government has a legitimate interest in keeping that data out of an adversary's hands. The only real question is whether the government has a compelling interest, because that's the standard that a court would apply to this bill. And I daresay it might.

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Moisturize me!

“There are no facts pled which demonstrate that Ms. Cox is at any more of a risk, let alone life-threatening, than the countless women who give birth every day with similar medical histories,” the state wrote

Wow. They really don't get it, do they?

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Griffin then faulted Democrats for turning his bill into a “circus,” saying he supports exceptions for the life of the mother but was never afforded a chance to amend the legislation to reflect that.

Either you oppose the provisions you wrote into your own bill, or your don't. Can't have it both ways, Grif.

Remember Valentine's day 2004, when San Francisco county started issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples?

Thousands of couples showed up. Some from the other side of the planet, some from the other side of town. The County Clerk was overwhelmed and there weren't nearly enough wedding officiants to keep up. So they put out a call for volunteers to be deputized by the Clerk as county marriage commissioners. I volunteered and officiated at dozens of ceremonies at city hall.

Still have my official commission hanging on my wall.

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The Streisand Effect in action.

Before reading this article I had never heard that Mao Zedong's son got himself killed over some fried rice.

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Asked whether he was at the Jan. 6 riot, Krvaric initially told USA TODAY he was not. Pressed about the photos that online researchers say show him that day, Krvaric acknowledged he attended former President Donald Trump’s speech, but said he didn’t go inside the Capitol. Asked about images that appear to show him inside the Capitol, he then said he didn’t remember whether he went inside. Sent copies and links to the footage, he stopped responding.

The party of personal responsibility^TM^

Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck.

Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens.

This is the best we can do, folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.

Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe... it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like... the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. Fuck Hope.'

-George Carlin

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