In Huge Reversal, GOP Poised To Kill The Border-Ukraine Package It Demanded to politics – 559 points –
In Huge Reversal, GOP Poised To Kill The Border-Ukraine Package It Demanded

Republican Sen. James Lankford, who spent months negotiating the border provisions the GOP demanded, said he may vote against his own bill this week.

Senate Republicans on Monday signaled their plan to filibuster bipartisan legislation that paired tougher border policy with more U.S. aid to Ukraine, a stunning reversal less than 24 hours after the legislation had been unveiled.

With ex-president Donald Trump urging them to kill it, and many on the right up in arms about the proposal, top Senate Republicans emerged from a heated closed-door meeting and said they needed more time to review the agreement, suggesting that a scheduled Wednesday vote to advance the bill is all but doomed to fail.


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It was never about the border. It was never about Ukraine aid. It's about hurting Americans in hopes that they'll blame Biden.

It always is. It works on people like my parents who say that they always do better when a Republican is in office. That's only because there isn't some trying to sabotage the country from the inside when they are totally in control.

I mean, they're still sabotaging the country when in control. Just in different and interesting ways. Like creating enormous defecits with tax cuts for corporations and the rich.

They don't have any actual ideas, so what else are they gonna do?