
8 Post – 723 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I have a wild idea here. What if, they didn't build an entire Olympic sports complex with multiple stadiums and other infrastructure every 2 years around the globe? Maybe that would save a bit on carbon emissions. And hey, the billions that would have gone to building that complex? Maybe that could go toward building up renewable energy resources instead.

But no that's crazy, it's the portable air conditioning units for some athlete's apartments that are the problem. /s

Though some props to Paris, it sounds like they didn't have nearly the amount of insane new constructions that some Olympics have had. Sounds like only one major new venue with most venues being used already pre-existing.


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The quote gets even crazier.

Really!? You were treated the worst of any president?! Lincoln was assassinated!!

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There’s summer EBT, available nationwide for states that opt in, bringing eligible families $120 as a summer grocery benefit—which has been found to decrease by a third the number of households with children who sometimes went hungry. (But despite that, 14 states, including Georgia, Alabama, and Texas, have not opted in.)

State governments that would prefer children starve

This whole thing is so dumb. Stimulants do not make you smart, and they certainly would not treat or reverse dementia. I mean this guy knows this I'm sure, he's just an asshole.

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Absolutely, on so many levels.

And so many wasted constructions that were only used for a brief time: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/abandoned-olympic-venues-sites/

Tried to force. That bill was blocked by Democrats in the senate and Biden issued a veto theat to it.

But your point still stands that Netanyahu in no way wants Biden to win this fall. He's not coming to speak to congress and generally shit all over everything again to help Biden.

Heck, Trump admin people are already doing Nixon style foreign policy interference with Netanyahu ahead of the election.


Or doing it again rather.


I guess it vaguely looks like this one in terms of the large flat plane in the front. Though it's blade runner, so it's all grungy like pieces are falling off and it's all rusted and junk. Wait maybe cyber truck was inspired by bladeunner.

Doesn't look much like a lot of other cars in the movie though.

Because this chart includes economic aid and it begins in 1946. America was giving some pretty massive economic aid to help with rebuilding after WW2. There's very little military aid to the UK in the chart, it's mostly economic.

Kindergarten? Ridiculous. They gotta be at least 7.


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Sure I mean give a perfectly normal person a stimulant and they might feel like they have more energy for a bit (though to an observer they might just appear anxious, jittery and amped up even if the person themself feels great). Calling it performance enhancing for something like a debate is a huge stretch. Equally likely to hurt a speaking performance, unless someone maybe actually had true adhd or something.

What I mean is, the narrative being pushed here is Biden is this old man with dementia who can't string two words together, and then he takes adderral or modafinil and suddenly he's magically cognitively normal but just for a few hours. Dementia does not work this way, you would just get a very energetic and equally confused person. It's all a ridiculous fantasy, something for Trump supporters to hold in their heads to help with the cognitive dissonance as they watch the debate. Otherwise they'd be forced to reckon with the fact that Biden speaks like a normal human being with coherent thoughts while Trump sounds like a rambling lunatic on a barely traceable flight of ideas.

I also don't want this false narrative giving people ideas that force feeding their relatives with dementia stimulants would be a good idea that would improve their cognition for a while or something.

Stop for one second, re read the conversation, and the link. I'm criticizing teaching 7 year old kids to shoot, not criticizing teaching actual gun safety. That was a straw man you set up to knock down.

The one I linked specifically mentions shooting afterwards for kids as young as 7...

But yes if guns are at home they should be locked (and really locked, like a trigger lock plus a safe that's set to something besides 1111, holy crap you'd be surprised at how cavelier some people are) and totally inaccessible to kids. Teaching single digit age kids about guns is not a substitute for that, but of course I'm not saying you shouldn't teach your kids that they shouldn't touch guns and what they can do.

And teaching kids about guns will not solve the serious gun problems in America. The gun problems unique to America that pretty much every other industrialized nation has figured out already. And it's a horrible tragedy that stuff like "the heroes program" to teach preschoolers how to deal with active shooters is necessary in this country. All to please gun nuts.


Most gun nuts aren't too interested in education anyways:


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Re read, and stop setting up straw men. I criticized teaching seven year olds to shoot. Not teaching actual gun safety.

I seperately said it's sad that we have to have the "heroes program" to teach pre schoolers about active shool shooters, because gun nuts don't allow real gun controls or solutions.


People from other countries are shocked and horrified by everything in this thread.

And the "well if it wasn't a gun it'd be something else" yeah guns aren't necessary to kill but it sure makes it a whole lot easier and faster. I don't think this guy could have killed 60 people in ten minutes with a knife:


Teaching kids to use guns doesn't save kids' lives. If you want to teach em to stay away from guns, that they're deadly, they shouldn't touch it and should tell an adult right away go ahead.

Teaching kids to use guns in the name of gun safety is like saying you need to teach them how to drive in case they find some car keys lying around and decide to take it for a spin.

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Already in the comment, click the links.


Here's where it goes through their curriculum per grade level including pre schoolers.

The 'heroes" program is not teaching pre schoolers to use guns, it's teaching them about active shooter situations.

The other link was the one offering actual gun training (for 7 year olds and up so second graders potentially).

My comment was that it's sad we apparently need programs to to teach pre schoolers about how to deal with active shooting situations now.

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So then we don't have to give money to Israel if we keep going after tax cheats instead? Sounds great, let's do that

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The conservatives on the supreme court are crap historians and even worse judges.

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Why do all of his speeches sound like they were pulled straight from the nazis?

"Donald Trump appears to take aspects of his German background seriously. John Walter works for the Trump Organization, and when he visits Donald in his office, Ivana told a friend, he clicks his heels and says, “Heil Hitler,” possibly as a family joke.

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist. "

Oh yeah, that's why. Thanks vanity fair.

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Wow, what a dumb design. It actually looks less like it's braking with the brake lights on.

It's also got the whole brake light and turn signal are the same light thing I hate too. Just keep them separate lights with a yellow light for the turn signal.

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Infuriating thing was, this judge was clearly shopped for, but he kicked the case to the DC district Court instead of Texas. He himself even accused the banks of venue shopping in the ruling when he did so! Unfortunately the DC district court sent it right back and said he still had to take the case. He should have recused himself at that pont anyways given his stock holdings and things, but he now decides to reward the the banks for their venue shopping he's clearly aware of. Judiciary is rotten.


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So during a trial to decide damage amounts for previously made defamatory statements, you launch into a bunch of new defamatory statements?

Bold move cotton, we'll see how it plays out.

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I'm just truly baffled by the petty vindictive vile school officials perpetrating this whole thing. But I guess it wouldn't be the first time racist school officials fight all the way to the supreme court to deny eduction to kids.

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Will use 4x as much electricity though, ugh.


Anyone know of any refrigerators today that are as durable as older ones and have today's efficiencies, but without the smart features and other junk?

Average refrigerator today still lasts 13 years though, and while they're made cheaply they also are cheaper (at least as a portion percentage of the average paycheck).


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If only he was president in the past we could have some kind of record to judge him on... Oh yeah, he was.


Tldr: Filled the national labor relations board with appointees who worked to roll back workers rights and hamper unonization.

Can't imagine why unions aren't a fan of his /s

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She was also separately the judge in an earlier lawsuit that Trump filed trying to stop the government from examining what it obtained with the search warrant, for reasons that made no sense and they couldn't really articulate. The Trump filings were essentially legal nonsense, so this judge took it upon herself to try to weave together something else for them, that still didn't make any sense. She was faffing about with appointing a time consuming special master (not at all appropriate for that situation) and trying to find ways to prevent the government from examining the evidence. Jack Smith played along with her but at the same time appealed the legality of any of this to the eleventh circuit (actually pretty conservative circuit too). When they finally got the case they said this is all legal nonsense, you never should have even taken up this complaint, accused them of just doing all this only because he was a former president. It was a pretty crazy opinion to read, they were not happy with her. Case was dismissed and the government was finally able to examine all the evidence they had seized with the search warrant. Whole charade delayed the investigation by at least 6 months.

And then when the government finally file charges after the investigation is complete, she gets pulled, again, to be the judge in this case (randomly apparently but from a very small potential pool). Ugh. So that's why we have her again. It's been reported Jack Smith has contemplated filing for her removal from the case. It's a tall order though and would also delay things. Potentially could be trying to gather even more evidence for bias before trying to make such a play, or could be trying to see if there's any way he could still get it through in a timely manner while she plays interference for Trump. Either way it's infuriating, as she's tying up probably the most solid criminal case against him, probably trying to delay it past the election.

If this graph isn't just made up bs in the first place, one thought I recall from every major college campus I've been to is random religious preachers camped out every day telling everyone they're evil, subhuman, and going to hell. Guessing the atheists find that a little more annoying and worthy of shouting back at than some of the religiously inclined.

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23 and me isn't a healthcare provider and not a "covered entity" under HIPAA . So the protections that would apply if you got genetic testing through your doctor from an actual medical genetic testing company don't actually apply to 23 and me. Though the company maintains it follows federal regulations voluntarily "as a courtesy."

So don't worry, your genetic data is protected by the good will of venture capital tech bros.

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What is wrong with people? Anyways, here's the facts:


Compared with deliveries to patients aged 20-54 years, deliveries to patients aged 11-14 years were associated with increased risk for severe maternal morbidity (aOR 1.73, 95% CI 1.49-2.00), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (aOR 1.79, 95% CI 1.71-1.88), and postpartum hemorrhage (aOR 1.37, 95% CI 1.27-1.49).

I can't even find data for kids as young as 9, because it's such a rare and obviously bad situation.

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For anyone curious. I mean I disagree with these ridiculous overlay broad second amendment interpretations personally, but looks like he has an appeal argument based on how the courts have been treating the second amendment lately. I look forward to the mental gymnastics of the second amendment extremists on this case. Seeing marijuana spelled "marihuana" over and over in the ruling above is also pretty funny.

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There's a lot of confused people in these threads. Steve Huffman sold 500,000 shares as part of the ipo, so they were some of the shares sold immediately before they opened on the market (at the about $30/share price). He still holds 4.1 million shares. Other insiders sold some shares as well. Some shares were created to raise money for the company. Once the ipo actually happens and the price for all those shares is negotiated with the bank assisting and all initial buyers, then it begins trading on the open market. At that point they are in a lockup period, and they can't sell anything for about 180 days. All of this is in sec filings, where you can see the source of all the shares that were part ot the ipo.

Look I hate Steve Huffman too, I'm here on lemmy after all. But this is a grossly over valued tech stock and there hasn't been many tech ipos in a while. It's very not surprising it would start sinking after an initial explosion of buying activity. It's not dropping from insiders unloading stock right now though. They're in lockup.

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It would not. It's a defensive treaty.

Ukraine isn't a part of France or under the jurisdiction of France, so the attack wouldn't be on France's territory, and Ukraine isn't a member of NATO itself.

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This is not just some random athletes doing it on their own here and there. There was (still is? Who knows) a Russian government run program to allow for doping and help their athletes evade monitoring from anti doping authorities. Likely at least 580 postive tests across 30 different sports covered up. Team USA doesn't even get government funding, let alone a government run doping conspiracy.


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The examples were ridiculous too, like he doesn't have perfect recall of the exact dates that staff members moved certain papers from one office to another 6-7 years ago? During an interview literally the evening after the latest Israeli Gaza conflict started between important foreign policy meetings? No shit. Who would.

The report even talks about lots of other people who didn't recall exact details or dates, but he doesn't go accusing all of Biden's aides of having poor memory too. What a ridiculous and unprofessional political hit job. Looks like this special counsel is hankering for another turmp administration job like his last one.

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Ordering the FBI to go after political opponents and fake evidence? That sounds really far fetched I don't know if...

The rogue department: how the Trump DoJ trashed legal and political norms

Former senior DoJ officials say the former president aggressively prodded his attorneys general to go after his enemies, protect his friends and his interests, and these moves succeeded with alarming results until Trump’s last few months in office.

Trump says he would weaponise DOJ and FBI against political enemies

Oh okay yeah that sounds pretty plausible

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Hmmm, did the spigot of Russian money flowing into their coffers dry up?

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But that's different you see. Because money is speech and therefore needs to be protected, including by allowing total anonymity of donors. Whereas we're talking about online accounts, where people of course never engage in speech or express ideas. Hey, wait a second that can't be right. Hmmm, okay maybe it's because she's saying it's a security risk, because you don't know if they're a foreign national spreading propaganda online. This is totally different from political donations, which of course have never been bribes from foreign powers masked by anonymity... Hey wait! She got us again. Almost like she's some kind of shill who wipes her butt with the constitution while trying to create a crony supported facist state. No that can't be.

But yeah, according to Republicans, money is speech, but speech is not speech. I'm expecting their next campaign platform to be 2+2=5.

From the 14th ammendment:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. "

What a terrible ruling. In what world is the president not a civil or military office? It's the highest civil and the highest military office! And they obviously take the oath to uphold the constitution too! This is a travesty.

The other rulings had a somewhat point with primaries technically being a party thing that's a private organization and not the real ballot. But this judge is just wiping their ass with the constitution.

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No, the Trump administration repeatedly blocked loan forgiveness that was already in law. Betsy Devos had to be brought to court multiple times and sometimes ignored court orders to pay for years. I wouldn't trust a republican administration to even live up to the bare minimum of what's required by law.

In addition to not fighting loan forgiveness laws already existing, the Biden administration has also broadened existing forgiveness rules to apply to more people people. They're also crafting a new rule to again try to do what the supreme court blocked in broader forgiveness under a different law that also grants the executive branch power to modify loans to try and get around the ruling.

Weird, it skips right from the 13th amendment to the 15th in this version. And I can't find the emoluments clause anywhere.

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No they're actually in NATO unlike Ukraine. If NATO didn't defend them directly it would be the end of NATO. Even if Trump or someone uncooperative with NATO was president of the US, I think Europe would still engage in a collective defense if Russia started attacking EU countries.

Supporting Ukraine now is the best way to prevent any of this from coming to pass though.

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