Darryl George: Texas judge rules school district can restrict the length of male students’ natural hair

Ranvier@sopuli.xyz to News@lemmy.world – 570 points –
Darryl George: Texas judge rules school district can restrict the length of male students’ natural hair | CNN

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I'm just truly baffled by the petty vindictive vile school officials perpetrating this whole thing. But I guess it wouldn't be the first time racist school officials fight all the way to the supreme court to deny eduction to kids.

they are lauded in their communities for this behavior.

the racists band together, pat each other on the back as they shit all over humanity.

If you're baffled by the petty vindictive vile school officials, you clearly don't have kids, especially in Texas.

I raised my daughter here. It was interesting.

She lives far far away in a civilized state now. I told her not to ever move back here. It's not safe being a young woman in Texas.

Im a straight white male and I don't particularly feel safe living in Texas. This state has become a shitshow.

This state has become a shitshow.

Newsflash, it always was.

People are just (finally) starting to realize it now.

You're right, I guess I mean, I'm baffled in the sense that I don't understand why another living breathing human being would act like this, but of course have seen many a petty school official before.