12 Post – 691 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All this hasn't forced me into piracy.

It's worse than that.

It's forced me to stop caring about shows or movies entirely.

25 more...

Harris oversaw more than 1,900 marijuana convictions in San Francisco, previously unreported records from the DA’s office show. Her prosecutors appear to have convicted people on marijuana charges at a higher rate than under her predecessor, based on data about marijuana arrests in the city.

As the political winds blow with her I guess. At least it's a positive change.

37 more...

Michelle: When they go low we go high.

Kamala: Let the meme trolling begin!

If we do end up descending into a Draconian hellhole of an autocratic dictatorship at least the election run-up is going to be exponentially more entertaining than it was going to be with Joe.

I say that dictatorship part because don't think for a second that the GOP is gonna just roll over and die. Expect hard-line challenges to vote counts in every single swing state.

26 more...

Send the scam a hundred bucks, lose it, sue Google for fraudulent endorsement.

(Yes yes, this wouldn't work in the real world against Google's legions of lawyers, but I like the thought exercise)

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A good six year old with a gun would've solved this. /s

6 more...

Has Alex Jones paid out a penny yet?

Will Rudy?

These guys seem to be able to ignore these judgements with impunity.

I am shocked that his attorney acknowledged wrongdoing. That'll fuck any appeal attempts.

17 more...

Remember that one time Hillary Clinton answered an endless barrage of congressional questions for eleven hours without showing any signs of fatigue?

Apparently, she should've just taken a nap.

5 more...

It's gonna be unbelievably dystopian if this guy weasels his way back into office. No policy other than unhinged vengeance.

Funny you mentioned that. I was out with my daughter a couple days ago and she got a flat that had to be replaced. She was legitimately worried that Toyota would void her warranty for not buying a tire from the dealership. Nevermind that we were out in rural nothingness with no Toyota dealership to be found.

So now the goalposts are at declaring war on Mexico.

Cool cool.

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Next up: a full congressional investigation into Wikipedia

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Dress codes have always been prohibitively expensive. When I was a young man getting my occupational feet wet in the nineties it was pretty much, "We're gonna pay you three dollars an hour and we require three piece suits at all times."

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I archived this cancerous bloated paywalled shit show of a website just on principle

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These right wing groups have fundamentally altered my perception of the meaning of the word liberty.

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How the fuck can an economy that's almost nothing but advertisements sustain itself for any period of time? It feels like forcing more and more ads is the only thing anybody does for money anymore.

9 more...

Lemmy should make its own awards.

Award #1 -- Blackjack

Aware #2 -- Hookers

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Of all hills to die on that ruin your reputation and legacy, why this one? I just don't get it.

I am a gen x cis heterosexual white male.

Transexuality is strange and foreign to me. I don't understand it. This gives me exactly zero right to take any stand against it. I'd say it gives me less right to express an opinion as how could I be knowledgeable on something I've just admitted I don't understand?

Let people live and go enjoy your billions.

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Hello there. I'm a mid twenties man living in current day, working part time in a home improvement store, and I live alone in a ten bedroom apartment in midtown Manhattan with my meticulously groomed pure bred dog, have twelve pack abs, perfectly coiffed hair, and am rewarded with the equally beautiful woman for criminally stalking her throughout the movie and ultimately forcing myself upon her.

Movies are ridiculous. Ridiculous sells tickets or streams or whatever makes movies money these days.

Do you think the UK sometimes sits up late at night with a bottle of whisky and stalks the EU on social media?

2 more...

I appreciate this woman subjecting herself as a test case for these draconian laws, but at this point, I'd advise her to take a nice completely unrelated vacation to a west coast state for a while.

Of course, ole Kenny boy will try to prosecute any mode of transportation she would attempt to use at this point.

God I hate this timeline.

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I swear the federal governments that killed off entire populations of native Americans and authorized the recapture of escaped slaves were less childish and vindictive than today's GOP.

1 more...

Money laundering

I recently deleted my LinkedIn for two reasons:

  1. Endless horseshit recruiters coming at me with bullshit jobs

  2. I come from a large firm. LinkedIn became what I would describe as occupational hubris as I would see partners from there making prideful post after post about increasing the toxicity of the place in words that made them sound all wise and stuff

I would further see many posts about young people abandoning pursuit of the profession and there being a dire shortage of entry level recruits. Responses to these posts always address lowering the educational and certification requirements, but never address the reality of working eighty hours a week, getting shat on, berated, and dehumanized the entire time for about sixty grand a year with maybe a five to ten percent chance of moving up to the real money.

Fuck all of them right in the eyeball with the white hot barbed penis of Satan himself.

Every once in a while, I'll drive by that building. When I do, I open up the sun roof and throw them a Bronx salute out the roof as I pass by. I know somebody actually saw me do it because word got back to me about it. Petty I know, but satisfying nonetheless.

I make maybe one third of what I could if I had stuck it out, but I still make plenty to live on, and that increase would require me to be somebody I refuse to become.

6 more...

This fuckin' guy is gonna burn it all down and somehow walk away with more money than I could earn in several lifetimes. There's something intrinsically wrong with a system that so egregiously rewards such gross incompetence.

5 more...

LinkedIn. Where you can read endless and meaningless hubris from managers who used to abuse you.

I did see a former co-worker post a hilarious meme though.

"Nobody wants to work anymore."

"Wrong. Nobody wants to work for YOU."

Like laws and corruption matter if he gets in. It'll be nothing more than a country for sale

8 more...

Just tried it. Yep, no access. Just a long message lambasting Texas politicians.

I tried all the other regular sites, no issues.

They're gonna need an industry wide cooperation to successfully combat this.

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Homelessness can be a felony

Healthcare must save the life of a pregnant woman, but she can be criminally charged for unborn child neglect and/or murder

Trump and Trump alone is immune from all prosecution at all levels and in all jurisdictions, but all other presidents are subject to any and all prosecution

Bonus: Boof bro chugs beer out of a bong shoved up Thomas' ass on a lobbyist yacht. Gorsuch doesn't participate but sneaks a glance at Gini's exposed ankles and Coney-Barret looks down her nose at women who didn't just go dump their babies off at the hospital before their health issues began in the first place.

4 more...

There was a much smaller town, I believe more in East Texas, that brought such an ordinance up. I was pleasantly shocked that they eventually came to the conclusion that their proposed "papers please" environment was a wee bit too much like what many of their older residents had fought against.

Sadly, I'm not confident that clearer minds will continue to prevail.

Further, as I type this, I'm in an airport in Dallas headed to Nevada where I'm going to gamble, have sex out of wedlock, consume cannabis, and potentially purchase and consume an alcoholic beverage between the hours of two and seven in the morning. Somehow, no Texas legislator has any interest in prohibiting my endeavors. Seems inconsistent.

6 more...

I know the guy who brought this suit personally. Damn near worked for him years ago. What a dick. His entire business, hundreds of millions of dollars, is shady as fuck.

Another domino from the Chevron decision falls.

I still predict that the entire tax code will be up next as it's driven by regulations written by the department of the Treasury. You know, a federal agency, and those no longer have any legal authority.

But if people don't go back to the office, commercial real estate will crash, they'll convert it all into affordable housing, and my curb appeal will lose its sweet, sweet premium value.

Let's not pretend there isn't a micromanaging control issue involved in this, but the core is all about real estate.

14 more...

She should probably never come back to Texas. She and her family will be a target.

I imagine ole Kenny boy will get on the horn to some civilian lackies to sue Uber, Southwest airlines, the airport that the plane took off from, etc under the original vigilante law that allows such to any person who "assists" in getting an abortion.

My daughter is twenty two years old and loved growing up in Texas. I told her to never live in this shithole state because it's becoming illegal for her to exist, so she's living and working in a civilized state at the expense of my rarely getting to see her.

Colleagues think I'm overboard in this. Those colleagues have sons, not daughters, so it's still if it doesn't affect me personally, it's not important.

Fuck this place.

1 more...

I would say in chronological order, social media, violently divisive politics, and the forced isolation of COVID rendered me incapable of socializing anymore.

All of it has made me feel like I cannot function in the presence of others. I still have to go to the office to work, so that's pretty much the extent of interaction I get. Otherwise, outside of work, I tend to not speak at all to anybody.

I won't call it a happy life, but it's safe. I guess I've got whatever a word for social agoraphobia would be now.

I should note that I'm fifty one years old. The first four decades of my life were very social. Then it all gradually faded away.

3 more...

I've always lived by two rules when it comes to vehicles:

  1. Never buy new. Buy approximately two years old used low mileage

  2. If I can't afford the vehicle on a three year note, I can't afford the vehicle

Additionally, always secure third party financing and have it in your back pocket, but don't tell the dealership that part until absolutely necessary. They may try to match it, but their fine print has always had catches it in that make it a worse option in my experience.

I'm not sure if these rules will work going forward as prices seem to have doubled in the past three years, and I'm loathe to ponder how purchase is getting replaced by subscribe.

My current car is ten years old with 110k miles on it. I keep it super maintained because I can't stomach the thought of my next buying experience.

26 more...

Awww, whatsa matter little Clarence? You can dish it but not take it?

In a conversation with his law clerks two years following his confirmation, The New York Times reported Thomas expressed his desire to serve on the court until the year 2034.

"The liberals made my life miserable for 43 years," a former clerk remembered Thomas – who was 43 years old when confirmed – saying, according to The New York Times. "And I'm going to make their lives miserable for 43 years."

2 more...

The autocratic dictatorship is imminent and I don't have a current passport. Not sure what the future holds.

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Cut it out with this antisemitism bullshit. Nobody cares that you're Jewish. People care about genocide no matter what invisible sky being you prefer.

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About ten years ago, I worked for a small firm where most of the partners attended this very church.

One of the reasons I left was that I felt completely out of place as they integrated their religion into the office culture.

When I left, the managing partner would send me handwritten letters for YEARS effectively telling me that while I had chosen damnation for myself, I owed it to my daughter to have the opportunity for salvation by attending this specific gateway Church in Southlake.

If I didn't have so much disdain and bitterness, I'd be tempted to send him this article.

9 more...

This was an exceptionally difficult game from the very first scene. You were particularly hard pressed to even make it off earth if you hadn't read the book.

After that, it didn't necessarily coincide with the book, so you had to put yourself into a Douglas Adams mindset for the duration, and that was no easy task.

I think I may have gotten through roughly a third of it before moving on to other games.

Zork was the other game I never did particularly well with. I think I got a little further in it than hitchhikers though.

16 more...

Her job is done anyway. It'll be years before this case can proceed and if Adolf Donnie Trump weasels his way into office, it goes away forever. She's successfully delayed it into oblivion.

I'm honestly surprised she didn't just outright dismiss it from the getgo.