3 Post – 523 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Yeah, businesses really need to understand that their 'procedures' don't trump passengers' pragmatism.

4 fucking hours? I'm surprised more people didn't join him. That's an honest load of bullshit.

9 more...

That's the problem with doing everything yourself.

You also have to maintain everything, yourself.

Fuck snaps 🖕

6 more...

I think it's so fucking stupid how it it always defaults to "similar questions" instead of just showing us the actual answers.

Just another example of throwing as much shit at an audience to drive up "engagement."

Instead of "forced to reveal fate in sick video"

It should say what that fate is and, of course, provide an embedded video.

Edit after clicking article: No video, just some guy talking over images.

Downvoted for sensationalism.

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If I was her parent, those families would be sleeping with one eye open.

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The cops don't exist to protect people.

They exist to protect businesses.

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For smart people, piracy is a financial problem.

Why pay more for things you can get for free? It's not like the businesses you're supporting wouldn't rob you blind if they thought they could get away with it.

Even the 'creators' don't get the vast majority of the money you spend; their landlords do. When they make more money, rent goes up.

I wish this generation wasn't full of useful idiots with more money than sense.

Eh, civil disobedience is making a comeback.

These fucks are going to learn real quick how the social contract is a two-way agreement.

I think these last few years of geriatric rule is just going to be a lesson of what not to do for when we take control.

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Copyright and patent laws need to die.

Only idiots think that work wouldn't get done without them.

Zionists are the new Nazis.

Treat them accordingly.

It's bigger than "China and their censorship."

The problem, as always, is maximizing profit. As long as people put profit before everything else, whoever has the most money is going to control what happens.

As an American, this is just another example of how our government does whatever it wants, regardless of what the people want.

Israel is strategic to US' ruling class, so it will always get special treatment.

I don't think they should be banner "forever", but definitely increasing lengths the more this goes on.

They should also have to pay a lot of concessions to other nations if they want back in.

Crazy how a place with so much wealth can have so many people living in destitute.

I guess that's what we get when we're just passing a bunch of money around at the top.

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Wow. Imagine paying $1.4mil to find 49 zero days instead of hiring an actual security team.

The people who did this are fucking idiots.

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Bad parenting.

49 more...

Civil disobedience is making a comeback.

Oh look, more censorship from zionists.

This is what happens when most people think the disparity in wealth should grow.

It does.

It could just be a shitty source.

Saying 'forced to reveal fate' instead of saying what that fate is, coupled with 'sick video' instead of letting viewers decide for themselves make this appear as sensationalism.

It's also an article about a video that doesn't show the video its reporting on.

Instead, we get some guy talking over images. Lol.

There's a reason this isn't AP Or Reuters.

Imagine how much better the world would be if Jews migrated to the US instead of directly in the middle of people who hate them the most.

Zionism is a plague that is responsible for untold damage.

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Not me, but I think fusion is not a 1:1 equivalent to the hyperloop.

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Counterpoint: the Internet still exists as it did back then, but relatively smaller compared to what it's become.

You just need to find the right people and content to interact with, which is harder now because there's so much more garbage. I'd say they have grown in absolute numbers.

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Did he really need to sacrifice himself for that?

Is there seriously anyone who was in denial until they learned about Navalny?

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he building is restricted from allowing people to eat or sleep on the property.

Okay... so any business in the 'business district' is restricted from allowing people to eat or sleep on their property.

If I was a lawyer, I'd record people eating in their business district buildings and present that to the court right next to the law that says they're not allowed to do it.

I would fight tooth and nail to ensure whatever judicial overreach is screwing over poor people also screws over rich ones.

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It's abuse, plain and simple.

Why would they turn to a communist country to help them with healthcare?

I thought communism 'didn't work'.

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Fuck zionists.

Hamas already proposed a deal for a permanent ceasefire. Israelies are the ones not agreeing to it.

It doesn't make sense for Hamas to give up prisoners in exchange for a 'temporary' ceasefire. All that's going to happen is a massacre when the ceasefire expires and Hamas won't have the leverage they have now.

This is straight out of the Republican playbook of proposing bullshit they know will never be agreed upon just to paint the opposition as unagreeable.

Fuck Zionists and fuck their supporters. They're the same as Nazis.

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In all honesty, stainless steel is just that: it stains less.

Stainproof steel is steel that would not stain.

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It's an argument of centralization vs. decentralization and there are pros and cons to each approach.

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The best journalism I see these days is either done by big names like AP or random dudes with cellphones.

Why are they prisoners when talking about Israelis and detainees when talking about Palestinians?

Literally every upvoted post is some stupid reference humor.

I expect lemmy to go the same way, but for now we're not there yet.

Shithole state.

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Fuck zionists.

No fucking shit, dude.

That shit is worse for you than diet soda.

Their ilk have already infiltrated the moderator teams on lemmy.

I got a comment removed for saying "Zionists don't argue in good faith" lmao.

It's so transparent it would be funny if they weren't getting away with it.

I guarantee you, Zionist propagandists see the support for Palestine on Lemmy and are working overtime to change the narrative.

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And people still buy into "they're a business and they need to make money!"

Where does that money go? Big picture, where does it go?