
1 Post – 131 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Man we burning to death down here and fuckers still think it's all a hoax. I hate humanity.

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Somebody give Grandma the mic she gonna tear some shit up

"It's about protecting the kids!"

Says everyone who supported this ban

I'm saving this cuz I wanna see if anyone defends the CCP

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Political extremists. So about the same as Reddit, though they seem to be a little more frequent/outspoken here. Also funnily enough the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Used to get called a dirty commie because I believed in Nationalized healthcare, but now I'm apparently a facist for not worshipping the CCP.

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surely not even an American judge would uphold that, right? Surely

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It's funny because 3d printers are cheaper to purchase, maintain, and supply for

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Man they keep talking about impeaching Biden, but even if they are successful in both impeachment and conviction (which is nigh impossible in its own right) what will they do next? If the GOP is that unhappy with Biden they're really gonna shit bricks if Harris is sworn in.

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Such a Paul Rudd thing to do.

"What's Thor's Hammer's name?"


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I learned I'm a Communist for wanting to live somewhere with nationalized healthcare

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Good thing he wasn't with Nintendo during the Wii U phase, they might have gone under

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Now adjust for inflation. The comic was published in 1989. $1 then is $2.48 today. That's a cumulative price increase of 148.22%, or an average price increase of 2.71% per year for 34 years. It is 4:30am, I am on a shuttle bus, and I am not showing any signs of going to sleep anytime soon.

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Anytime I'm talking to my music teacher and he brings up Donald Trump. Happens at least 3x a week during the school year.

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There are people in the US who will fight tooth and nail to defend the imperial system, as if it's superior in some way. It just doesn't make sense to me. It's harder to learn, completely inconsistent, and unlike standard metric, there is no scientific basis for the measurements. They're just random distances that someone made up.

Tell me, what's easier to remember? 0°C or 32°F? 100°C or 212°F? 1000m = 1km or 5280ft = 1mi

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I've seen "Anti-Choice" thrown around, I think it fits them pretty good

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They can't decide how corrupt and evil they want to be

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Quoth the Raven

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Not really a discovery, bug when Disney Plus made their base subscription have adds like Hulu and then made the add free version double the price. The "Disney bundle" was $12 a month when it released. Now it's $20 just to get Hulu and D+ without adds. I hold the star wars franchise pretty close, but I'm gonna have wait to see Ahsoka.

Either that or it's time to get the paper hat out 🏴‍☠️

My boi did Grandpa Munster dirty

What are you saying? That it seems today all you see is violence and movies and sex on TV?

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Rub it down there for seasoning

Even Senators are worth like fifteen times that in spite of a 200k/year salary.

I give a shit about minorities

Got banned from r/sino back on Reddit for spreading fake news.

I posted the Wikipedia article for the Tiannanmen Square protests.

I am incapable of the mythical 90 minute power nap. It's either 5-10 minutes and I feel like shit waking up, or it's six hours and I feel like shit waking up.

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I did not wait for the link to load before copying lol

Rizz 100

Fucking war criminal

Well fuck man I'm a senior in highschool and I was debating between culinary school and IT/engineering or something the like. Just made my choice a hell of a lot easier.


AFAIK, Porygon was never shown in the anime again because of this episode, and it wasn't even Prygon who caused the issues.

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Too young to remember but I do know the original PS3 was marketed more as a multimedia device, and started at $499 in 2006, which is over $750 today. That probably gave the Xbox 360 a boost. However the PS3 is likely viewed more favorably today since the slim model was much cheaper and marketed as a gaming console rather than multimedia, whereas Microsoft had the Red Ring of Death to deal with before they went down the Multimedia marketing path, which culminated in the Xbox One launch, also pictured.

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Idk man sounds kinda sketchy he might be lying.

I mean it got people to click the tweet didn't it?

Damn video games at it again!


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Killing civilians is wrong and world leaders should be held accountable. All imma say.

Don't tell me what to do

The Swamps of Dagobah

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Jokes on you there's a water tower near my house