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Joined 13 months ago

We have to call their bluff from time to time and remind the management that without us, none of their shit works. When we down tools its not like they can pick them up and get the show back on the road.

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We are locked into the big heavy vehicle paradigm. People have become so accustomed to moving around in a 2t vehicle they have forgotten about the alternatives. Lithium batteries are not a good fit for this type of vehicle and most of the time the use case is single occupant, where the bicycle is king of efficiency.


Put the popcorn on ice and the champagne in the air fryer?

I went down the psychology rabbit hole and emerged with autism.

Avoid morning meetings like the plague. The first four hours of a work day are golden and should be reserved for creativity and nothing else. The agile process was instituted at our workplace and that startup meeting is an absolute menace. I'll tell you how the day is going in the afternoon but right now I have to work.

I would imagine the 10+ demographic has the highest rates of attrition. Those people will have witnessed most of the transition from niche to lowest common denominator. Everyone knows the adage that 100k is the subreddit limit after which the community breaks down. It would happen here too. The discourse here is uncannily like the 2009 Reddit I remember. People are polite and well informed. I hope the localised and open nature of the service keeps it that way.

Prediction: Reddit will become a cesspit of advertising and data harvesting, a la Facebook. It's most of the way there already.

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What are the odds that the police take this snub badly and do something petty and vindictive in return?

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How is it that we've created a society where scientists are subordinate to lying narcissists and psychopaths?

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Cars produce more harmful airbourne pollutants from their brakes than they do from the tailpipe. Copper is being phased out and the ultimate goal is to abandon friction braking entirely in favour of electrical regeneration.

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British royal family.

Religions that collect money from adherents.

Web 2.0 data harvesting.

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What up my hexadecimals

Who would have thought making a chassis out of a material that is denser than mild steel would result in a vehicle that is heavier? It's a truck, horrible aero drag and rolling resistance from the get go. Difficult to imagine a worse target for an EV project.

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Reddit has become Facebook with a different management team. These people are motivated by profit and that's the only way their decisions make any kind of sense. Whenever we mix the profit motive with a service for people, the people will always play second fiddle. It's why mixing profit with healthcare is inhumane and it's what's so great about Wikipedia.

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Drugs. The prohibition of psychedelic substances in particular is looking more like a crime against humanity since we are rediscovering their therapeutic properties in the west (that shaman have known for mellenia).

Discussion on the topic of mental health. Virtually nothing was known about mental health until very recently. We are the first generation that even talks about it. Therapy didn't exist in any practical and organised sense for my mother's generation. If you got PTSD during WWI, it was a death sentence because your own frigging side would shoot you.

When are people going to understand that what you know, what you can do, value, truth, integrity and love have absolutely nothing to do with how much you get paid? The world makes much more sense if you stop assuming being a good person makes you rich. The opposite is true, being a psychopath is far more profitable.

If we placed the appropriate value on the people who reduced suffering the most, there would be statues of Edward Jenner everywhere and he would have been the richest person in the world.

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There is no relationship between what you earn and your skill level. If there were, theoretical physics would be a top paying field. The reason is, this is capitalism and we are horrible negotiators. If you want to earn top money in a technical field, the best you can do is insert yourself in a revenue stream. Roles that are critical to revenue like a billing system or associated with a intrinsically valuable commodity e.g. petrochemical, are more lucrative than other similarly skilled professions.

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It's what I think on the rare occasions I get a look at my wife's genitalia.

You will never reap the rewards of being trapped under water for hours with that kind of attitude.

My favourite thing is to hear people talk about having 'great WiFi' as if that is an internet connection.

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Do you have excess creative energy?

Pour it into discussion that achieves nothing of value.

*you pay YouTube for the content they didn't make or they turn the thumbscrews.

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The EU is one of the few institutions that are fighting the American corporations on our most basic freedoms. It's the only one with real teeth.

I henceforth refer to you as some shit

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Have you tried reducing your alcohol consumption?

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Prosecutor: What gear were you in at the moment of impact?

Defendant: Gucci sweats and Reebok Classics.

This is how you fight the money men, take away their toys. The manager-CEO class of people don't understand technology, they think everything is a matter of applying the right amount of psychopathic charisma to cut deals and generate profit. Meanwhile, back in reality, none of this technology works without expertise. The type of person who holds this expertise is the antithesis of the manager-CEO. They run the show, they keep the lights on and they should never forget that.

They named this pathology The Maddening.

Welcome to the world of British politics. When their advisor on drugs, the scientist prof David Nutt, pointed out that riding a horse is statistically known to be more dangerous than MDMA he was summarily dismissed from his post. These people don't want inconvenient facts to spoil their Victorian era conception of reality. So it will go with their absurd and pernicious spying charter.

Being a conservative must be a discombobulating experience in the technological age. The conservative is attempting to prevent the progression of society and conserve what we currently have or even revert to a bygone era.

OP arrives at a brand new platform, a piece of technology that didn't exist a short while ago and requests a space to assemble people who don't like change.

This post made me beat my head with a 2 by 4

Is there any corner of American politics and business that isn't corrupt?

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This is what happens when you succumb to techno AIDS.


Anti Vax.

Militarised police.


Political corruption.

Foreign wars.

Mass shootings.


Public transit.




Two weeks holiday.

Maternity leave.

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As engineers, we should never insert proprietary interfaces into our designs. We shouldn't obfuscate the design.

The motivation for these toxic practices comes from the business side because it's profitable. These people won't share the profits with you because they are psychopaths. Ultimately we are making more waste when electronics cannot be upgraded, maintained and repaired. It's bad for people and it's bad for the environment.

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I get the sense that the author hasn't tried many or any of these substances and is trotting out the standard line. I didn't see alcohol, cigarettes and Oxycontin mentioned.

If we're going to have an adult conversation about addictive substances we should first talk about sugar and junk food. We should also discuss the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, lack of healthcare and community, ignorance of mental health, motor vehicles, pollution, the criminal justice system, Judeo-Christian culture and being a person of colour. Those will form the major risk factors for human health.

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It's almost as if rich people are the common denominator in this equation. Substitute this person into a new context and they find a way to exploit the game in that arena.

The answer lies in the hands of the people who make stuff. When we say we are not going to play this game any more rich people are forced to the negotiation table because they have no chance to make any of the stuff, their stock and trade is lies.

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Lemmy doing an excellent job overall. I'm here every day and enjoying the banter in the comments. Not been back to Reddit since Judgement Day.

The smaller scale is feature, not a bug. I don't want millions of cretins diluting the stock.

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The real miracle is that someone actually believed it.

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Use a VPN. ISP are being disingenuous when they claim a data connection is unlimited at the point of purchase and then slug us with restrictions when we try and use it. If they can detect a tether, the VPN should obscure it.