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Joined 12 months ago

Jail = makes $$$

Help = costs $

The math is clear.

Posture. I know my posture is bad and remind myself to straighten up…ten seconds later I’m slouched on an elbow.

Even better when you move in with someone, you have two blenders and still never use them. I’ll do smoothies tomorrow, for sure.

Yes. Famous respecter of closed doors, our feline friends.

I’m not gonna fight you. My two shitty scheming cats on the other hand…

Look I know how it’s supposed to go but I’m fighting for every square

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Maybe a bit of flogging?

Definitely don’t keep going into Idaho

I don’t know how Mormons drink water and still have the mental gymnastics to think “this is actually blood but I’m totally not in a fucking cannibal cult.”

HOW‽ If I could I would

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After years of drinking hot yellow Gatorade in the sun at football practice, I won’t ever touch the stuff again. Blue does taste colder, it’s a fact.

It makes my nerd heart happy that the most prolific posters are Trekkies, that’s the internet I left reddit for.

Ten forward is where it at

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I’d say my cats look more like the top with “claw” instead of dig and the loyalty/protect family is still there but it’s the “I can punch my brother but no one else can” version. Never had a cat that plays fetch before so play is definitely in there.

Yeah I guess c/startrek is the one I see most now, I’m subscribed to a few

I had a car with a bad alternator and took it to a shop, manager quoted me $150 then called an hour later to say he’d picked the wrong version of my car on the computer, mine would be $100 more but he said “a deals a deal so we’ll do it for the 150.”

Every other car problem I had after, straight to that shop cause I knew they’d do solid work and charge me fairly. Putting people before profits means retaining workers and getting loyal customers

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Let’s not forget that Kap got that suggestion from a Soldier. These asshats don’t bother with context or nuance, it’s all just too woke

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Imagine where we’d be if people didn’t automatically think nuclear power=Homer Simpson

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He may not get a piece of paper that says ‘honorable’ on it, but that’s pretty damned honorable. Good man Mann

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Billy club, taser, or just a good old Sparta kick to the chest. If lethal force is your first instinct when a child comes at you with a stick, you should in no way be allowed to carry a weapon.

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Those poor executives had to endure a very uncomfortable conference call before getting on the party bus headed for the golf course. I know cause I book some of those rides and I can assure all you peasants that they’re VERY concerned about your rent.

Starting to think it’s about time for all the families of folks killed by capitalist decisions to invest in pitchforks and request some of those stock buyback dividends live and in person.

Honestly, does anyone feel sorrow for the Zionists here?

Straight up genocide and mass murder for fun….you gave up the victim card and took one of the SS patches instead.

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Growing up in a super religious family and watching all the nonsense up close is why I’m an atheist today. SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE MOTHERFUCKERS

Hail Satan and donate to your local Satanic temple

“Prices are going up but wages aren’t. What have millennials done to cause this?”

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Metric yes please. Also for fucks sake use the 24 hour clock. Some of us learned it from the military but it’s just earth time and way easier than adding letters to a number

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Good thing we’re only talking about zygotes and embryos then huh?

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My “car wash mode” is rolling up the windows, haven’t ever had the car I own brick itself on me.

Financially and literally please. I hear there’s an area with a lot of sunflowers that need fertilizer.

Y’all Qaeda is a bigger threat to the world than any Afghanis ever were.

Well, it affects me in that now I know not to buy this game and support such a scummy practice.

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I once accidentally dialed 911 from my steering wheel phone buttons while pulling a turn. Surprised the shit out of me and the dispatcher didn’t sound like this was the first call of the type. This is a fucking terrible idea.

I will buy the oldest single malt I can afford on the day I read the headline that it’s finally over and the cell doors are closed, but until then it’s just too much damn noise to keep up and try to stay somewhat sane. Fuck the entire GOP for making us have to wade through this shit constantly.

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Nor the employees, only the capitalist benefits

You know how in Skyrim if a guard catches you breaking the law, you can just give him gold and he’ll fuck off and let you keep stealing?

It’s lawful like that.

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How fucking scummy do you have to be to get up, go to work, and spend all day trying to convince children to give you money or personal data. The days of “don’t be evil” are long gone, these assholes are pretty clearly doing evil in every corner of business they can reach.

Little green pieces of paper will be the downfall of humanity.

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I bet if we give them more tax money they’ll do better next time. Promise

Family is the worst when it comes to this stuff. Mine is all military, it is fucking WILD to me to hear all the old grunts who’d kill a commie for being red back when we were in a Cold War…now they’re telling me why this orange guy says the truth. Propaganda is a hell of a drug

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Thing is, I’m not averse to paying for good content, I like to support the creators. But

When every show is on a different app and they’re all $15 a month…buying a couple hard drives and saving every show just makes more financial sense and I don’t need 15 different login credentials so fuck off yarrr

That’s also the troublesome bit of WW2 history the books* don’t show so much, the reich had a lot of support in America, Henry Ford and Walt Disney being notable leaders. Our history is packed full of racist and authoritarian shit of all flavors.

Still though, we rallied and put enough lead downrange to make them stop last time, as a white dude, my type need to be doing more to shame and turn out these roaches to be stomped out for good this time. Enough is enough and eugenics never ends well for anyone. Trek showed us how to be better, just gotta bulldoze this two tone chucklefuck first

*the average school curriculum, several books have been published detailing the rich history of almost but not quite overt support of the rich to the other rich/potentially useful to get more rich

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Ew, sounds gross and like one greedy cunt can ruin everything. Pass

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They should be firing every rocket they have into Russia to make room for the new pallets coming in, although the GOP and Hungary are fucking with that process. Every bomb that goes off inside their border is a soldier who doesn’t have to go downrange and a reminder that the citizens can’t ignore of how they’re breaking even with a former vassal. If every russkie south of Moscow is worried about random explosions in their town, public support is gonna turn quick despite the propaganda. Slava Ukraini