0 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This place is a far worse echo chamber than Reddit, and mods fall right in line. I've seen too many posts get downvoted to hell for simple opinions, and other 'dissenters' get posts removed that should have just been part of open discussions.

I've said this before, even in a lighter tone, and those posts mysteriously disappeared. I'm betting this one will be removed too.

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I'm on the fence about sticking around. I don't see myself going back to Reddit, so I'll probably just leave and be productive.

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Would a smaller instance not be more likely to have weaker support, or more prone to shutting down and taking you with it?

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Can this even be considered a meme when it hits so close to home?

These Russian characters sure are dramatic. When this is all over I hope we get some good documentaries and movies about this whole special military operation fiasco.

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From what I remember, there's a very heavy emphasis on engineering in Russia, and they produce more engineers than any other country. They may have some brain drain, but plenty to spare.

I would agree if we were talking about another centralized social media site, bit I'm here to escape the interface of sites like Facebook.

There's a secret to liking olives. You have to keep eating them until you pass the gross-bliss barrier. I used to hate olives, but now they're like crack to me.

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Depends on the resting state of the LCD.

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Sony Xperia

Quit acting like the average Redditor, and just be civil and disagree.

Can someone link this thread in that Reddit thread to show how their dissent is thriving here with open dialogue, or will that get removed?

Thanks bro

Yep, I got downvoted for suggesting that vandalizing the car was not a good plan..

Edit: I think you're actually talking about a different thread. Lemmy needs therapy.

An El Camino is a chariot of the gods. It transcends common labels.


Classic reference!

I don't have much of an opinion on Twitter or what Elon does with Twitter, but I'm not a fan of this rebranding.

That said, I'm going to upvote you since the rest of Lemmy is apparently all about quashing dissenting opinions.

When I was a kid I told everyone my neighbor was Ronald Reagan. I later learned that guy's last name was actually Segan. It was already too late, though. I'm pretty sure all the people I told were convinced that the former president lived on my culdesac.

Maybe Victoria just got her dad's rat turd story mixed up.

I don't know, man. I think you could run the fediverse if you put your mind to it.

To expand your palate. And also, once you get a taste for them, you ascend to a higher plane of existence.

Baconreader was my #1 for 10 years. I really hope it will find a new home here. (or anywhere decent).

Boost was my #2, so this Lemmy place might just work out after all.

I wonder if that happened to me. I signed up a few weeks ago, but my account disappeared somewhere in the Lemmy ether. I made this new account the other day. Hope this one sticks..

Seems like there's more reason to participate here. I may end up posting more, but several of my posts returned in error. Server issues, I assume, but frustrating when I'd have to rewrite everything.

You have a point. I did find myself downvoting much of what I disagreed with on Reddit. I wouldn't mind seeing everyone break that habit here. Maybe that should be stickied in some official welcome to Lemmy etiquette post.

I use Brave occasionally, but Firefox has been my #1 for the past 100 years or so. I stopped using Firefox as my only browser after they overhauled the interface. I really miss classic Firefox with my tabs on bottom, old search engine bar, and endless customizations.

Simple suggestions like this are shit advice at the surface, but they often are the answer in the end. You have to dig and find that internal will to realize them.

Easier said than done, though, so maybe take some drugs to just stop worrying.

I work in a museum space. Any recommendations for implementing various forms of holography to create interesting exhibits?

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These are the types of hobbies I can get behind! Update me/us in the future whenever you create anything cool. That's the type of content Lemmy needs!

Don't get me wrong, I'm onboard with these decentralized platforms. I'm not questioning the value of this federation system, but the potential volatility of parts of it. The concept of an ''instance' may be old, but that seems to be a new buzzword, fit for abuse.

Maybe it's due to population size, but I'm beginning to feel like Lemmy is a worse echo chamber than Reddit. And yes, I have noticed the landmines and people getting overly downvoted for stating simple opinions.

I'm not so sure this is the place for me anymore. I'll stick around for now, but I may leave if something else comes along.

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Missing History on Fire by daniele bonelli.

It absolutely is... And I'm starting to burn out of this place more everyday.

My friend was wondering how someone else could even get a hold of mushrooms or spores in secret, without having to use the mail, if some other rando was crazy enough to consider microdosing?

I believe you

I've certainly had lesser infractions removed in less time. This must've slipped by the Lemmy police.

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No soup for you!

But hey, at least you got a reason. I think the squirrelly bastards just remove most posts without question so they can substitute authority over their lack of nuts.

Probably accurate. That seems to have set the trend for who belongs. Of course we'd all want to keep highly objectionable material away, but I'd prefer to see some diversity of thought.

Yes for OLED. Sometimes for LCD.

From what I understand, LCDs can have a resting state that will either stop light, or a resting state that will let light through. The backlight remains on, but a panel that natively blocks the light will require less power when showing black.

Me like. I hope I can get my hands on one of these someday.