Reddit users who switched to Lemmy, what is the most annoying thing you have seen about Lemmy users?

Prethoryn to Ask – 300 points –

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I've certainly had lesser infractions removed in less time. This must've slipped by the Lemmy police.

Why do you continue to use if you are having that kind of issue?

Damn fine question.

I'm here partly because it seems to be the most active instance. I also don't hate all the assholes that like to mute nonconformists. I actually like to hear some of their output, and often find myself in agreement. It would be nice, though, not to see so many random ideological digs and parroting through threads. It feels like the same brain constantly high-fiving itself on repeated hot takes.

Most importantly, though, I want to leave Reddit. I certainly had similar complaints there, but not to the degree I've so far witnessed here.

That doesn't really seem to answer the question though... why be on What does "the most active instance" even mean in the context of federation?

I'm really confused by your response and I get the feeling maybe you don't understand federation?

It doesn't matter what instance you view, post, or otherwise interact with the content from. The only thing that matters is who's federated with whom. In the case of, they defederate people. From your response, it seems like you'd be better served finding a server that does not defederate or that defederates more to your tastes.

There is literally no reason to be on in the fediverse.

I have accounts with a few other instances. They're all federated with, and it seems the most active communities stem on Posts may not get blocked as often on other instances, but the echos still lean deep in one direction or another.

Just my observation so far.

What "echos" are you talking about? Who cares if the "active communities stem on [sic]" What does it matter what instance you are interacting with the content from? It literally makes no difference.

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