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Joined 11 months ago

Not the users but lemmy itself. Sorting by hot is pointless since you see the same post for days at a time. I get lemmy is small but shit it can't be that hot for that many days.

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Host the shit yourself. The monthly costs of paying a hoster will be far greater than just getting the equipment yourself. Imagine you pay for example $50 a month for a half way decent server. That's $600 a year. That alone is a decent plex server with decent storage. Times that by 5-10 years and you are paying out the ass for the same server and the same storage vs using that same money to spend on HDD space and the plus side is it's actually YOUR equipment in the end. Now i get some guys have shit internet and those people I'm not talking about. Some will try and say they don't have space. I call BS. An intel NUC is extremely tiny and power efficient and can be hooked up to an external enclosure tucked away. I myself have the space for a rack with multiple JBODs but i know not everyone has that luxury.

I tried jellyfin but for the life of me I can't figure out why my search takes 1-2 mins to load when searching something. Multiple people have this issue but none of the fixes work for me. So sadly it's still plex for me.

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God damn like 85% of this is me. Still ain't gonna check and see if i really got it though 🤣

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Well I'm a datahoarding pirate so lots of movies, shows, games, porn, hacking tools, bot creation tools, firmwares, family pics, movie/show posters, ISOs, etc. Nothing to hide really. Might question my complete siterip of cum4k, tiny4k, and anal4k maybe.

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Had quite a great laugh reading that and the empress channel firing back. I just love sitting back and watching it all unfold. I don't care for either group i just want the games. I could care less who does it.

Who are these people? Seems like some randos if you ask me.

So glad i never used twitter. The only elon musk thing i follow is spacex even then i wish he wasn't the ceo of it but he is mr money bags so it is what it is. Anything for space exploration.

USA guy here. I don't give two fucks about politics at all. I block everyone that posts about it.

Double it and I'll do it myself

Don't know, i have an ad blocker and so should you.

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A 40mpbs up connection can host quite a few people. I used to have 40 up and i was able to do 4-5 people remotely just fine.

Wait are you being for real? That can't be good for your neck. I've fallen asleep like that 1 time when i got way too high on the zaza and i had the worst neck pain ever.

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Tbh I don't even know why the option even exists. I have 2 days worth of playtime and not once does it go on about pronouns or anything like that. So to me the menu seems completely pointless. If i can recall i also don't think the NPCs have even referred to me as male or he/him. Maybe Bethesda added it last minute or something to try to appeal to a larger group of people idk. I'm just enjoying my spaceship man.

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How do u do this on sync? There is several annoying bots i want to block but clicking the name of the bot doesn't do anything.

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Im a usenet guy but i loved rarbg for the top little section for new popular movies. If you were able to copy this exactly from rarbg i will use the site. Not the torrents but just that top section lol.

Wow that's a blast from the past. I've still got one that's blue from when i was a kid. Sits in my attic torn down as they always fall apart if u bumped into it wrong.

Searching "wire shelf plastic connectors" on ebay will give you exactly what you want.

Usenet is king! All hail usenet!

Looks like a carriage wheel to me

Car insurance Health insurance Dental insurance

All insurance really

Also renewing license plates/licenses

Basically if you need to make a yearly or monthly payment to keep using something it's a scam in my eyes.

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I'll eat a whole damn box before i realize what I've done. One day it's gonna catch up to me and I'm gonna be the next person on my 600lb life

Me when i walk in to get my daily powerade and they don't have my flavor. I'm in and out in 30 seconds flat but i feel so guilty over nothing.

As an introvert he's very wrong. Let me be a hermit and work in peace.

The job I'd prefer is hundreds if not thousands of years from now. I want to have my own ship to explore planets and feed the data back to earth. New contact? Great send info to earth for ground troops to stop by and start procedures while i move to the next planet.

A planet that's lifeless but good for resources. Great, send info to earth for mining ships to start work on it.

Bad areas not suitable for ship travel (black holes, pulsars, etc etc). Ok mark perimeter for other ships to avoid.

Mark scenic areas for possible stations to setup.

Imagine thousands of ships that are doing this. So much data flow. Probably too much data for scientists to keep up 🤣

Someone has to do it and not many would like to do it but those of us that would like to would have a blast! You could even do it as a 1 man crew with robots to help keep the ship going that way if the human lifeform were to die it's only 1 life vs the hundreds that would potentially die if it was a full crew of humans. The robots could even clean up for the next human to take over.

But that's all a dream unfortunately.

I can't get a bidet because my friend is fat and breaks the toilet seats on the regular. He of course replaces them. I've tried bidets at other places and it was nice but i still had to use toilet paper to clean my now wet ass so I'm really confused when people say they don't need toilet paper anymore. I really hope they aren't just wiping their ass on a towel or some shit.

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I regularly check the sites about 1 time a month. I also have a little bot the looks for WRB (scene ripper) releases as he is the one that rips those sites. I don't technically need to check the site but I just like to make sure 100% it's fully up to date. The tiny4k site is half me and the rest scene since there was a way to web-dl the videos for about a week before they fixed it.

I then post monthly packs on kleverig (usenet) to help the guys that don't want to do it themselves.

Ayyy i remember that place. That's where the OG netflix ripping tool from scene was. Doesn't work anymore sadly.

That's wild man. I sleep on my belly with one leg hiked up to my chest and a pillow that's big enough for my head and for me to hug and wrap around. Sure it's also bad for you but man do i get some insane sleep and dreams from it

Nah he'd 100% replace humans with robots if he could. Way more efficient. No need for water, food, toilets, breaks, hell even lights technically speaking. Huge huge list of pros for him. (Don't hate me I'm all for complete world automation)

The best a human can do without the knowledge of how it fully works is be able to push them in the right direction. Depending how far back you go you'd either be considered a god or a witch 🤣. Humans man we are strange.

Ohhhh. Wow i never noticed that tbh. I was so focused on trying to win sarah over. Never met a more picky person in my life. Now she resides on europa because she bitches every time i steal or a innocent sounding dialog option makes her mad. Sam is cool every ounce and a while he says something about me stealing but it's not as annoying. I've yet to come across cora. I spend so much time in the ship builder.

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I'm a mix of each. If i can do it faster via a gui then i do the gui. if it's faster via command line then i use that. Those hardcore command line guys can enjoy typing 20 commands in which 4 button clicks can achieve the same thing 🤷

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Datahoarders like me

That involved soap a few mins prior so obviously it's a proper clean ass my guy.

As for the bidet it's only water being shot at your ass with no soap. Water alone won't kill the bacteria unless we're shooting some hot ass 140°F+ water at your booty hole.

That thumbnail is something else🤣

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I need them because if I don't have car insurance for example i get a fine. I need health insurance otherwise i have to pay out the ass. 2 stupid things made by some money hungry old fuckers that just want to collect even more money. This is just 2 examples of all kinds of insurance. The whole system is in place to make the rich richer for something meaningless.

Ohhh that kid! I completely ignored that little stinker. I remember her trying to con me out of 50 creds for books. I'm too greedy for that i got ships to build.

Hate to break it to you but the people that crack software/games don't do it to share. They do it for the fame and to be the 1st. It's a race for scene groups. Nothing more. They don't care about us.

Love the graying workforce title. Because it's true so many old fuckers in that place. No wonder why they are so slow to do stuff. All while spacex is actually doing shit. Sorry nasa but these days you're like the grandpa that tells stories to your grandkids while in a rocking chair. Maybe if they weren't government funded they'd have some new blood running around.

(Government funded comment was a joke as usually a government funded place is ran by ancient fuckers that need their dementia medication to function)

This guy must be from the future. Oh wise one tell us all your secrets.

Ever heard of having some hope my guy? Hate to break it to you but I hope humanity leaves this rock and isn't stuck here forever. If humanity stays on this planet forever we will 100% go extinct either by war, virus, or the most obvious asteroid impacts or the guaranteed one the sun expanding over a few billion years. If we want to live till the end of time and space itself we HAVE to leave.

Ah ok i thought it was musk boy. Tbh I don't look too much into who the ceo of a company is. Mostly just what they do which i why i love spacex. I take it all my downvotes are the musk haters lol. I'm neutral on that whole thing with him. Can't say anything about the whole twitter situation as i have never used it.