
3 Post – 166 Comments
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You can't have a discussion about anything without some tankie blaming it on Ukrainians / the west / capitalism, etc.

"Oh you stubbed your toe on the table? See, tables are oppressive furniture of the bourgeoisie. The Chinese government wanted to make all tables toe-stubbing resistent, but that would affect IKEA's bottom line and the pharmaceutical industry's profits. I have a source from tankiepeoplesmagazine to back this up."

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Just check out any news article outside Lemmy.world on the Ukrainian war or China.

It always gets flooded by accounts from lemmygrad and hexbear doing mental gymnastics and whataboutism to justify whatever Russia or China are doing.

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I don't think the comparison with crypto is fair.

People are actually using these models in their daily lives.

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Shout-out to Librewolf as well (basically Firefox with better privacy focused configs).

People don't care enough about using browsers that reduce Google's influence on web standards (i.e. non chrome-based browsers)

You seem to have conveniently left out power consumption.

I agree they are very pricey these days. Are there any competitiors that offer cheap low-power consumption computers?

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Am I the only one bothered by him referring to people as "Snoos"? It's so cringy.

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When it stops being relevant in the cultural consciousness.

One of the reasons people use Twitter is for up-to-date news and notifications on events. As official organisations move away from it and the user experience degrades, it will just fade away like MySpace.

You can already see this happening. My guess is that it will just go on slow decline. I would bet Twitter will not be nearly as relevant in a year.

Farmers seem to be underrepresented on the fediverse.

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Because they can't go beyond "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" level of logic.

Sorry, but I think you're missing the main point.

The risk is not to be tracked, the issues is Eembrace, extend, and extinguish (EEE): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish

They are currently competing with Twitter and Bluesky, they just need users to kickstart their new platform. That's where the fediverse comes in. All Meta has to do is to convince the instances to give them users.

Meta has a lot of money to throw at UX, they will design a better one than Mastodon. Their instance will also be more reliable (since they have money for lots of computational resources). This will allow them to spread their influence on the fediverse (so that people follow others on Threads), growing up to be the largest instance, and then just defederate from everyone else to “stop spam”. People will then move to Threads so they keep following their friends there (because their friends signed up for meta, since it was all compatible anyway).

And only then, they will start to harvest data and put ads in front of you.

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Didn't the 3rd party apps predate the official one by several years?

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I believe R/datahoarder was working overtime to back up everything. The amount of knowledge stored on reddit on all sorts of topics is very valuable. It's a shame to let it die if Reddit ever goes bankrupt.

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Python for its versatility.

Rust for its strictness and speed.

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I've ran into some furry stuff on Mastodon while browsing the federated timeline.

Nothing that an update to my filters and an eye scrubbing didn't solve.

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He's not even good at using his puppet.

A bit off-topic, but AITA is a community I don't mind if it stays on Reddit.

It's either fake stories, people looking for approval, people who don't mind their own lives, or arm-chair psychologists taking guesses.

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I didn't join the fediverse to have my data harvested.

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What does that have to do with the website (Euromaiden Press)?

If anything, they have a slight left-leaning bias, so how are they Nazi website? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/euromaidan-press/

Go home tankie.

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Sorry, didn't come to the fediverse to have my data harvested. :^)

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Nothing says desperation like going to a country even more sanctioned to buy some weapons.

And this is why I didn't sign up for a large instance.

I'd rather joine a smaller one that doesn't block any instance, neither is it blocked by other instances.

I just want to slowly find new communites and join the ones I think have good discussion, regardless of where they are hosted. I don't need babysitting.

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I guess tankies are now making accounts in other instances so that they don't get blocked.

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It's Eembrace, extend, and extinguish (EEE) all over again. It has happen countless times, and will keep happening. I can't believe people still fall for it.

Meta wants to capture the twitter refugees, and they will do the same thing.


Never self-hosted Lemmy, but have self-hosted other things in the past. While you don't necessarily need to code, you need a fair amount of code-adjacent skills. If you ever want to get into self-hosting, you should have a look into (at least):

  • the linux command line
  • ssh
  • how ports work
  • VPS providers
  • DNS registrars
  • nginx
  • docker (while you don't need it to host things, it makes your life 10x easier)
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I've always leaned left, and not in the "American Democrat" way. I've read Marx, Engels, Kropotkin, Luxemburg, etc. Not that I agree with them on everything, but they make good points.

But every day I see tankies defend Russia just because it's not the US, I feel like I'm moving more center just out of spite.

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I self-host my own instace, save articles I want to read from my laptop, and then they sync with the app on my phone. I read them offline when I have some time to kill

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Makes sense, the people who have both the tech knowledge and conviction on the advantages of selfhosting, were probably the most active posters.

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Polyamory is already mainly an upper class thing.

You are hard-pressed to find poly groups in rural areas and blue collar workers. It's usually first-world college educated urbanites.

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I manage them using git and stow.

Stow is very useful, but a bit unknown. Hard to explain in a Lemmy post, but basically it helps you manage symlinks between your git repo directory and your $HOME.

You can "install" and "uninstall" configs by managing the symlinks with stow.

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Wait... Linux desktop is beating Apple in Turkey?

Do students use Linux in schools, or is there an economic reason (i.e. Apple products are too expensive to buy with the current inflation)?

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I've had a tankie acuse me of being libelous against North Korea by mentioning their human rights abuses.

When I presented links to the UN's reports on the subject, they just got stuck in a loop asking for sources for my claims.

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Do you have some source for that?

I can't see an old laptop running 24/7 as being close to a raspberry pi performing the same tasks.

Fascinating country.

It's worth more than one visit, just due to its huge diversity. Food is amazing, and it's very lively. But you have to get used to it, and go with the flow. If you can't live without all the first world luxuries and/or don't feel comfortable stepping outside your bubble, don't go, it's not the place for you.

Would I live there? No. And I'm deeply saddened by the political direction it's heading in. But don't form opinions about countries you've never been to.

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Agree on RSS.

Don't have enough experience with XMPP.

IRC is not a secure protocol, I think matrix takes the cake there. (although I really miss IRC)

Lemmy and Reddit do have an upvote feature and aggregation across different topics / communites, which I think it's what old school forums lacked.

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They have to beat the UK, Japan, and Germany.

None are economies on the rise (and the UK is doing poorly, they might already have surpassed them).

Wouldn't be surprised if it eventually happens, but beating all 3 in five years might be a stretch.

EDIT: this is nominal GDP. They will definitely not reach the same GDP per capita anytime soon.

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Russia is not even pretending to be communist anymore. It's a full blown corrupt capitalist oligarchy. But just because it's not an US ally, they will defend it.

Less storage space (since you don't duplicate the data that has not been changed since the last backup), and ability to check different versions / restore / rollback.

I assumed that was riding the wave, not creating it.

Honestly? Probably boredom. Computer-related projects are addictive to me.

Haven't ventured too far, but searxng was my first selfhosted service. It's very easy, single container, no database.

I’m black fyi so no, I’m not going anywhere, you however will be leaving with your nazi trash

What does that have to do with anything?

You accused the website of being Nazi, when it has a left-leaning bias. How does being black make any difference regarding an uninformed opinion like that?