
2 Post – 261 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I don't understand the love for Telegram.

In the short period of using it I had so much BS come through by scammers/spammers - both as DMs and group messages. I've rarely had that with WhatsApp.

In my eyes WhatsApp is far better than Telegram. And Signal is far greater than WhatsApp. The only thing I wish Signal had was inbuilt GIFs; it's not that much of an issue on mobile but it's a pain on desktop.

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It really whips the llama's ass

Surprised the title didn't say, "Apple slammed for ear pods that are designed to die".

Gluing components together so it's not easy/impossible to repair is different to 'designing to die'. In my opinion designed to die suggests the ear pods will die prematurely due to intentional design decisions. Gluing components together just means that when the ear pods die, then they cannot be brought back to life and you have to replace them.

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I've recently driven a brand new 2023/2024 Maxus T90EV. It had 15 miles on the clock when I drove it. These are the problems I experienced with it and these aren't even touching on my preferences like I thought the seats were uncomfortable, or that regenerative braking is quite aggressive and can't be changed. So I doubt China EVs are going to take over, not in 2024 at least.

  • Auto lights didn't work
  • Auto wipers didn't work
  • Intermittent wipers didn't work
  • Rear view camera was really poor quality
  • Infotainment system crashed, where I had to walk away from the vehicle with it still in its crashed state. At some point it finally turned off and worked again on the next drive
  • Bluetooth audio kept crashing
  • Infotainment system is really basic
  • Shudders when driving on the factory set speed limiter
  • No driving aids like cruise control or driver defined speed limiter
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To summarise, I2P is similar to Tor, except that every client also serves as a node, and there are no exit nodes, so you can only access data shared by other I2P clients

Is my summary correct?

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What happens when you share a link to an image? Does Lemmy just save the link or does it make a copy of the image?

I don't mind reposts when there is discussion on the reposts. When there is zero discussion, which is what's happening with the Reddit copy paste on Lemmy then it's just clutter.

If I sort by new, most of the submissions are reposts with zero votes and zero comments. If I sort by activity/hot then I see days old submissions. ... how engaging. I'd prefer to engage with new content but I'm not prepared to look over ~twenty submissions to only find one or two real submissions.

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I'm impressed at the balanced conversations in this submission. People who are both for and against Windows and Linux. As I remember, it felt like everyone was heavily biased towards Linux and hated everything about Windows 6 months ago.

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I think it's too early to comment on the user numbers increasing/decreasing. Let's see what it looks like in 6-12 months time.

I've seen a few posts complaining about Lemmy on Lemmy and Reddit. It's generally the same complaints; so these should be addressed.

Back both horses and drop the one that loses the race.

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Lemmy should have shined when the API kicked in, but we had a number of users being shouty ass hats that probably helped to drive users away. Fortunately they seem to have quieten down since for one reason or another, but Lemmy adoption doesn't seem to have increased again yet - maybe one day.

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I read many MBs on Usenet everyday 😉

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I'm not adverse to Reddit because I don't believe Lemmy is a complete replacement yet. Let's be honest, Lemmy is mostly programming, Linux, hate against Windows, hate against cars, and hate against paying for services. For me, Lemmy cannot replace Reddit until a variety of people come.

I use Lemmy and Reddit to see a discussion around a topic. I might as well just use an RSS feed if I want to read news topics instead of bare Reddit copy paste submissions.

I'm still using a third party for Reddit - I never stopped using it and it continued to work.

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Is there any transparency around the donations?

  • What's the sum of the donations?
  • What's the split between reoccurring donations and one off donations?
  • How many mouths does it feed?
  • How many of those mouths are full time?
  • What's the split between the mouths?
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I see no difference between creating a fake video/image with AI and Adobe's packages. So to me this isn't an AI problem, it's a problem that should have been resolved a couple of decades ago.

I'm interested in why people have hyped him up to be smart?

I've watched a few podcasts with Elon as the guest and he comes across as average as an average person can be.

The only thing I've seen is that he jumps at opportunities he believes will be profitable, and has leveraged what he has against partners and adversaries for his own personal gain.

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CDNs also reduce load on the network. Why pull a resource from a server on the opposite side of the world when a CDN on my 'door step' can provide a cached version of it.

FDA approved stainless steel (316L) doesn't actually rust. Otherwise you'd have sprinkles of rust in your food and drink from production, and you'd have to buy new utensils and a kitchen sink because they've rusted.

There are different grades of stainless steel with their varying properties.

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What if your grammar is that bad that people struggle to understand you?

I know someone who is incomprehensible most of the time. I have to ask probing questions just to vaguely understand what they're trying to communicate. I've politely told them more than once about the issue but they never try; they're not mentally challenged or anything, just an ass.

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I stopped paying when they started serving adverts in 2020. Why am I paying a subscription fee to be served adverts? Especially during a period where I was only listening to a few hours per week. Fck dat greedy piggies.

There was a submission made about how few people donate to the Devs. I asked about transparency and some links were given that show some things. I commented that it's not as transparent as it seems at first glance and they responded that it's fully transparent. I asked them to clarify but they decided to ignore me. I see why the Devs get criticism.

It doesn't look like they're getting offended to me.

Imagine you have a friend that you see daily. Every time you see them, they make the same joke. How quickly do you think you'll get tired of the joke?

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Let me introduce you to some classics.




Before you ask, no, I don't watch these. I discovered these types of videos only a few months ago and was shocked at the viewer counts.

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RPi5, plus a PSU, plus a storage device, plus any extra cooling, plus a case ends up about the same as an N100 without anything extra. For the extra $10 or so, the N100 ends up being the better buy.

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Regardless of OS, I'd like to see actual user numbers with stats like this because a percentage oversimplifies the landscape.

Have people moved away from (uninstalled) Windows 11 or have people just bought computers with a different OS/older version of Windows on it. To me, these tell a different tale.

Paying Spotify and still getting adverts.

At that point I decided that Spotify wasn't for me anymore.

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Why do you believe that?

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It's been like this for at least a few years using the stock Samsung OS.

The very first time I rented a vehicle, I got done for a scratch that I didn't make. It was a scratch from underneath the front bumper. When I got the car they never checked that area but it was the first place they looked when I returned it.

Since this incident, I go over the car with them with a very keen eye. I get them to mark down every little mark. Including underneath the bumpers. I even get them to write it down if the car was wet since that can mask scratches.

Where/how is this obtained?

I'm curious about seeing an entire list of defederated instances.

Open it in a browser that's not your main browser and clear your cookies afterwards. Or have a browser that automatically removes all cookies on exit.

I hate those types of cookie consent forms because they feel like a dark pattern wanting to make it as excruciating as possible just so you give in and click accept all.

Your OS doesn't matter when picking a VPN provider.

Others have mentioned plenty of good options.

I believe some of them are on websites like OnlyFans, which can be real porn if they decide to do so. I imagine being on Twitch is a method to be discovered.

I also agree with what you said. I also dislike how pornographic content is served right next to normal innocent content. It's like having porn channels on TV right next to the family channels.

Rich families in African countries already do this. Families have trusted drivers that they use to drive them around and send out to do errands for them.

I only downvote toxic ass holes.

I wish I could turn off seeing the voting system because I think the voting system is meaningless. No matter the topic there will always be people who are uneducated and have a lack of experience in it upvote an incorrect comment to the moon, whilst the person who is trying to share their in depth knowledge on the subject get downvoted to the bottom of the earth. So it becomes an echo chamber of the most popular opinions.

In Reddit's wiki they state that the voting system should be used to upvote relevant conversation that adds to the topic and downvote practically everything else. So it should be a self regulating system to filter out nonsense. But most people use it as an agree/like, disagree/dislike system and it appears people have brought that philosophy over to Lemmy.

It's my honest experience. Why do you speak negatively towards me?

Proof: www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCi1q-m2TFk

Is there any point since there will be instances and websites that allow people to look you up? Not to mention there will be people who will archive everything on Lemmy. (Just like on Reddit)

Let's say OpenAI did actually use Scarlett Johansson's voice. Who owns the audio that OpenAI used? Scarlett Johansson herself or the movie company that used the audio in their movie(s)? This might be a case of Scarlett Johansson vs the movie company, not Scarlett Johansson vs OpenAI, as OpenAI could have paid for them.

Hopefully you're not feeding https://globe.adsbexchange.com/

It was an open community and then the person who ran the server sold it to a corporation for over a million dollars. I believe the community strongly dislikes the person and spun up their own website and server https://globe.airplanes.live/

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Turns out in this specific occasion that it wasn't removed/hidden; so it must be a bug with Sync for Lemmy.

Some mod actions can be shockingly moronic, so I can also understand why some people get annoyed. I suppose some people must get next level angry to harass mods though.