7 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Omg that thread was illuminating.

Key points are:

  • xmpp was systematically killed by Google by "embrace, enhance, extinguish" where they federated, added bells and whistles, then de-federated after having essentially all users.
  • meta systematically removes competition. It is naive to assume anything otherwise, and both meta and the fediverse is international, so governments have less ability to enforce (and enforcement via govs are mostly via the elite and interest groups)
  • control over the fediverse can be lost to big tech via updates to protocol that can't be bug fixed fast enough, a fork being run on big instances via a compromised sysadmin selling out for cash or other benefits
  • link sharing is about interesting content (not social inertia like messenger apps and social apps like Facebook) so it is not a perfect analogy.
  • there is no negativity on the fediverse yet
  • once users become the product (even partially), the fediverse will be driven to enshittification via the same pressures of big tech
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This response is frustrating. A company can have pressure put on and change actions more than "can everyone just spend 5 minutes". To put pressure back on a consumer who does not have the ability to purchase time (via more employees) to handle the load of "5 more minutes" means that only the crazy will think they can make a difference.

Your response is generated from a successful captain planet propaganda campaign that successfully brainwashed a generation. You are technically right that no supply = no demand. You are technically right that "if 100% of humans stopped using and correctly educated themselves on further green washing pivots" then the 100 companies would stop.

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The bill requires that manufacturers of electronics and appliances make parts, repair tools, and documentation available to the general public, for devices first sold on or after July 1, 2021. For devices costing between $50 and $99.99, manufacturers must provide repair access for at least three years after the product is no longer manufactured; for those costing more than $100, that number rises to seven years. In its letter, Apple lists a few bill provisions that were crucial for the company’s support, including language that clearly states manufacturers only have to offer the public the same parts, tools, and manuals available to authorized repair partners, and the bill’s exclusive focus on newer devices.

The support is equal to cutting the teeth off the bill.

  • all parts for repair have to be through apple
  • all repairs need to be done in based on official channel (official software probably because that is "authorized")
  • the bill only applies to new models, and only for the support period of 3 years.

Or some garbage like that that I am missing. The same thing was done when we didn't want isps to control the net and coined the term "net neutrality" then the isps rebranded it to mean isp controls if you are neutral on the net... Sigh.

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I said this in a different post's comments about Facebook scraping data:

Can activity pub change it's terms to say that all crawlers that use this must be gnu open sources and all information crawled must be open to the public on gnu open sources software (no crawling to a private enterprise)?

My understanding is all the big tech companies are scared of what happened with router software (openwrt) and they don't want to be forced to let competition be a foss community via gnu licensing.

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Economics say that technological advances hurt those displaced for a short period of time but the entire rest of the economy improves and the displaced people are smart enough to find other jobs in the new economy with higher standard of living...

Unless the value created never makes it back to the economy...

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Peertube has no content but tries to imitate YouTube as a p2p federated alt.

Thanks for solving a problem I didnt know I had

I want users to be able to flag comments as "jokes" or "serious" on lemmy, so it is easy to sort by relevant comment thread. Especially inside jokes.

Better question, can big ag dope up all the cows in unsanitary conditions to lower their costs by 10 cents per pound (nobody cares about mystical superbugs) /s

As a martian, I get all the water I want from fog, but earth seems to like to drown in it. Water is a greenhouse gas people!


A search engine both indexes the internet then curates "relevance".

  • Mostly if I am looking for info, I'll go to Wikipedia or lemmy.
  • If I am looking for info about a purchase, consumer reports,
  • if I am looking for social media, lemmy.

This comment may have been posted on the wrong post. I think it is a known issue that they are working on.

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My dude, please get some professional help. I am religious, so if you ask me, I would point there, but seriously, you are worth it and you are at least worth the memes you post. I bet that you could grow a bunch from a place of stability, and have a pretty rad life to look forward to

Here is some other advice:

  • ask chat-gpt for some exercises to help you get your brain where it should be and a timeline. Then execute. Rinse repeat

  • reduce social media (including Lemmy) a good "cold turkey" break would be a cruise or something.

  • obtain physically proximate friends via volunteering at a local food bank or similar nonprofit.

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A man has no or little respect from peers when he does anything other than convert his life into dollars (both earning dollars and fixing stuff to reduce the outflow of dollars). A woman is encouraged to make dollars, or not, who cares (no more pressure to have children in my social class).

Men can be out late at night with smaller fear of rape.

The freedom of the other gender appears to be a double standard.

Also there is steam link if it isn't beefy en9ugh for a AAA title and your desktop is beefy enough

Lol, I am the opposite.

  • Teams feels bloated and buggy.
  • Zoom is fast, can handle 100+ streams with ease, and allows mods/plugins to extend as far as you want, and
  • on zoom you can draw on the other person's screen while sharing.
  • On zoom, when a meeting starts I have a "incoming call sound" so I drop what I am doing and jump on the meeting. (I can't install on my work compy though... Sigh)

Teams has not implemented those basic features.

I did so when I bought before the steam sale. They credited my steam wallet with the diff (not quite a true refund, but shrug)

Did you just get the idea for zapier?

Dude. A backup in the same computer is not a "backup". You should have a separate network attached storage (nas) and a script like syncthing backing up to a different hard drive (the nas). If you don't want to do it yourself, you can buy a all in one device that has the software and hard drive all in one.

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Well unsecured consumer debt has technically no legal consequences if it is not paid unless you get permission to garnish wages from a court. Most consumer debt collectors use the "badger and harry" approach of constant phone calls to collect debt.

Secured debt will just take the collateral.

Of course try the high fico score debtors first.

Or just forgive the debt.

Your local instance may not be federated with specific communities.

On there is a community called "new communities" where there is a mega thread about federation with new communities and instances.

The Linux purist is to provide the source code and you download then compile the small files.

Developers and gamers don't have storage issues so the higher storage size of flapak and the lack of dependency issues (a copy of every library used) make flatpak user friendly enough for normies aka gamers with steamdecks

Clear cookies related to lemmy (or app data in lemmy specific apps) if you do this it fixes most of the issues while logging in.

But without oxygen and with fewer vibrations from cooling, they last 5years longer with no maintenance.

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Yeah, there is a high concentration of early adopters and hackernews refugees.

On top of that, a group made similar claims and produced data and the data was unclear as to whether it was manufactured/faked. Everyone expects this to be fake, so instead of saying "remember the hype last time that was fake" they are saying "you should be so hyped that you can't prove it is fake and give us money this time"

Everyone who followed it at first is not holding their breath before reproduction of results.

This sounds like what an ai would write /s

I think that while LLMs are going to get worse, the AI software will get better to the point of strong AI, and it will do a lot of "apple-esque" changes to mass produced speech that will ultimately be for the better.... The cynical possibility is that it will further taint human dialogue even though it could provide a better way.

Ehh, so a counterargument is we now have "control audits" aka soc1 type2 audits that test whether management fix their stuff without external eyes. That hasGREATLY increased the fidelity of all public companies. Yeah mistakes happen, but the controls get pretty robust after only a few years.

Could the megathread be reposted every ~24 hours with the sum of the changes be included in the top of the post or a pinned comment? I would rather have a discussion about a current development than read something from 1 week ago.

Edit: i saw something about 1 day ago. perhaps you started implementing this. Nevermind.

Chat has been replaced every 2 years for the last 12 years

Savory is kinda salty. Umami is kinda buttery

I'm curious. Why do you say "this" when an upvote is the same?

I bought the rii remote/controller/keyboard/mouse, a raspberry pi 4 8gb, a 4k micro HDMI, a rpi4 power cord, a 64gb micro SD card, rpi4 case with fan. I then attached it to my TV with some zip ties and a L brace

  • I installed rasbian 64bit.
  • I installed steam link (have to go to tty command line to have it work though because bullseye doesn't have previous buster driver support yet
  • I installed kodi > Plex addon
  • I installed kodi > YouTube addon
  • I installed kodi > jellyfin add-on with repository
  • I didn't trust the sketchy "add my repository to download and install". Disney plus on kodi, so I made a shortcut to the browser with that site
  • I made a shortcut to Netflix browser.

It isn't the same as " any phone controls sound and playback" like a chromcast, but it is private and it is better than Chromecast (higher resolution and framerate, and streams/remotelycontrols local beefy gaming computers) in some ways.

Do you know of a RPI app with a fdroid counterpart that allows clicks from a LAN smartphone?

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Living in the "self esteem" part of Maslow's pirimid when you are battling basic needs aka allergies, sleep, dehydration, dimentia, etc is a good way to be depressed. Focus on preservation of assets and restoring basic functions.

The problem with "what to buy to get started" is that that question is tantalizingly juicy to advertisers. Therefore, when a place is found it is usually captured by low quality high dollar cost advertisers (like reddit or amazon or essentially all the other sites that carry and recommend hobbiest products).

I think your best bet is to get to know a few people who actually are doing the hobby (not a advertising influencer) and see the cost points for real hobbiests.

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After 2 or 3 millennia (1,000 years) I would probably have to work hard to retain empathy for ephemeral life (finite in any form e.g. 100 years for humans). Perspective: I cried over a spider when I was small, but now will apply raid or another poison if a spider is in my house. I now consider moles, voles, and house cats who are allowed to exterminate birds (outside cats) to be worthy of population reduction tactics.

There aren't mod tools yet. They are working on it. The only option is defederation which is kinda overkill and dramafilled right now. More mod tools will come because it is open source after all

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"Super power" was the soviet Union. Russia is just a regional power that happens to have nukes and inertia and covets the power of the soviet Union.

Jerboa is a 3rd party Foss app.

Reddit had a few and lemmy has a few.

Currently you can use:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • jerboa for lemmy
  • liftoff?
  • wefwef?
  • other forks of the above?

There is no official app and probably won't be.

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There are fireproof briefcases. I think buying one would give you some peace of mind about your papers.

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