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Joined 1 years ago

Cause it's one big part of why the Fediverse and Lemmy exist in the first place.

We wouldn't need all this decentralization overhead if centralized sites were trustworthy and focussed on serving their users. The fact that they are not is what leads to privacy violations and enshittification, hence why people created the Fediverse and why we are here (at least most of us I presume).

The company said cutting off PWAs was part of an effort to comply with the Digital Markets Act, arguing browsers other than its own Safari software would expose users to security and privacy risks that were not permitted under the law.

They are so full of shit, it's unbelievable! Are they really claiming that their own browser is THE ONLY legal browser there is?!

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Piracy isn't even free! People pay thousands of dollars for hardware, and hundreds per year for electricity and various service providers.

But they actually get what they want for that money: Being able to watch whatever you want, anytime, on any device, in high quality and without ads. It must be really hard for streaming services to compete with features as futuristic as that!

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Oh come on, we could have lived in a world where the translation layers are called WINE and DINE!

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Here is a more detailed explanation of the exploit.

The Pepaire-Bueno brothers exploited a bug in MEV-boost's code that allowed them to preview the content of blocks before they were officially delivered to validators, according to the indictment.

The brothers created 16 Ethereum validators and targeted three specific traders who operated MEV bots, the indictment said. They used bait transactions to figure out how those bots traded, lured the bots to one of their validators which was validating a new block and basically tricked these bots into proposing certain transactions. [...]

So hardly an attack on any core system of cryptocurrencies.

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His firstborn son will take over as Linus II, as is tradition.

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We have blown the concept of ownership way out of proportion. No one should be able to own things they have absolutely no connection to, like investment firms owning companies they don't work for, houses they don't live in or land they've never been to.

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Adding proper metadata to releases. Why are we still trying to decipher release titles, why not add a little metadata JSON file to every release and make the info available to the search API?

Also keeping multiple different versions of a release in Arr apps, like ebook and audiobook in different languages. Right now I'd need 4 Readarr instances to get the English and German audiobook and ebook versions of a book, and don't even think about letting them manage the same root folder!

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I've been removing Google services from my life bit by bit over the past year, and I have to say it is crazy how hard it actually is! They have inserted themselves into so many digital workflows, securing monopoly positions and preventing the rise of competitors and open ecosystems. In many areas the only alternatives are other tech giants, or accepting feature downgrades and having to set things up manually.

I'm really glad that the browser is one area where the transition is actually very simple and straightforward!

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Personally I think it's more important to break big-tech's hold on online communication. Every single user who leaves a centralized platform to join the Fediverse is a win in my books! Another thing is that we never had a mainstream decentralized, nonprofit and non-algorithmic social network before afaik, I'm actually not sure if the climate will evolve like it did with the other networks.

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We need to stop calling it digital "ownership"! You don't get to own anything as a customer on these platforms, because rights that can be taken away on a whim are no rights at all.

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The way they phrase the reasoning in their proposal is just disgusting! Like "Users want advertisers to be happy, and advertisers need ...", as if it's all about what users want.

This actually IS theft, selling you something and then stealing it back!

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It's pretty logical actually: The advocates of openness must be closed to one thing, and that is whatever aims to destroy openness itself.

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I don't think there is anything to be concerned about.

Sublinks will live alongside Lemmy, just like kbin does today. Some Lemmy instances might switch to it under the hood at some point, but as a user you probably woudn't even notice the change. All the data would be preserved, so your community would still be there unchanged.

It is basically Lemmy written in a different programming language, with more focus on moderation tools afaik. So for users it looks and works just like any other Lemmy instance does, and it's part of the same Threadi-/Fediverse.

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Do Not Track

Such a simple solution for the cookie banner issue. But it prevented websites from tricking users into allowing them to gather their data, so it had to go.

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A better voicemail.

I just re-watched the introduction of the first iPhone, and one thing that stood out to me was this "visual voicemail" thing they showed. To this day I still just get an SMS if someone leaves a message, and then have to call my voicemail and listen to recordings one by one. That's still the norm for standard phone contracts here afaik, it's ridiculous!

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Reviewers should subtract points from the rating of every new Ubisoft game, for the real potential of something like this happening after the review.

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Imo the more you think about it the more you realize that "god" is just a very human way to cope with feeling lonely or powerless, and life having no ultimate direction or purpose. People imagine a friend or guardian who has a plan and will set things right, and some use this shared fantasy to make others do what they want.

German here, I'm pretty sure I've never seen a gun irl, except when used by the police or military. They are just not really a thing here. Nobody I've ever met owns one, nobody wants or needs one, nobody even talks about them.

There are legal ways to get a gun, but I never had to care about the details. That's pretty amazing imo, if you consider how big of a topic and problem they are in the US.

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Why do they just mention absolute numbers, instead of comparing them to similar platforms? All they said was that there is CSAM on the Fediverse, but that's also true for centralized services and the internet as a whole. The important question is whether there is more or less CSAM on the Fediverse, no?

This makes it look very unscientific to me. The Fediverse might have a CSAM problem, but you wouldn't know it from this study.

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It's not. They tricked some MEV-Boost bots into doing bad trades.

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If testing continues to progress well, we anticipate unveiling a fully open Firefox for Android extension ecosystem sometime in December. Stay tuned for details.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but this is basically the same thing:

My opinion on it is pretty simple:

  • I'm here to read posts by and talk to humans, and a post made by a human somewhere else and copied over by a bot without said human's knowledge or consent is not "made by a human" anymore as far as I'm concerned.
  • I don't f*cking care about the size of the Fediverse above a certain threshold, and we have reached that imo. There are great posts and discussions here already, so it's fine if it attracts more people and it's fine if it doesn't. The important bit imo is that the people who join do so because they understand and care about the platform's goals and ethos, not just because it has the biggest potential audience.
  • Communities mainly populated by bots feel like grotesque ghost towns. Answering a post and later realizing it was made by a bot makes you feel tricked and deceived. Your posts being copied to another social network by a bot impersonating you feels cheap and desperate, and like your rights are being seriously violated (which is probably the case)! This all could very well give Lemmy the bad rep of being the "fake bot social network".
  • On the big plan behind it, who the hell would want to or should take over a Lemmy account from an instance that's widely known to be populated by bots, maybe even blocked or defederated for that reason?! That's pretty much the worst entrance to the Fediverse you could have, almost guaranteeing a bad experience from the get go!

So by all means advertise Lemmy outside of the Fediverse, but don't fill it with bot content just to make it look like one of the big social networks on first glance. Imo it will do much more harm than good, because you alienate the people already here and you give it a bad rep in the outside world.

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I'd say nobody. Not putting innocent people in jail is more important than punishing criminals imo. But idk what to do with the guilty half instead.

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For a product the logo and brand recognition are not minor. Twitter was so well known and ubiquitous that the word "tweet" was included in dictionaries around the world. He threw that away and replaced it with a generic X, and no one can figure out how to call posts on that platform now.

But other than that, he has a very particular stance on moderation and free speech. He thinks hateful comments are just fine, as long as they aren't strictly against the law. But he also doesn't apply the same standards to himself, removing stuff he doesn't like even though it would be ok according to his own rules. He also gutted the Twitter/X staff, particularly the tech departements, leading to numerous outages and technical problems. All this has made it an even worse platform for civil public discourse, and it wasn't all that great before he took over imo.

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Being able to create issues and discuss merge requests on various source hosting sites without having to create an account on each would be a huge step forward! Especially since M$ has taken over Github and is well on its way to become the defacto centralized Git hoster.

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I'm all for Linux and have been using it for years, but saying a 15min install is the only downside is disingenuous. For many people there are a few programs they rely on that won't work on Linux, and hardware support and general user-friendliness are still not quite where they should be.

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XKCD#1172 is very relevant here.

This is much much more than just ad blocking. The mechanism is so generic that it can be used to lock out users for whatever reason. If the "attester" doesn't provide the requested proof then you're just shit outa luck. We should not hand such a power to anyone, let alone big for-profit companies.

IANAL and all, but bad/unfavorable contracts and literal deception/fraud are two different things, at least in the legal system. Not everything that's technically possible is also allowed, obviously.

Compare it to using a security flaw to hack into a system. Technically you're only using the official API, maybe in unusual ways, but still. But you're doing it in bad faith and causing harm, maybe pretending to be someone you're not or injecting fake data into the system, and that can make a difference.

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Wtf is this witch-hunt?!

The person asked a legitimate question and was being made fun of by some people, and downvoted to oblivion for completely legitimate viewpoints imo (wanting to make companies give back to foss). A mod should absolutely be allowed to call out childish behavior and herd mentality when they see it, they aren't supposed to be mindless drones after all! If anything they showed remarkable restraint when faced with some really nasty comments, mostly just stating/defending their opinion and trying to end toxic conversations.

Please just chill out, and accept that some people have different but equally valid opinions, even mods.

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Apple already added basically the same thing about a year ago:

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If you're curious, here are the numbers added up for all Lemmy instances with 10+ users:


  • ​​users: 251442 (~60%)
  • active: 24106 (~55%) ​​​


  • ​​users: 167166 (~40%)
  • ​​active: 19558 (~45%)

Maybe not by mass murdering innocent civilians?

Defending yourself and annihilating an entire people are two different things.

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You can't really make your favorite content creators switch to other platforms, so the best thing you can do for now is use a privacy-preseving frontend for YT. I can highly recommend Piped for PC and LibreTube for Android. They allow you to watch all YT videos and manage your subs/playlists without having a YT account or using the YT site or app. You can even self-host a Piped server if you want to.

Edit: So the major difference between Piped+LibreTube and NewPipe is that Piped is a website that handles the YT scraping and sub/playlist management for you, and the LibreTube app just connects to it like the YT app connects to the YT website. This means you can access it from your browser, synchronize your subs/playlists between devices and also hide your IP from Google servers. NewPipe accesses YT directly from your phone, so it has to do all that by itself and on every device separately.


  • YouTube app or browser => YouTube website (has user data)
  • NewPipe app (has user data) => YouTube website
  • LibreTube app or browser => Piped website (has user data) => YouTube website
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I recently started transcoding my media to save some space, and I went with h265 instead. AV1 will be great in a few years, but the hardware support is just not there yet.

I think it's because the first paragraph is usually preview content for news aggregators and search engines, so it's used as an appetizer.

The thing is, Reddit also has money and lawyers. LW doesn't, so it's understandable that they play it safe imo.