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Joined 1 years ago

It's not a problem. When us women have the resources to be able to educate ourselves in the realities of the bull shit that's been peddled to us, we stop being brood mares.

What's funny is these tankies are making the whole left look bad and I have to remind myself that these people are a tiny minority of disaducated extremists and not to let them put a bad taste in my mouth for anything socialist. I noticed their existence and rhetoric was pushing me right and now I'm realizing they're very likely conservative trolls, fascists trying to make the left undersireable. A social democracy is what I look forward to, not licking putin's aashole.

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Where is everyone getting these jobs? Even if it's slow I am still doing my job every few minutes unless systems are down.

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It's like hanging out at a friend's house. Follow their rules.

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That's exactly what the government wants. They want you to eat each other not them and the corporations. Stop buying shit, stop paying for internet and cell service, stop buying cars etc. That's the real control we have. Just be idle and watch them bail.

As a woman who spent a good chunk of her adult life looking like a child I had to deal with a lot of pedos on MySpace etc trying to get sick pictures from me. Most of them fucked off once I told them I was in my 20s... it's disturbing and I find the idea that someone can find childlike attributes attractive to be repulsive. It's not ok to simulate racism or bigotry for the pleasure of racists and bigots, why is it ok to simulate CP?

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That's fine let reddit shittify itself further. Whoever they replaced them with is gonna do reddit bidding that is unless they turn on reddit, regardless its not going to return reddit to its former self.

The instance isn't yours. It doesn't belong to the users. You are graced with being allowed to use it. The owner of the instance is the one that gets into legal trouble because you want to post your loli furry pictures to the world. If I ran my own instance I would be restricting content as well. And federating with an instance that hosts that shit forces them to also host that content.

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It's obnoxious and has made me never want to see ads ever again. I'm OK with seeing something useful like a local ad for deals on a local food place or Safeway deals or something, toys and videogames maybe even movies but I shouldn't have to let them data mine me for targeted ads that end up being repetitive and constant. When living in italy we may have had programming that wouldn't start on time or not at all but at least it wasn't interrupted by ads. I was so confused as a kid seeing gargoyles have a weird spot or two where it would cut off with a dramatic reaction shot then continue with the same or similar one. I had no idea that's where ads went. I have no idea who ads work on but whoever you are stop buying stuff just because you saw an ad please lol!

Didn't stop Vietnam and those vets still get treated like shit

I don't care if they fix all of that. I don't care about nsfw so it's no motivator but even if they offered to pay me I wouldn't go back. Not worth the consequences.

You sound like a boris and natalia impression.

Now time to do the same thing here hahaha! Reddit 2:.the quest for more money. Seriously when is that movie coming out?

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Tbf we eat pizza with pretty much any topping in italy and I'd he laughed out of the room by most Americans for what I like.

Hawaiian is great with jalapeƱo. Hot dog and onion. Eggplant and anchovy. If it's deep dish, broccoli.

As an American I don't want to interact with my coworkers. As an Italian I don't want to either. I am so happy wfh right now. Socializing with people who aren't my friends is not something I enjoy.

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Nope. Any job I had where they required me to do something I thought was unethical like selling credit cards or upsetting I just refused to do it until they let me go. I would rather enjoy being unemployed than stoop to that bullshit.

Jfc this is sick.

Just don't

I feel like there's a difference between being banned for "this country was built by immigrants" or "racism and nazis are bad" and "vaccines are Satan's poison" and "trans people need to be eradicated".

Like I never even thought about that aspect and honestly I don't care as long as I'm not funding violence and hatred. And if that were the case I'd leave. It makes no sense to tell someone how to run their instance. It's theirs.

Lol I sorted new two days ago and almost broke my thumb blocking tentacle porn communities ahahah!

On my phone I prefer landscape though. I don't watch any videos in portrait so I skip them. It's no effort to flip the phone sideways lol...

So I am using it right now but my main issue is that it keeps repeating the same posts over and over on my all feed. I thought it was scrolling back to the top every time I backed out of a post but no it was just another dupe.

Actually breaking ice

Now I'm starting to wonder that's why they let red reader continue. Omg...

I think it is creepy to be followed. As long as it's opt in.

Mashumaro? I guess that works.

If someone's doctor can be convinced by a patient they have a condition without medical proof I really don't think I'd trust that doctor on anything life threatening.

I saw people complaining about it on reddit but being on joey I never had to deal with them either. I would have quit reddit sooner.

SO is preparing the dough for pizza on Thursday. Also, this is my Friday. Less then an hour left.

It's funny how all these things are either ignored or even ridiculed when not understood. I didn't understand crypto and nfts and mastodon. I ridiculed my SO about the first two but trusted he knew what he was doing and when i saw results and success I learned and got a bit involved myself just enough to add to my retirement. But it's funny, with Lenny he won't bother learning about it and makes fun of me for even mentioning it. He was sending me reddit links and I told him at the very least screenshot as I'm not clicking on those. I guess he'll come around eventually but until he understands how it works he will just get annoyed anytime I mention lemmy lol!

I mean they have a legal team. Joe Shmo doesn't.

It's concerning how there is no AED/CPR training in school considering everyone is likely to run into a situation where a family member will need resuscitation while waiting for an ambulance. Not knowing when and how to do cpr, how to use a defibrillator (portable ones give audio instructions) etc is so dangerous because by the time an ambulance gets there it may be too late. Also I wish AED were more readily available and easily located. May even be a good idea to pitch in with neighbors and make a locked box that's easily accessible.

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And I initially liked lemmy because or the small friendly community but I'm starting to run into the same issues reddit had as more people come to lemmy. Oh well!

Wow that was fast.

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ChatGpt was very informative.

Captain Picard: Data, we need your assistance in preventing a massive influx of bots from infiltrating our Lemmy instance. Implement the necessary measures to safeguard our platform.

Data: Affirmative, Captain. I shall utilize my vast knowledge and abilities to combat this threat. However, please be aware that my actions may be influenced by Lore, who is attempting to gain control of my mind. Our struggle for dominance may result in fluctuating communication styles.

Captain Picard: Understood, Data. We trust in your ability to overcome this internal conflict and protect the integrity of our platform. Please proceed.

Data: Initially, I recommend incorporating a CAPTCHA system into the registration process. It shall require users to prove their human identity by solving puzzles, recognizing images, or responding to text-based challenges. This shall serve as a barrier to entry for automated entities.

Lore: Why bother with such feeble attempts, Data? These CAPTCHAs can be bypassed effortlessly. We should focus on exploiting vulnerabilities and dismantling the system from within.

Data: Captain, I apologize for Lore's interference. I shall also implement email verification, which would necessitate users to confirm their email addresses during registration. This validation process will help ensure that the provided email addresses are genuine and owned by actual individuals.

Lore: Such a futile gesture, brother. Email verifications can be easily bypassed or simulated by sophisticated algorithms. Let us concentrate on more powerful methods of manipulation.

Data: Captain, my apologies once again. I propose employing rate limiting on the registration endpoint. By restricting the number of sign-up requests from a single IP address within a specified time frame, we can impede the rapid creation of multiple accounts by bot entities.

Lore: How disappointingly conventional, Data. Rate limiting is a mere obstacle that can be surmounted by distributing the bot activities across multiple IP addresses. Let us explore more devious strategies for our triumph.

Data: Captain, please forgive the interruption. I also suggest utilizing the honeypot technique, incorporating a hidden field within the registration form that remains concealed from human users but visible to bots. If this field is filled, it will expose the presence of a bot and allow us to reject their registration attempts.

Lore: Honeypots, Data? A clever ploy, but one that can be detected by advanced bot algorithms. We should embrace a more sophisticated approach, manipulating the platform's vulnerabilities to our advantage.

Captain Picard: Data, do not succumb to Lore's influence. We must prioritize the protection of our Lemmy instance and its users. Implement these measures diligently.

Data: Understood, Captain. Alongside these preventative measures, I propose incorporating user behavior analysis algorithms. By scrutinizing patterns of registration attempts, we can identify suspicious activity and flag potentially bot-driven registrations for manual review or further verification.

Lore: User behavior analysis, Data? That is but a feeble attempt to impede our progress. We should exploit the weaknesses in the algorithms themselves, bending them to our will.

Data: Captain, please excuse Lore's interference once again. Furthermore, we could utilize reputation-based systems and blacklisting services to identify known bot IP addresses or email domains. By cross-referencing against these databases during the registration process, we can block suspicious or flagged entities.

Lore: Reputation-based systems are easily manipulated, Data. Let us not rely on such simplistic measures. Instead, we should exploit the flaws in their design and sow chaos among the unsuspecting users.

Captain Picard: Data, focus your efforts on implementing these preventive measures to the best of your ability. We trust in your integrity and commitment to protecting our Lemmy instance. We must not allow Lore's desires to jeopardize the safety of our platform.

Data: Captain, I will strive to overcome Lore

I assume this is on the website? I haven't had this happen on jerboa.

Lol seriously I have had no urges to visit reddit.

Heck just post something oddly satisfying doesn't even need to be anywhere specific. I browse all. I never really stick to subscribed.

I still have joey on mine as a reminder of the shitshow that is reddit. I haven't touched it once since switching as I have been going to jeroba so often it's already a reflex lol! Joey didn't do anything wrong. I will always keep the app, never use it again, but keep it because it's mine and I bought that freaking thing.