1 Post – 437 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Wtf is even the fucking point? If we're gonna give Israel the weapons to genocide them with one hand why even bother with this fake bullshit "aid" with the other hand? Is anyone fooled by this?

20 more...

Seriously though? That's 7 14 hour days...

He has a punch card that Moscow Mitch gave him. He gets to say 1 reasonable thing every 3 months and punch the card every time. Once the card is full he gets his Russian check for doing his duty to make the party look normal and reasonable without ever having to vote reasonably. If he actually votes reasonably he has to give the card back and can't get his check.

I think they're saying that they totally support a woman's right to an abortion if she needs/wants one and that apparently severe consequences (beyond the ones we're already experiencing) are the only thing they believe will get people to pull their heads out and stop voting for these monsters. They're definitely not saying they believe women who have abortions should be in jail. They're saying draconian abortion laws are ridiculous and if they were enforced with prison then conservatives might finally get it.

I don't necessarily agree with that stance but that's what I believe they are saying.

I don't want a Chinese car but at the same time if American automakers are going to continue refusing to make affordable electric cars and only give massive SUVs and trucks as our gas options then it seems like that's pretty much the choice we'll be left with.

Edit: if this frightens the Biden administration then they need to find a way to put pressure on American manufacturers to make some decent vehicles.

Yeah you can totally get unhomogenized milk that is pasteurized. They sell one brand at my local grocery store. Look for some in your area.

Edit: they would refer to it as cream top most likely.

The googlest thing ever. Typically English words that are borrowed from French and would take "the most" as a modifier because that's how it's done in French whereas English or other borrowed words take "est". It means the same thing. With words like Google, you could do it either way but as a native speaker the most sounds better with this particular word to me.

To say the second meaning it would be phrased more like "this is the most Googlest news week" or "this is the most Google news week".

2 more...

People will understand you no matter how you phrase it though! It's just a matter of making sure you understand us since there can be some nuance that isn't totally obvious.

If you're in a hurry mostly.

Ahhh but I don't have enough cancer yet :( On a serious note, sometimes people shit talk California but they have a massive economy and when they do things like this it has a huge positive benefit for the entire country. Most companies will just reformulate instead of having California specific products so everyone benefits.

18 more...

I would argue that firing them seems like a pretty strong political statement.

They just don't have jurisdiction? Did you do things in NY?. Then they do. Watch her plead the 5th all day long or "I don't recall."

6 more...

Nooooo anything but more environmentally friendly vehicles that people can actually afford. Won't somebody think of the profits?

40 more...

I've been watching a really good documentary about this and the entire situation is very complex. There's a combination of active government coverups and false information to confuse the situation. Anyone who finds out too much is at risk of being discredited or killed. You should look it up, it's very high quality. It's called the X-Files.

3 more...

I still can't wrap my head around why certain political factions latched onto not wearing a mask as a political rallying cry. Like.....why do you want to kill the people you need to vote for you? I can't understand.

14 more...

"How dare you," checks notes, "give people water."

Wait I thought people were just tampering to get higher performance or something, idk. But they're literally doing it to make the vehicle spew worse than it already does? Wtf and why? What is wrong with people?

21 more...

I occasionally click on the little wether icon and see what the forecast looks like. Hope I don't get fired!

At my old job we had to research customers which frequently involved looking on Facebook and other sites. I was very intentionally not logged in, which probably wouldn't work now, and kept any and all searches to items that I could prove were related to a work item. It's insane that people don't follow that advice.

This perfectly demonstrates why there are no good cops. You try to be a good cop and you get bullied till you quit or just outright fired. It's disgusting.

Blows gas and pieces of foam into the airway. So it suffocates you when it's supposed to stop you from suffocating basically.

No, I feel the same way. It's just that they've also utterly sucked in some areas too. Regardless, you know I'm hella voting for him because wtf else am I gonna do? There's no choice in our political system so I'll do what I need to.

Cool, cool. Are we still supplying weapons to Israel? Give the weapons to Ukraine and tell Israel that's enough genocide for now.

6 more...

I'm glad you edited because this shit has formaldehyde, yikes. If you want straight hair, cool. But corporations need to stop selling shit that they know causes cancer and if the market is there I guarantee they can come up with something safer. And if not then I guess society is going to have to accept black women having curly hair. The horror...

1 more...

Saying that loans you took out are fake news and refusing to pay them is definitely one way to fix your finances, I guess, if you never want another loan again and don't want rich bankers to donate to you.

Thank goodness Biden is the only person who would be hurt. No biggie.

Wow, I haven't watched NHL in years (because, as you said, I can't). I had no idea it had gotten that bad.

5 more...

Oh no it's illegal to be homeless in Florida. Can't we put Rudy up in a nice prison somewhere to save him the trouble?

Idk I'm still using my Hotmail that I got in 1995 so...

10 more...

"This 1 hour old account seems like the perfect mod."

That's all fine and good but I want to point out so everyone can watch out for this - sometimes if you have a subscription and your card expires or gets lost/stolen and replaced, companies can somehow get your new card info without you giving it to them and keep your shit active. So you can't assume that a new card will take care of old subscriptions that you totally forgot about. You have to check your statements.

3 more...

Um, I wouldn't. I would quit and move to another country.

Same. I'm purchasing 2 small things and there's a line with the creepy incel cashier? Yep self checkout FTW. I have an entire cart full of stuff and the store doesn't even have a cashier? FML.

4 more...

It specifies quiet hours in my lease and this is outside those hours.

What we need is more rabbits. Make it so.

3 more...

It's not a coincidence that a batshit crazy person is spewing right wing insanity and not singing kumbaya with the lefties. Just saying.

Also, it totally proves that any instance that preemptively defederates from them is 100% in the right (for any people who honestly believe in a wait and see approach).

1 more...

The unwritten rule of unlimited PTO is like 2 weeks max but you're gonna get the side eye if you even take that much. It's just a scam because most people use less when it's 'unlimited' and because depending on local laws they may have to pay you out for it in the event of separation of employment if it's accrued.

6 more...

It'll be like outsourcing all over again. How many companies outsourced then walked back on it several years later and only hire in the US now? It could be really painful short term if that happens (if you consider severeal years to a decade short term).

10 more...

The reason I'm still here instead of there is that I absolutely can't use their official app. I just can't. It's so awful. Lemmy isn't perfect but at least it isn't that. So I do spend less time doom scrolling and that's probably good for me.

9 more...

Dear God they'll have this implemented within a week. Why did you do this?