15 Post – 615 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, it's a cycle. Social media fuels polarization, and polarization drives engagement, engagement fuels social media, which reinvests into fueling polarization and around it goes

Ride bikes, go on adventures in the woods, break sticks, throw rocks in a pond, read books and encyclopedia, talk about wild imaginary adventures, see what can be hit with a BB gun

I do. I post generated pictures in the community that is set aside for them. I post the ones I enjoyed, so I've already consumed the content.

Often times I'll add to the traffic of the site in comments.

Yep, did that

Not at all.

Like the Ami, but just enough bigger and faster to accommodate out of town commutes?

Hundreds of bullfrogs croaking the night away around a nearby pond. Now if I hear a bunch of frogs I get nostalgic.

Haha, I love how Josh finds ways to break games that are still in early access. Like, he's not actually playing the game, he's looking for an exploit or a way to break the framerate.

Sorry to hear about the way your house sounded at night growing up.

Seems like it's time to make an updated depiction

One person I know claimed to have run calculations, and found that the tire dust alone was putting out more pollution than the tires and tailpipe of the average gas car. Idk where they got their numbers or how that could work out, since the average gas car in America is a large truck.

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The CCTV trend on imageai. Different celebrities or fictional characters stealing from target is just funny for some reason

Lower power density, higher cycle life, safer. Sounds good for stationary power storage.

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Getting out of hand? They've been out of hand for a while.

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"We only use ten percent of our brains."

People genuinely believe this and never learned where it came from.

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Archeologist in 1000 years: "this glass has some interesting etching, must have had some religious significance.

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Fears? I'm excited that these jobs where people are treated like machines until they quit for sanity's sake are getting automated.

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If we're patient, we can see it play out a dozen times in YouTube videos without giving Reddit any traffic.

Edit: I am not patient.

From the way this post is written, I think you don't realize how vague your communication style is. Too many possible interpretations of what you said makes it hard to even follow the story you laid out.

Who emailed who about what?

How did someone resend an email that someone else sent?

Re-sending would mean the same coworker sent the email twice.

On rereading, I think you meant that one coworker sent an email to the client, then another coworker that you are having trouble with also sent the same email to the same client.

So, to answer your question, I think they arrive at a different conclusion because they see things differently. Anything that can be interpreted differently will be interpreted differently. The other co workers think they're giving this person set values when in fact they're handing them a set of variables and expecting only one result.

People driving while staring intently at their passenger for way too long.

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Putting all the best features behind a paywall, opening up ad space as well as sponsored song spots... Where have I seen this before?

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In my experience, get to know the person, as a person. I see the crush as a separate entity from myself. The crush sees them as some unrealistic ideal superhuman, which falls apart when I take time to find out who the actual person is.

This assumes you have opportunities to casually chat without planning time specifically, or you can be in a regular part of group conversations.

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Yeah, but they launched it just last year, right?

Cries in old

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Former employer Introduced a bonus system that reduced the amount of the bonus for everyone for each costly mistake. Each bonus check came with a slip of paper that named the department, the mistake, and the amount deducted.

Boss couldn't understand that attaching an arbitrary name, shame, and punishment scheme took away all of the bonus's power to make everyone happier.

As you plan on messing with her feed, I'd like to warn you that a sudden change in her recommendations could seem to her like the whole internet got censored and she can't see the truth anymore. She would be cut off from a sense of community and a sense of having special inside knowledge, and that may make things worse rather than better.

My non-proffessional prediction is that she would get bored with nothing to worry about and start actively seeking out bad news to worry over.

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Time to make a billion dollars on something else, then start up a car company designed to fail. No investors, design a car for a 60-70k buying price, few bells and whistles, but built to last indefinitely with basic maintenance. Start the company planning to practically close it down just after the last preorder customer has their car delivered and become a maintenance company with a few employees to make replacement parts and install them. If demand rises, redesign for the new times, ramp up and do it all again.

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If ambulances were able and allowed to push other vehicles out of the way, then there would be a chance that Americans would leave a corridor in traffic jams to keep from getting shoved aside.

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I'm still unclear on why this whole thing is so important that it's worth putting time and money into finding a solution for the color of word bubbles.

Edit: all this time I thought it was just an argument over bubble colors. But no, it's also potato quality videos and pictures ruining every group message with both Apple and Android in the mix.

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External hard drive big enough to hold more than the entire memory of the computer. Keep everything you find valuable at least, or better yet back up the entire computer on there and update it regularly. Leave it unplugged from the computer between updates.

In other words, an offline backup of everything on your main computer.

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Yes, the absolute basic required technology to make it road legal, physical switches and either physical gauges or a non-touch screen for gauges if that's cheaper.

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Far too many people drive 200% of a truck when they really only need 10% of a truck.

Not talking work trucks or weekend warrior trucks, but specifically trucks that have never seen more off road than the lawn, never hauled a load that took up the whole bed, never towed anything near their rating.

Far far too often, it's about keeping up with the neighbors truck.

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One more thing that makes Tesla hacking a profitable skill.

It seems "move fast and break stuff" includes breaking people

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Let me introduce you to lobbying, and also hiring some lawyers to argue in the company's favor.

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I fully expect that aftermarket buttons for dashboards will become a range of popular products, from things like this all the way up to a full dashboard replacement.

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It amazes me that "made more money" doesn't immediately sell this to every company across the world. But no, making people work longer hours to feel like the company is more productive is more important than making money and actually being more productive.

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Someone spent thousands of dollars? Or many users collectively spent thousands of dollars?

I'm not sure which is more believable.

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Is it the same person who runs awkwardtheturtle account?

Sorry to anyone who had their PTSD triggered by seeing that username

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Yeah, but I can leave the site alone and go on with my life. Sorry to anyone who is required to use either or both for work or whatever

Men cannot afford to go through the process of trial and error to learn to follow hints. The risks from misreading the situation are far too high.

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Time to make as many Lemmy references as possible on that canvas. Hidden, overt, just everywhere

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