Person dies after 2 driverless cars block ambulance on way to hospital to – 357 points –
Person dies after 2 driverless cars block ambulance on way to hospital

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If ambulances were able and allowed to push other vehicles out of the way, then there would be a chance that Americans would leave a corridor in traffic jams to keep from getting shoved aside.

Win win.

Definitely. Now that I think about it, a separate vehicle to do the shoving would save the patient from getting bumped around.

But then, there would need to be more ambulances following along to pick up people who get injured because all the imaginary cars getting shoved out of the way are occupied.

Fuck 'em. Let them die, and then we have less cars on the roads /j

People get out of the way for emergency vehicles where I'm from. I've seen what you're describing in NYC and I don't really like being grouped with them.

I think the person above is referring to the law in Germany (and maybe other EU countries?) where if traffic slows to a stop on a highway everyone pulls to the side (right lane to the right, left lane to the left) to leave a corridor down the center just in case an emergency vehicle comes. It's called Rettungsgasse.